
Monday 10 February 2020

Red Flowers Inloveart's Die card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Wow that was some Storm, Ciara did some damage, we could hear the trees creaking in the wind through the night, (our garden is surrounded by very mature trees), there were plenty of branches scattered around the garden and drive way this morning and throughout the day, the rain was incredible to watch, never seen that amount in such a short space of time, as I am writing this post (10.06pm Sunday evening) the wind is as strong as it has been all day, the draughts around the house have doors banging and rattling all over. Milo, Bella and Harley just don't know what to make of this weather, the cats refused to go out but kept coming back to 'ask' to go out, that went on pretty much all night, Harley barked at every strange noise, not the best night sleep.  I rang mum to check on her, she doesn't go outside anyway but was a bit worried, my sister had been to make sure everything was safe and secure.  Paul's parents had it quite rough in Brixham, I think they lost their Bird Bath and Bird table (the both got knocked over and broken), they are quite close the coast though so I guess it would be worse.

I hope that you all got through the rest of the day without any damage.

We didn't do very much, I decided that before I unpacked all my bags from Watford that I would move things around a little and have all my inks in one tower, I will take a photo in better light tomorrow to show you what I mean, the good thing now is that I have my Distress Inks, then Oxides and then all of my SU inks, so I can see at a glance what colours I have and what will go with what. I sorted a couple of other areas too.  I didn't get down to making today's card until after I put the roast beef in the Aga at 5.30pm!  With all the fiddling and faffing and cutting three layers for every flower, I then cut the border that I made the flowers with into my card background (not that you can see it ).
I quite like how it turned out, it's quite bright and cheerful and shows that you can do more than just make a border with that die.
The colours I used for the card are Real Red, Old Olive, Black and white.  I apologise for using that same sentiment stamp, it just seems to work for everything I make at the moment. (It's from HoneyDoo).

I hope that all has calmed a little where you are and you have a quiet and relaxed day and I hope our working girls (Karen and Michele) have a good day at work.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is absolutely stunning, it’s so lovely.

    The storm is just as bad here with winds of over 60mph! Lots of damaged fence panels in neighbouring gardens. I’ve been too scared to check my greenhouse and as the weather is forecast to be as bad today & tomorrow I think I’ll wait. The far end of the garden is considerably higher so the greenhouse is quite exposed. I’m just hoping there not too much damage to it as picking up all the broken glass isn’t easy.

    Can’t believe it’s Monday already-busy week ahead(Aren’t they all)?!


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-lovelove your card for today.

    Well we were truly battered yesterday-fortunately no damage-and we're still in the gales/rain belt here this morning.Thank goodness though the wind is just 'normal'gale force.
    It's years since we had such strength of wind.I hope everyone hasn't suffered too much damage.

    I have one or two bday cards to finish and make a start on my CC for this week today. Well that's the plan lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in.There's a lovely Choc cake just asking to be eaten too.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Morning ladies.
    A beautiful card Sandra ,love it.
    Hoping too that our working ladies are taking care going to and fro work. The wind was awful and scary at times so understand how your cats and dogs might felt. Hopefully it is over around us but the garden do look a real mess and a plaque I had hanging broke but I really hope your trees and greenhouses are standing.
    Seeing a friend for coffee so best get a wiggle on.
    Sending hugs to you all and hope your day is good, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today Sandra.
    What a storm we had yesterday all around the country as well. My neighbour was telling me how awful it was up Sheffield way Janet. They’d gone up to visit their daughter at Sheffield University. Our lights kept flicking on and off last night but at least we didn’t have a power cut. We’ve had torrential rain again this morning but they’ve stopped at the moment and it looks quite bright.
    Stay safe ladies and especially those that have to go to work.
    I’ve been sat at the dining table doing another piece of groovi the same as I did on Saturday. Well not quite the same as I’ve hopefully not made any mistakes this time.

  5. I’m sat doing some groovi work and I have the snooker on coming from Wales. You can hear the rain on the roof of the venue and it sounds horrendous.

  6. Beautiful card SANDRA
    Luckily we didn’t have too higher winds It knocked over a bin and this morning a road on the way to work was still closed from last night because of a fallen tree and accident
    Had a brilliant day yesterday The meal was good (don’t we panic when we’re cooking for other people) Well I had clean plates! And Oscar was highly entertaining
    Take care all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I don’t know what happened earlier I looked in and there wasn’t a comment box, I have now returned and thank goodness it’s there, Think the gremlins are doing their thing again.

    What a beautiful card you have created Sandra I’m sure this is going to go down well with In Love Arts.

    Karen, great everyone enjoyed your meal yesterday, I always feel a sense of relief when you see empty plates going back to the kitchen. I’m sure Oscar enjoyed all the attention, you don’t need entertainment when you have young children around, they are so fascinating, with their chatter and actions.

    I’ll go and see if OH would like a cuppa, he doing some sorting out in his man cave.

    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  8. Lovely card Sandra! Glad everyone survived the storm - we got away very lightly, one or two trees down in nearby villages but nothing closer to home thankfully! We have two very large Sycamore trees which border the churchyard just yards from our front door but they stood firm.
    Our two daughters in West Yorkshire didn't fare as well but they stayed safe which is all that matters.
    Said yesterday I was going to play with Brushos - did some backgrounds but only a couple of keepers sadly, will have a play again later this week.
    Take care all. x
