
Monday 14 October 2019

Something Special From Karen

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Oh what a damp and dreary start to the week, I think a lovely blowy Autumn Day is an absolute pleasure, we have a garden packed with mature trees and the different colours of the leaves are a delight to look at, but after a few days of miserable rain that perfect palette looks so sad and bedraggled, there are muddy puddles where piles of crisp and crunchy leaves had gathered, by far the worst thing though is the wet, muddy cat and dog paw prints, everywhere, I'm not sure if I mentioned the new nigh time access point for the cats, its the window at the back of our front porch, I think I am going to have to create some kind of window sill 'door mat' for them to get the worst of the dirt off of their paws, at one time they wouldn't venture outside if it was raining, but certainly Milo has overcome that fear, how he remains absolutely pure white on his legs is beyond me, mind you he does seem a bit OCD with cleaning himself. I'm not sure if the weather is supposed to get better although I keep seeing headlines that say 'Wettest October ever'!! Oh Dear 😒

Not loving these Antibiotics, why do they have to change things?! I spent the whole of yesterday being frustrated with myself for not being able to achieve anything, the worst side effect (that I don't remember having before) is that my heart was just in a permanent episode of AF, I went for a shower, hoping that I would feel invigorated afterwards, but was so exhausted, I needed to sit down before I could dry my hair, which I ended up leaving to 'air dry' as the hairdryer was just to heavy! I also wanted to change the bed, I have this 'thing' about germs, so wanted clean everything, thank heavens that Paul was here to help me change the bedding, after which I took a nap and decided I was going to sit in my craft room and make a card...…..Nope, I managed the short walk to my craft room, sat in my chair and bawled my eyes out as I was too exhausted to even think about making a card!! I am sure its just tiredness and frustration, I know that some of you know how frustrating living with AF is, I am guessing having your body fight an illness makes it worse!
Luckily I have amazing friends in you lovely ladies, Karen and Michele had both shared cards that they had made over the weekend, so I have something to blog!
I will just have to spend the rest of the day binge watching craft tutorials on YouTube, I like to call in 'Research' so it sounds like I am doing something.
Paul is cooking a roast bless him, I went to help but got 'shoo'd' out of the kitchen, I am so blessed xx

Now Ladies, How amazing is Karen's card???
She has put so much detail in to get the look perfect, from the sky to the drop shadow that makes the railing look like it is 3D, I actually thought that it was a Die cut fence and Karen a had stuck on, but now it is all one layer (apart from the lady).
The lady is stunning, I just love all of the detail from the fancy pattern on her hat to those fabulous shoes, just look at all the tiny dots on her dress, so much lovely detail.
Karen I absolutely love this card and so will Nicki's Mum, I wonder if she will know how much work went in to creating all of that amazing detail?!
Karen's Description:
"I created the background using an old MCS cd and paper pieced the TL die I used a very thin amount of Pinflair glue gel just to raise “her” very slightly Old items used but... This is going to my friend who’s 2 days older than me!"

Thanks so much Karen for allowing me to share your amazing card, I know that the ladies will agree that this is a Gorgeous card XXX

Well Ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs (germ free),



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your Card is fantastic....stunning.

    Sandra-hope you start to feel better soon.

    Well-the dreaded day has come to return to work. I’m not looking forward to this!


    1. Michele I hope work is ok for today & goes qwickly for you xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope that work isn’t to bad today for your first day back.

  2. I hope work isn’t too bad MICHELE and that you feel better today SANDRA
    I must admit I am chuffed with this card It all came together whereas I usually swap and change my mind no end of times I saw the sentiment at a craft show and it made me smile My friend will “get it” I hope
    LYNDA Enjoy your holiday - you have really earned it
    Hope the decorating is going ok BRENDA
    Take care all xxx

    1. Thank you Karen I'm just starting to look forward to my holiday. Just apprehensive about falling out their,or before we leave.
      Your card is amazing Karen xx

  3. Morning everyone.
    A "Fabulous" card Karen, Love the lady.
    Hope work is fine for you and Michele .
    Sandra, hope the meds get you better quickly. Saga of having pets, they do bring in a lot on their paws. You have to teach them to wipe their feet hihi
    Brenda, have a nice time away and when you coming back your house will be looking so nice. John is a star x
    Rain have put stop to my plans to go for a walk so will hopefully get some cards together later when the body lets me.
    Take care all and hugs for everyone from me, Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Such a lovely card Karen. I hope it’s appreciated.
    Sorry to hear your still not feeling to well Sandra. Hope your feeling better soon.
    Gentle hugs to you and everyone whose not feeling very well at the moment.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry to hear you still feel rough, lots of hugs to
    Karen your card is
    Lynda please be careful, I know the
    Café is open just waiting for you, leek & potato soup on menu.
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Leek & potato soup sounds just the ticket for our awful weather at the moment Margaret.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    We have another wet chilly day hopefully the sun on holiday will help my feet/legs they are so painful at the moment. Also will be lovely having Harry for a week & Joseph for 4 days. &of course Darren Sam Lisa & Ian. Will be so special for us. We have to go out at some point have to change our money not taking too much as all inclusive.
    Terry is cleaning the car out it's quite dirty as he's done a few rubbish runs.
    I've got to make two luggage labels & laminate them. & will try a CC. Carn't get in my craft room as my wheelchair is in their so boot is being cleaned out going up garage to hoover it out.i have orders not to get out of my chair he went mad at me yesterday morning as I washed I had a lecture this morning. Bless him.
    Sending love & Hugs to everyone extra for unwell ladies.Xxxxx

  7. Hi Lynda
    So sorry to hear that your feet / legs are really painful. I hope your doing as your told today. Enjoy your holiday. Love & hugs to both you & cU.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I know exactly how you are feeling - AF can be so debilitating, some days you feel exhausted just going to the bathroom, I have on a few occasions got up had a shower then felt to exhausted to get dressed, so end up having a duvet day. The medication helps, but life is very tough going at times. Take care, rest and keep warm, Hugs on the way to you. XX

    LYNDA I hope the pain in your legs and feet eases and you are able enjoy your holiday. Being with the family will be a lovely tonic. Take care and listen to your lovely man. XX

    KAREN your card is brilliant. I love that sentiment. Your friend is going to feel very special when she sees what a beautiful card you have made especially for her.XX

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Wow, what a fabulous card Karen. I had to go back and have another look after reading that everything except the lady was one layer as it looks so 3D! The lady looks so beautiful in her gorgeous dress etc. Thank you for sharing this with us and helping Sandra out at the same time x
    Sandra, so sorry that you are feeling so rotten. Please try not to worry about making a card. You know we are happy to revisit some until you are feeling a bit better. Sending gentle hugs my lovely xx
    Lynda, I hope you manage to get the bags packed under weight. I always pack too much “ just in case” but am trying to cut down each time we go away, and have never missed anything. All being well the heat from the sun will do your sore bones the power of good. I know it does to me. Listen to that lovely hubby of yours and don’t do anything you shouldn’t please xx
    Lilian, I had another look at your challenge card. You have obviously already mastered your new toy and I look forward to seeing more of your cards x
    I’m off to bed after another day of starting several jobs but not getting much finished. Having the two biggest grands was lovely to finish the day though. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
