
Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to wish each and every one of you, my Very Dear Friends the very Happiest New Year.

I hope and pray that those of you that are struggling make major improvements in this new year.

I look forward to spending every day of the next year inspiring you to get go to your Craft Space and create, I would like to Challenge you all to try something New, we did one or two new things this year and you all conquered those. 

Michele your resolution on this day last year was to be more adventurous in your crafting, well you can tick that one off, you started stamping at your Card-io classes and you are trying Needlecraft in the New Year! Well done you xxx

If there are any features you would like to see or techniques,  please let me know, any ideas you can give will help me out.

Are you all up for continuing our weekly Challenge?? 

Thank you to all of you for making our lovely Blog what it is, it is truly a pleasure for me to write, knowing that atleast one of you may get a little help and support from it.
I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful Blog Family.

Happy New Year Ladies,

Love and huge hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope 2020 is a better year for all; giving everyone a peaceful and healthy year.

    We had a quiet evening here that is until midnight when all the fireworks started. We were woken up with them fortunately they didn't last too long and we managed to get to sleep again.

    I would love to continue with the Challenges SANDRA.

    The cAFE is OPEN and ready to welcome any new crafters who would like to pop in for a look at this wonderful blog and sit awhile with cuppa in hand.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy New Year everyone.

    We stayed up til midnight mainly because of the amount of fireworks going off& it’s was noisy as expected! We watched a film and had a couple of drinks (Snowball) then I opened some crisps...disaster as I managed to crack a tooth and a large chunk has broken off. It’s not painful but it’s very sharp! Luckily my Sciatica has eased to a slight pain . Looks like I’ll be phoning the Dentist first thing tomorrow!

    My 2020 Crafty Resolutions are
    Buy less & use more stash up.
    Try different techniques.
    Once my craft room is “less full “ then I’d like to reorganise it so it looks less messy.

    That’s all I’m prepared to admit to online....ha ha

    We have a nice bright day here in Southport so I think I’m going to risk going for a walk, maybe down to the beach.


    1. Me again-meant to say I’d love the challenges to continue. Perhaps we could all take it in turns (one person a month) to be a guest challenger?


  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and look forward to a better 2020
    The Salsa function we went to was great Lots of “old friends” and I was surprised at how many had dressed up, mainly the ladies but there were a few “peaky blinders”
    I think my resolutions are the same as MICHELE’s especially the stop buying “stuff” and just buy consumables!
    I’m up for still doing the challenges I’d like to think that I will try and enter each week even if it’s a (dare I say it) Christmas card I would have been even more behind without the challenges
    I hope that 2020 is a brighter one in every way for everyone
    Take care all xxx

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR Sandra and all of my dear blog friends. May 2020 be a happy and healthy/healthier one for you and your loved ones.
    My New Years wishes are to start finish and actually send my challenge each week! I need to have a proper sort out as many of my boxes are mixed up and I also must pass on lots of things that I know I will never use!
    Coming up with 51 challenges is not an easy task for anyone. That is a challenge in its self I think and you do a great job of it each week. Maybe we could all send you 5 or 6 challenge ideas so that you have some “ to spare” when your challenge mojo is missing? I hope you have a lovely day before the usual merry go round of life starts again tomorrow for most.
    Maria, I hope you are still asleep now as I notice you were still in the cafe at home 5am this morning x
    We watched a film then I was in bed by 10.30 last night. Didn’t hear any fireworks, except two that went off about 7pm, which makes a lovely change for all that don’t like them especially the animals.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Happy New Year to all my lovely ladies who I have had the pleasure of 'chatting' to over the last 10 years.

    I am off to the Spirit for our annual New Year's Day Village Football Match in a moment.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Happy New Year to Sandra & all the lovely friends I have made through the blog, may those of you suffering please may you see improvement.
    Long may the challenges continue I know I do not do any at the moment but hope to once I get tablets sorted.
    Sending hugs to all love

  7. Hi everyone and once again a Very Happy and Healthier New Year to you all !
    My challenge to myself this year is to make at least a card a week Lol no really the challenges you give us are great. I'd like to try to use my dies and stamps more so perhaps some challenges for just one colour,shapes and lay outs. I'm happy with anything you are coming up with Sandra.
    Yes Sue as you saw I didn't get much sleep last night and still was up at 9 am. We did have a walk, not too cold but do looking forward to our holiday in 10 days time.
    Sending many,many hugs to you all and wishing you a nice day, Maria xxx

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends here on Sandra’s blog. I hope that those of you are still feeling unwell feel better soon.
    I must say we didn’t hear any fireworks last night. I know the 6 dogs who were with us didn’t bark anyway. Karen’s 5 & Amy’s 1. But it might just have been that everyone was playing some very noisy games. Amy had blow up beds everywhere when we went to bed. Good job she had them, as quite a few besides us slept over. I was lucky and had a double bed to myself.
