
Tuesday 28 January 2020

My Second Card with Serene Silhouette

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we didn't really get your sunshine Maria, we had cloud most of the day  followed by rain and then it was dark! 
Although I didn't see much of the weather as I was head down in my Craft room, had another mini-declutter, I found a whole box of card bits and 'Phd's', that I went through and binned most of, moved a few things around to try and make more room on my desk.  I just haven't found the 'perfect' lay out yet and it's frustrating me, I have to say though that when you get busy sorting through things the time just flies by.

For my second 'Serene Silhouette' card I used some Distress Oxides to create a background Sunset kind of thing, I started by taking a piece of super smooth card and starting at the top I blended Fossilized Amber Distress Oxide, (I had placed a post it note circle mask for the moon), I then switched to Tumbled Glass for the main area of the water, I added a little Mermaid Lagoon on the horizon line for a bit of depth, at the bottom of the piece I added some Crushed Olive green to create a bank for the tree. 
I removed my Moon mask and spritzed the end of my yellow brush with water and gently dragged it across the piece, this gives the look of the clouds going over the sun, I did the same with the blue to give the water some movement. 
I then stamped my Silhouette Tree in  Versafine Onyx Black, and added some birds flying off into the distance, I finished by adding the sentiment.
Quite a simple card but I think it works.

Michele you will be in our thoughts today, I hope that you are first on the list my lovely XXX

I hope that you all have an enjoyable day,

Love and hugs to all of you ,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a difference a little colour makes.I love both cards.

    MICHELE-good luck for today.We're all with you.

    Well we had torrential rain for most of the day and I just couldn't get warm.
    It's still raining this morning too and I've got K&N this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and ewaiting for anyone to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, have a fun time with the other K&N ladies. Keep warm and hot drinks, see you later for a chat
      (one day...)xx

    2. Enjoy you K & N today and keep warm & safe.

  2. I hope today goes OK MICHELE xxx
    Stunning card SANDRA I love both, the simplicity of the first one and the beautiful background you have created with DO
    Dancing was good last night in that quite a few people came to wish daughter well in her new venture and tonight will be her last one for a while too
    We had a new Vax carpet washer delivered yesterday So I will be having a play with that this afternoon After having used a rental and not realising it was dodgy/broken I am hoping it will liven up the carpet at least but hope it really cleans the well used areas
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen. Wish you luck using the new machine, hope the carpets coming up as new. Good luck also for daughter. Have a good day xx

    2. Good luck to your daughter in here new venture. I hope the vax cleaner does the job.

  3. Hi everyone.
    Michele- hope you ok and just rest when back home, hugs.
    Fabulous second card Sandra, love the colours together.I haven't started yet and this morning we are going to town. Another sunny morning but sure the rain comes this afternoon.
    Have a nice day and wrap up warm. Hugs to you all extras for you who need some. Maria xxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Very heavy hailstone dump here at 4am.There were almost gone before I got up with a few left on the decking with other areas around Cannington worse. Good job my car is still in the garage.

    Lovely card again Sandra. At times simple looking cards can appear very atmospheric with smoky/misty backgrounds.

    Not much doing today except more decluttering. I have already filled one large charity carrier bag with clothes. Finding the oddest of items (eg photos letters etc.) that I thought I had lost in weird places. Memories come seeping out my eyes to wetten my cheeks when I get lost in them remembering those days. Hmm.

    Hope your weather is good wherever you are. We have a blanket of white clouds which I suspect might be snow on it's way. Maybe it is what we should have had at the weekend as the temperature has dropped sharply from the weekend. Good job I am stocked up with groceries in the freezer.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I’m also going through seeing what can go the the charity shop & the collection that they have at Karen’s preschool that aren’t good enough for the charity shop. Fingers crossed you don’t have snow. I know they have it in Scotland. Like you I keep the freezer stocked up.

    2. Hi Pat, from one extreme to the others, clouds have fluttered past and brilliant sunshine now, still quite cold outside, good job I don't need to go anywhere today. x

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today Sandra. I must say I only use my inks now to do backgrounds for my groovi work. I have one pad from clarity. If I can’t make my own background then I’ll use one of there’s. when I get down to 2 of a design left I’ll photo copy them. I wish they’d do them in smaller packs as well. I usually do a 6 x 6 cards and they only do 8 x 8 packs. I think they’ve started to do 5 x 7 but that’s no good for my size.
    A sunny day here today but very windy. But it’s supposed to rain later, let’s hope not.
    Michele I hope they don’t keep you waiting too long for your procedure.
    I remember when I had my second hip done. I had to be the other side of Oxford for 7.00am (a feat it itself at that time ). I was last on the list they told me so went down at 2.30. A long time to be sat doing nothing, good job I took a book to read.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, what a stunning scene you have created, I can imagine myself sitting daydreaming looking out across the water, it’s so calm and relaxing xx

    Sorry some of you are having so much rain. Yesterday started sunny and bright but by mid morning it started to rain just a fine drizzle at first then the heavens opened, it continued to remain for the rest of the day. Today has started with beautiful sunshine, it’s still warm and sunny, hope it lasts.

    Michele hope everything went well and you are allowed home later. xx

    Ladies- Whatever you are doing today enjoy. Love Brenda xxx

  7. Well your certainly managing better than me to clear your desk. I just seem to be forever pushing things to one side to make room. Meanwhile the post it notes full of ideas and videos to watch keep on mounting up too. Love your beautifully created scenic card. Hugs Mrs A.
