
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Michele's Cute Christmas Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Cheryl I was so sorry to read your sad news yesterday, there is no 'good' time to lose a loved one but at this time of the year it seems so much worse, my heart goes out to your Nephew and his daughters, so heartbreaking for you too, sending hugs xxx

Lynda had more frustrating news yesterday, she was preparing to go home having heard nothing from the Consultant since Friday when he told her she was going to go to theatre to have her wound re- stitched, Lynda chased the nurses about it both days but they had no clue and told Lynda that they would re-dress her wound today ready for her to go home.  So Lynda sat positively thinking she was off home today, she did mention to the Nurse that her wound was particularly sore today, so the nurse prepared to redress it, when she took of the dressing Lynda said there was a lot of blood, which there shouldn't be at this stage, infact it should be starting to heal nicely.  The nurse said that Lynda had a Heamotoma under the wound which is the reason it hasn't healed, she obviously called the Consultant who said that they would go ahead with re-stitching her wound, hopefully before FRIDAY, after seeing it for himself he changed the date to today.!!  I think that this is an absolute disgrace, their lack of duty of care is both making Lynda's suffering prolonged and increasing her frustration and low mood.  Lynda if I were you I would be getting Darren or Lisa to complain on your behalf, this should have been dealt with on Saturday or as soon as the consultant knew there was a problem, he said himself that they needed to be really careful to prevent infection in the joint.  I hope they get you sorted today my lovely and can plan when you will be going home. Sending huge hugs xxxx

Today's super cute cards are Our Michele's most recent makes, she had been using up some old papers and toppers to make some amazing Christmas cards.  Michele I wish I could 'batch make ' cards like you do, what a great stash booster.
The cute puppy cards are so lovely, I love how you have embellished them with everything from pretty polka dot ribbon to gorgeous die cut borders.
The Penguin cards are just so adorable, you can't help but smile when you look at them, these ones would be great 'masculine' cards too.
Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas card batch making with us, I am pretty sure that we all have toppers and papers stashed away somewhere so we could also get a batch of cards done at once.  Thanks for inspiring us my lovely.  xxxx

Sophie's GP appointment was Ok, a little frustrating as results were 'inconclusive', they couldn't see anything on the Xray. the GP has referred Soph to a Rheumatology Consultant and for Physiotherapy so hopefully we will get some answers from that.  I think Soph was a little disappointed to have no answer and no end to the pain in sight bless her.

Pat came over, which is going to confuse me for the next couple of days, as I will think that today is Wednesday!  I made some lovely Leek and Potato soup for lunch and we got straight down to a bumper Groovi session, pausing mid afternoon for tea and a chocolate muffin. Such a lovely start to the week, I hope all goes well and the Dentist tomorrow Pat xxxx

That's all for today ladies from a very wet and windy Wiltshire,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my cards. The papers from Making Cards magazine are such good quality that it really easy to use them , I don’t always like the style but have decided start using them up!

    Busy day yesterday at work-we have 5 new patients this week booked in for treatments. The rest of the weeks busy too.

    Quick visit to my Dads tonight on my way home as I need to drop a few things off to him then I’m going to sit & read all evening. I spent yesterday evening writing all the Christmas cards which I don’t actually enjoy doing.


  2. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele some lovey cards.
    Sandra it is a shame they could not see anything on Sophie's xray lets hope the clinic will do
    Cheryl how sad news your was, condolences to you
    Lynda so sorry they messing you around, I am with Sandra something needs to be said. Hugs to
    How is your shoulder Brenda hope it is improvin, hugs to
    Sending hugs to all love

  3. Lovely cards MICHELE I have a few magazines with papers in and don’t think I’ve ever used them
    OH CHERYL I am sending a hug How sad Terrible thing to happen and especially at this time of year
    How disappointing for SOPHIE Hopefully the rheumatology clinic will help
    How’s the shoulder BRENDA
    So disappointing for you LYNDA and I agree it should have been dealt with a lot sooner Definitely need to contact PALS Such a waste not only for you but all that money on an NHS bed!
    Off to get a nail repaired and Salsa tonight I hope to do a little crafting in between
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi ladies.
    Love all the cards Michele,some nice toppers. Hope your dad is alright. Sad for more patients, never ends.
    Sending hugs to Cheryl and family.
    Lynda, hope you get help ans are soon home.
    Sue, hope no more migraine now for this year. Everything crossed.
    Disappointing for Sophie they didn't see anything. Have she tried Wax bath ? You can buy home kits. I'm thinking of it myself for the pain in my hands. It might help a bit.
    I hope you all have a good day but if going out ,make sure to wrap up warm, we got 8c but feel like 3c with the wind and rain. It's horrid but managed to get to the post office, Lidl and Dobbies so now going have some lunch and watch some Tv before thinking of cc. Many warm hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Yesterday’s C and S card is beautiful, perfect for batch making. So sorry Soph didn’t eat any answers, the not knowing is usually worse than having a definite diagnosis isn’t it so I hope the RA consult will be able to help her. Give her a hug from me please.
    Today’s cards are great Michele I think I have the penguin ones so should try and dig them after the new year out to make a start on next years!!!
    Lynda, so sorry to hear that you are still sat in hospital. Sending you and Terry the biggest hugs and I have everything crossed that you finally get sorted today. As Sandra has already said you must get Darren or Sam to complain to PALS at least. They will be able to find the PALS details from various places around the hospital or on their website as it really is disgusting that you have been allowed to get to this state AFTER being seen by the consultant! Xx
    Cheryl, sending my deepest sympathy to your nephew and all of your family. So sad at anytime but somehow even worse at this time of year. Sending you gentle hugs x
    I am making more cards this afternoon/ evening, without interruption I hope.
    It is wild, wet and windy here too!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx
