
Friday 24 January 2020

Your Next Challenge.....

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, I know that I am, this week seems to have been really long.

I had a lovely, therapeutic afternoon yesterday, I sat with my feet up in the lounge colouring the stamped image on the first of the cards above, I think it is one of the most relaxing of all the craft techniques, you can just switch off, I did have Craft TV on in the background but I have found that the presenters seem to irritate me of late so I just ended up switching it off! I wish they would just let the Crafters Craft, I know that they have to sell but we don't need the constant stock updates!  (Rant Over) !

Next Week's Challenge

For your next Challenge I would like you to take One Stamp/Die set and make two completely different cards from it.
Just like I have done above, the first card I stamped the image and coloured it with pencils then I matted it onto card that was similar colours to the flowers on the card.  I was really pleased with how this card turned out, so bright and cheerful.  
The second card was made by stamping the image with Versamark (clear) ink and adding white embossing powder and heat setting.

TIP:  When heating Embossing powder on vellum you must heat only until the powder melts, don't be tempted to do another pass for luck! If you overheat the powder it can crack off!

To finish the second card I mounted the stamped vellum onto a piece of deep pink (Lovely Lipstick) card using little white brads, I added some matching ribbon with a tag with the greeting stamped on it, I popped it onto a white card base and added a bow for finish!.

I can't wait to see what you all come up with for your 1 stamp/Die 2 Ways Challenge.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two really lovely cards & a fantastic challenge for us next week. This one has really got me thinking!!!

    Hurrah-there’s no fog today! It’s been thick fog for the last 3 days. It’s definitely been a long sella’s hubby has been away-he was home yesterday. Hopefully he’ll be at home all next week as I’ve got a date for my gynae procedure -it’s next Tuesday and as it’s under general anaesthetic you need to have someone at home.


    1. I hope the op goes ok MICHELE- gentle hugs

    2. I hope your op goes well Michele. Fingers crossed Phil will be at home to pick you up.

  2. Two stunning cards and a great challenge
    At the moment stamping and embossing are not getting along very well as you’ll see on one of my cc on Sunday Not sure if it’s the ink, the stamps or the card I’ll keep practicing
    Out dancing tonight Hopefully it’ll cheer me up after a long week of going around in circles at work I’ve really felt like a headless chicken this week
    Take care all I need to get ready for work Thank goodness it’s Friday

    1. Enjoy your dancing Karen. Sounds like your week hasn’t been to good. Fingers crossed next week is better.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Two gorgeous cards to inspire us for this great challenge. It will certainly get my grey cells ticking over. All of your background cards are beautiful this week each one so different. I hope you have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Another week has flown by hasn’t it! We are at Mum and Pops today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hello All, I think I sorted my comments trouble, I found that if I clear history for the day, I can comment under my name.

    Sandra great idea for next week, certainly get the little grey cells working. Your cards are lovely, both so different.

    Have decided to get rid of a load of my craft stuff, four die cutters, two cricut machine , explore and maker, plus loads of stamps and papers, going to try gum tree.

    Just come home from Spec savers , have to have two new pairs of glasses, another big bill. Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your manage to sell your surplus craft stuff. I hope your getting straight after the decorating.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What an inspiring challenge for next week, can’t wait to see everyone’s take on this one.
    I had to smile to myself Sandra when you said it had seemed to be a long week, you have been busy all week. Now I have had a very quiet week, no appointments or coffee/lunch days ( well a telephone appointment this afternoon with physio ) but my week has just flown by.

    SUE Hope Margaret and Pops are both OK and as well as can be expected. BIG Hugs on the way for you all xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS Sandra I forgot to say your cards are lovely. xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Two gorgeous cards, same but so different. Fun idea for next week's cc.
    Pat- I would have the same problem Lol, not sure how old my phone is but it works. Only problem is I can't put any Apps that everyone want you to use.
    Brenda- you so good making all that baking. Your house must have smelt so good.
    Lilian- hope you happy with the newly painted rooms and you soon have got the craft room up and running again. Expansive with new glasses but they are a must unfortunately. Went out this morning without mine and it was no fun trying to see dates and prices on the food we bought :/
    Karen- have fun going out dancing. Hope to see you soon.
    Sue- have a nice time with Mum and Pop. big hugs to you all.
    Lynda- hope you ok and the pain after the op is easing and you soon can walk better. Big hugs for you and CU x
    Cheryl- hope your days are fine. Did your new book to read any better or is it not your style ?
    Val- missing you. Sending hugs.
    Have done some swearword this afternoon and made cc so going to send them now to Sandra and then it's time to make dinner. Have a nice evening everyone and stay warm, it's so raw outside, I hate it so will stay in and watch tv tonight.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards today Sandra.
    Still damp and misty today. I’ll be glad when it gets a bit warmer.
    Went to visit Doreen as usual. We didn’t go out as she wanted to watch the bowls. I was ok with that as I like to watch them as well. Both matches went to tie breaks which we both enjoyed
    Hopefully we can meet up soon.
