
Monday 17 February 2020

Neutral flowers

Good Morning Ladies,

What a wet and windy weekend, I can honestly say that the winds were way worse for us this weekend than they were last, the flooding too, the Thames has reached an all time high, I can't think what use those fields will be to the farmer as they have been permanently under water for months.
The journey to Stevenage wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, thankfully.  Just as we parked up the heavens opened and it poured like you would never  believe, torrential doesn't even cover it, we had to walk about 5 mins from car park but boy were we soaked!  My coat is still wet through today, it's currently hanging on the Aga to dry out.

The show was lovely, small but lovely, it had all that we needed, it's a proper stampers show, with lots of stamps, different Brands too which is lovely to see.  I think we all get bored of seeing the same stamps, it makes it so much harder to choose one or two!

Today's card is the result of a little 'play' session on Saturday afternoon, I was trying out the stamps that I got free on my latest Creative Stamper Magazine, there are some lovely individual stamps and some lovely little arrangements too.  I decided to try a technique that was in the magazine, so I followed the instructions.
I stamped the first flower in White ink onto the bottom corner of a piece of Kraft card, I stamped onto a post it note and created a mask, then masked off the flower and stamped the foliage, I repeated this on both sides. I also added one in the opposite corner (at the top ), we need to add some colour to our flowers and foliage, which would be tricky on craft card, so I took some White Matt paint and added some to the flowers and leaves and left it a few seconds to dry.
I then used my colour pencils to add some colour to the flowers and leaves, now that they are white from the paint the colour really stands out.  I wanted to use 'Neutral' tones to go along with this weeks TicTacToe Challenge .  
I used Categories : Masking/ Flowers/Neutrals.

Today will be a slow and steady day as I have very sore legs etc, it was well worth the added pain though! xx

Enjoy your day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, really lovely. Glad you enjoy the show.

    The winds were horrendous here yesterday & seemed to get worse last night. The storm is still raging this morning & I notice the forecast shows it’s staying windy until tomorrow evening!

    Can’t believe it’s Monday already-another fun filled week ahead I’m sure.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Well everything is back to 'normal'here weather wise.That is torrential rain and raging winds. When is it going to stop.

    I have a quiet morning here as Jim is on duty so I'm hoping to get a start on my CC.We'll see what happens.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to come in out of the cold/rain/wind for a while.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA and a great tip about painting the foliage in white first before colouring
    I had a lovely day at Stamperama yesterday This show is one of my favourites as it is smaller, great stalls and well spaced out My friends did Sandown and said d how crowded it was on the Saturday So much so that a 2 minute walk across the hall took them 10 minutes of pushing and shoving I love being able to see things in real life and watch the demonstrators They’re always so friendly and helpful
    Like MICHELE It’s Monday and another fun filled week ahead
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Pretty card Sandra. Hope to make something today, also have some x-mas cards to make for the other challenge I follow.
    The wind has gone but the rain will come back later and it's very cold so if you go out today do wrap up warm and stay safe. I'll be in for have some special delivery and a pick up but not sure when so have to stay around.
    Karen and Michele- hope work is not to bad, take care.
    Many warm hugs for you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hello All, like you , we have had horrendous weather, hope you are all safe with no damages, we only had greenhouse panels and shed door blown out so we were lucky.
    Sorry not been around past couple of days, no excuse, just the hours fly by, and to be honest I only remember last thing and it’s always very late ie after midnight.

    Lovely cards over the last few days, all very creative.

    Dentist again today, so must get a move on, hugs to all, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, we went to our daughter’s straight after breakfast, the rain was very heavy, John just drove at a steady safe speed, the M25 was the worst part, people speeding even in those conditions, at one point a vehicle went past so fast and at the same time must have gone through a big puddle, the spray on our car was so bad you couldn’t see out of the front window. It’s easy to appreciate how accidents happen on our roads, yet the people who cause them are totally oblivious.
    Anyway we got there safe and sound. The return journey was much better, we were home in just under an hour and a half.
    Loved all of yesterday’s cards, all so very different, thank you Karen for suggesting this challenge.
    The Stevenage show sounds great. What a shame you had a soaking on your way from the car park. Did you get any interesting goodies?
    Today’s inspirational card is lovely. Love how you have put the sentiment onto vellum.
    Better get a wiggle on, if I sit here much longer I will nod off, in the daytime I nod off almost ever time I sit in a comfy chair. My answer to that is keep moving.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    The rain has just stopped for a little while hopefully
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous. Glad you all had a good day at craft show shame you all got soaked & walking round in wet clothes.
    I had phiseo this morning
    I have the start of a cold coming
    On can't stop coughing.
    Some lovely crafts on Saturday
    KAREN love your little caricatures.
    We im having a coughing fit.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card Sandra.
    It’s lovely to see Lynda today. Take care Lynda.
    I’m glad you had a nice time at the Stamparama show yesterday. I of course was travelling up to Colchester. I couldn’t believe how fast some some cars were going along the M25 though. Where I could do 60mph on the inside lane. Some were going past me as if I was standing still. Absolute madness. Had a lovely day today and he’d lunch at the Pier Hotel looking out to see. It’s been a lovely and bright day although quite windy. Helen Jill DIL found out they’re having a girl yesterday. She’s now on a buying spree.
