
Saturday 9 November 2019

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Oh Janet I was so shocked by the photographs and news about the flood waters around your area, Danielle shared some photo's of the local trading estates that have 'The Works' etc on them, the roads looked like rivers, I had heard that someone had lost the life too, how horrific.  I am guessing the amount of Rain just took the forecasters by surprise, although I know that they have Flood Warnings in place that show 'Danger to Life''  I am guessing you will be staying home this weekend my lovely, sending hugs xxx

Our First card today (above)..Is one of Karen's, just look at the shine on the Owl's wings!  
I love that beautiful floral background that Karen has created. 
I will add Karen's description below:

''Here’s a card I finished today for a colleague moving to a different team
She loves owls All done on Serif
Owl triple embossed and decoupaged Sentiment mixed including Paper Boutique and Tim Holtz''

Emma will love this card Karen, those Embossed wings look incredible and so effective!
Thank you so much for sharing it with us. XXX

Cassidy's First Christmas Cards
Danielle's Daughter Cassidy has started to enjoy making cards and crafting just like Karlie, just look at these absolutely amazing Christmas cards that she has made for her friends, she coloured the Reindeer and Santa with Gel Pens, the colouring is amazing too.
Thank you so much Cassidy for letting me share your cards on my Blog, I hope you make lots more, we look forward to seeing them on here soon XXX


Pat shared these pictures of some of her Christmas cards a few weeks ago, I haven't gotten round to sharing them all yet.
Here are two of the stunning Christmas cards, I think that these cards were made with some of the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'' plate set.
The first card has a stunning border that Pat has highlighted with colouring pencils, the Shoe is beautifully coloured too.  One thing that is easy to overlook is Pat's incredible skill, getting the text straight on any card is tricky but on a Groovi card you are writing it back to front as well as having to get the verse centred.  I love the deep red of your background too Pat.

Pat's second card features Santa's Sleigh, packed full of toys, Pat has used a frame around this card, that really draws your eye in, again the Sleigh and gifts are coloured beautifully in bright colours that really stand out.

Thank you so much Pat for sharing your amazing Groovi cards with us. XXX

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies, 

Double feature this week-first up is Simply Cards & Papercraft which has a really lovely gift this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift.

Second feature using the free gift (part one)

Part two.

This article below shows how you can make a gift card look fantastic.

Great article on Eclipse Cards.

Next magazine to be reviewed is Papercraft Inspirations which has a lovely Decoupage Cardmaking kit free this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

Just look at the lovely cards you can make using the free gift.

10 fantastic ideas using “scrabble “ tiles. Did you know you can get Dies that cut out scrabble tiles???

Part two.

That’s all for this week so Happy Crafting.

Love Michele.

Thank you so much Michele for another 'bumper' Magazine Review, once again there are some great free gifts, I mean who doesn't need a Tag die?! 
The Techniques featured are great too, perfect for if you need a mojo boost.
Thank you for another in depth review! 

Michele's Bargain Buy

Michele managed to bag herself a great bargain on the 'Craft Destash' FB group, all 4 sets for £11
back in the day, when Sue Wilson used to sell Spellbinders on Create and Craft a set of 4 would cost around £100 !!
I know because I bought several sets!
I can't wait to see what you make with them Michele, you have some lovely shapes there, thanks for sharing XXX

Thats all for this week ladies, thank you so much for looking in today and to those of you that took part,

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a lovely card.

    Cassidy-your Christmas cards are gorgeous, so cute.

    Pat-WOW!! Two stunning Christmas Groovi cards.

    Quick trip to Southport then I’m meeting my friend at Dobbies for a coffee and a chat.
    We’re off up see Keith this afternoon-hope it’s a peaceful visit!


    1. Morning Michele.
      Thank you for the mag review. As always very informative.I like the look of this mag. Hope you have an easy visit.xxxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your card KAREN.
    CASSIDY-you're going to be a very talented crafter.
    Your cards are just lovely.
    PAT-Love love your 'Night before Christmas' groovi.I have someof that set.

    We are very fortunate that we're on high ground and so we've escaped flooding.Many of the roads around us were flooded but we had a good day yesterday and the roads cleared. Fingers and everything crossed that the rain keeps away and all the flooding drains.

    We have some shopping todo this morning and then it's stay at home this week-end.

    The CAFE is OPEN and cream scones are available this afternoon.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely
    Karen love card, hope you enjoy
    Cassidy your card are
    Pat your groovi is
    Michele your magazine is very good & you got some bargains.
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    At the moment we have lovely
    sunshine but still got
    Upstairs to do
    KAREN love. Your card
    CASSIDY I love your card it's
    so cute.
    Michele thank you for
    Your magazines review xx
    Hug's all round Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    Karen, love the owl card. Hope your having fun in Liverpool.
    Michele- thanks for the reviews. I shall have a look for the Papercraft inspiration,like the look of that on.
    Pat- wonderful x-mas cards that are special.
    Hi Cassidy- I just love your and cute cards, well done !
    Hope you having a good Saturday. hugs Maria xx

  6. Thank you ladies for your kind comments It was very difficult to photograph as the owl is triple embossed with clear powder 1st time I tried this technique and I’m quite impressed at how lovely and smooth the embossing becomes
    Thank you MICHELE and I didn’t know you could get scrabble does - will investigate that
    A special mention to Cassidy WOW! I love your cards You are an amazing colourist
    Liverpool is very cold and wet but we enjoyed the Beatles and city tour Off to Mathew St tomorrow
    Take care all xx

    1. Think the dies are First Edition.

      It’s been just above freezing all day in Southport-bracing sea breeze too! Bit of a shock if you’re not used to it.

