
Wednesday 13 November 2019

A lovely Card from Our Janet x

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it sounds as though the rain continues to cause problems across the country, we had a bit today but not too much, I was watching some 'Tree Surgeons', battle their way through the forest of trees in next doors garden yesterday morning, the wind was really strong, couldn't have been worse weather for them really, fascinating too watch, although I always think the trees look really sad when they have had a really good trim!  I was relieved that my head wasn't as painful too as their chainsaws and 'wood chipper' machine were going constantly from the early hours.

In fact I was glad to be feeling a little brighter as we had hair cuts at 9.30am and had I been feeling like I was Sunday/Monday there is no way I could have managed.  I had also promised to go with Sophie to have her first ever Blood Test, all three of my girls have a real fear of needles (not that anyone likes them)!  Blood tests are the worst though, it's not quite as ''in and out'' as having jabs.
Unbeknown to me Lucy had bought some 'Emla' (numbing) cream on line for Sophie to apply so that she wouldn't feel too much pain! (how sweet).  I did wonder why she was fiddling about with cling film half an hour before we left!!
She did come and say that she understood if I couldn't go but I had dosed up with flu pills etc and was all ready which bought a smile to her face.  I made sure to sit in a corner away from anyone so as not to contaminate them, luckily as it was noon the surgery was empty, also the nurse was the absolutely delightful lady we saw when we first joined the surgery, so don't to earth and such a giggle, so she put Sophie and ease straight away, it was all over in a couple of seconds and I think Soph was wishing she hadn't spent so much time worrying!  But at least it won't be as bad next time.
The only frustrating thing was the fact that she has to wait until the 9th of December for an appointment to get the results, they are testing to see if she has arthritis as her wrists are so painful, which isn't ideal when she spends 8 hours a day drawing. Fingers crossed it isn't that though!
I was ready to lie down by the time we got back though.   You know you aren't feeling right when you can't even manage to watch Craft TV!

I am so thankful to our Janet who very kindly sent me a couple of cards to use for the Blog as there is now way I would have been able to summon either the strength of the inspiration to make anything this past couple of days.
How Rich and Indulgent does this card look? I am guessing it's a Tonic die, that Janet has thread that gorgeous Green satin ribbon through, the gold and green works so well together.
Janet your card is stunning and would make anyone feel special on their Birthday, thank you so much for sending for me to share. xxx

I hope that you all stay warm and dry and have an enjoyable day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-WOW!! What a beautiful card, so much detail on it.

    Sandra-glad you’re starting to feel better. We had torrential rain then hail/sleet yesterday afternoon. More rain today then it’s meant to stay dry-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Well the rain stopped mid morning yesterday but the wind stayed with us all day. It's fine this morning the ground is still soaking of course. The flooded area around Rotherham and Doncaster are still bad.

    Thank you for showing my card SANDRA. I thought it just might help out. Yes of course it's Tonic all the way. Die and papers. Their dies are such a joy to work with.

    I am battling with my CC so that's my main task for today and I need to finish off a box for our K&N lunch raffle.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in. Fresh scones are in the tin so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. A beautiful card JANET
    I am glad to hear that you seem to be on the mend SANDRA and hopefully you’re on the mend too MARIA Good to see SOPHIE was OK I can’t imagine how it must feel to be scared of needles etc
    I am at the hospital later I hope that my foot is healing ok
    OH is out tonight I will try and do a cc
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Great card today Janet. I think tonic dies are your go to Dies as you make fabulous cards with them.
    I also hate needles. I even changed my dentist years ago because I was scared Whitley’s when the dentist came near me with his needle. The one I have now is really lovely and you hardly feel a thing. She knows I don’t like needles.
    Hopefully when Sophie needs to go again she’ll start going to the Drs on her own. I know I always went in with Pete when he had to go to the hospital, but that was only because it was important that we knew what was going on and Pete had a mental block where his disease was concerned.
    I’m glad to hear your feeling a bit better Sandra.
    Take care out there folks and I hope there’s not to much flooding where you are.
    Hugs for everyone whose under the weather.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra glad you are feeling better, pleased to hear Sophie's blood test went well, the nurse sounded
    Janet what a beautiful card, let's hope the forecast is wrong take
    Brenda sorry to hear you had a worrying couple of days with Ann, hope she has fully recovered, hugs on the
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    JANET your card is lovely, the green ribbon with the gold looks very opulent. xx

    Sandra great you managed to dose yourself up enough to feel like going with Sophie for her blood test, I’m sure it made all the difference to her having your there and your gently caring support.
    My sister Anne seems to be coping well since she gave us a scare at the weekend, I have been out most of today so didn’t get around to calling her, but on the other hand I haven’t had a phone calls. Fingers crossed etc. etc I will call her tomorrow.
    Hope everyone has a good night, love Brenda xxx
