
Friday 6 December 2019

A simple Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, I know I certainly am! Not that we have much planned, it's just nice not to be home alone!

Now I really struggled for ideas for this weeks challenge, I think we have covered most of the different topics recently and I think that most of you have probably finished your Christmas cards so I didn't want to choose that option again. 
So I decided to go with ''Keep it Simple'', now it just so happens that all of my examples feature Snowflakes! Yours can feature absolutely anything, they certainly don't need to be Christmas, you can choose whatever theme or occasion that you like.  
All you have to do is Keep the Design simple, so just use:
Single embellishments OR 
Simply an embossing folder with a sentiment.
Single Colour
Simple Pattern
As long as you think it's simple then thats fine with me!
It's entirely up to you, just have fun with it xxx

Good news from Lynda, providing her wound is better she should be home for the weekend, so everybody cross their fingers and toes for her, I think she will come on leaps and bounds once at home, she said that she is desperate to get into her craft room which I think we can all understand.
We are all channeling healing wishes for you Lynda, I can't wait to hear you say ''I'm Home'' xxx

Have a lovely weekend Sweet Friends,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-three great cards fir next weeks challenge & a really great challenge too.

    My friend stayed until 9:40 which was nice aswe chatted about everything,. I need to do the shopping tonight (hate going on Friday evenings) but I just didn’t feel up to it on Wednesday. Luckily we don’t need much do it should be a quick trip.

    Like Sandra-I’m glad it’s Friday & looking forward to the weekend.

    Lynda-fingers crossed that you can go home this weekend, that would be lovely.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful less is more cards this morning SANDRA.

    LYNDA-I have everything crossed that you will be home this weekend.Please behave once you are

    I cannot believe that it's that 'swear'word day again.I'm just falling behind with all the jobs needed to be done.Hoping I'll be better after the weekend.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and wiating for you all.
    HUGS are on their ay to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely challenge this week, enjoy your
    Lynda fingers crossed you get home, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Hi everyone.
    I hope all who are not 100% do feel better soon and as it is the weekend it will help.
    Great news Lynda, hope you come home today.
    3 lovely cards Sandra for next week cc. I have not been able yet to make one for this weeks because I'm well behind with the x-mas cards so will have to see if any time left tomorrow. Yesterdays card is lovely too. I do like the Green,Red,Gold/Silver and Blue.
    Going out for x-mas lunch today with the fibromyalgia group here in MK. It is at Dobbies so not far to go but OH takes me in the car for it is pretty wet and muddy under the A5.
    It's raw outside and the cold goes into the bones so wrap up warm if going out. Have a nice day. Big hugs ,Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Three lovely cards today Sandra.
    The trouble with weekends coming around is that it’s another week gone by. I’ve managed today to take a large box of cups & glasses to the charity shop. I had two but couldn’t lift the other one up. So I’ll need to put some in another box to take. I have 2 bags of old clothes waiting for Karen to pick them up for the pre school where she works. I’ve also got a large parcel for next door which I’m waiting for them to knock for. It’s a bike I suppose for Christmas. So my porch is getting crowded. Wet here today.
    I’m glad to hear that hopefully Lynda should be home for the weekend.
    So take care everyone if it’s still icy where you live.

  6. Lovely cards SANDRA and a great challenge for next week (sorry I wasn’t much help yesterday)
    Such good news LYNDA Take care
    Nothing much planned today I really need to get on with the ironing but am going to have a nap first
    Take care all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your cards today Sandra, all very CAS, a style I really like. Thank you for your inspiration. xxx Hope you have a lovely weekend with Paul and all the family around.

    LYNDA hope you have been given the all clear to go home, I’m sure Terry will be delighted to have you home safe and sound. xx

    Had to go for INR blood test this morning, the appointment was brought forward because I’m having a steroid injection in my left shoulder next Thursday, apparently the injection can affect your INR so I’ve been told to have extra vitamin K for a couple of days after, extra broccoli, green salad etc yum,yum, yum. I’m seriously excited. Then I will need another blood test a week later. I’m praying this injection works and I will have a bit more movement and less pain...... or am I expecting to much.

    MARIA hope you enjoyed your lunch. xx

    Sending caring hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, rain again, but not so cold, although tired of the rain, glad to be warmer.

    Sandra lovely cards, and good idea for next weeks challenge.

    Hope to have a go at this weeks tomorrow, just need find my desk, bought a new unit to hold really useful boxes. Bought from storage 4 crafts, no instructions and much smaller than I thought. Teach me to measure before ordering.

    Good news Lynda, hope you are home, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Back to my craft room, wish I had less stuff. Hugs to all Lilian
