
Thursday 3 October 2019

My Last 'Things With Wings' Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all got to enjoy a little sunshine yesterday, it was really chilly here all day but the sun was shining, I did think about putting some washing out on the line but it was too cold for it to dry.  I felt that yesterday was the first day I felt that I wanted the heating on all day, mind you we have the back door (that opens into the utility room) for Harley to go in and out and I like to have our bedroom window open to freshen the room, I usually leave it open all day but yesterday was just too chilly.
It barely seems a few weeks since we were welcoming Spring and looking forward to drying washing on the line and here we are back at tumble dryer weather!

Today's card is the last of the 'Things With Wings' card for this week, I think that the 'Spotlight' Technique has been one of my favourites so far this year, it was easy to do and worked for so many different card styles, I even got to use some toppers from Lilli of the Valley that I have been hoarding for years.  That's what this card is made with, I simply punched out the bird in the centre and added some Glossy accents to highlight it added a narrow mat of pink card and them popped it back into place. The card was finished with a simple sentiment and some pink pearls.

I can't wait to see all of your 'Things with Wings' card this week, I hope you have enjoyed the challenge, I wonder how many of you used Butterflies?!

One of Sophie's projects from her University course is to fill in a small journal/notebook, I have to say that she is really enjoying doing it, we got to do some crafting together yesterday as she was telling me what she wanted to achieve and I was giving her ideas on what things she could add/use, it made me laugh though as it felt like we had gone back about 15 years, as she kept saying 'Mum, have you got.....'' it was anything from a pokey tool and twine to a white pen and hole punch, when I got to see some of her ideas I was blown away, I absolutely love how starting her University course has really boosted her enthusiasm for art in general, she is sketching/creating at every opportunity, she seems to find her Tutors fun and inspiring too, I hope that it continues to be as enjoyable.

I hope that you all have a lovely day today, I hope you can all stay warm and dry too.

Lilian I hope your appointment has given you some answers xxx

Janet, I hope that you have managed to get Ferry and Hotels booked and at least some of your packing sorted, I am so pleased that you are getting to go back for another few weeks in paradise xxx

Val, I hope all is well with you my lovely xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We too had a lovely sunny day yesterday but oh was it cold all day so of course heating was on.

    Jim is on duty this morning and so I have to have my craft trolley packed and ready for when he gets back home; have to book the ferry and overnight hotel too; and then photo my CC. Thank goodness I decided last night that the slow cooker was going on this morning so I don't have to do anything re tea that's when I've put it on this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Tea/Coffee pots are ready and waiting.HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who have been absent recently.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Beautiful example SANDRA I had a visit from my great niece last night So I didn’t get around to crafting I did start a card on Tuesday which went in the bin!
    We have craft club this afternoon instead of the evening as a lot of the ladies asked if it could be changed as winter is coming and not wanting to drive in the dark So I must sort out whatI’m going to take as I’m being picked up from work
    Take care all I’ll pop back later

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today, I must see if I have one photo. It was nice you got time to craft with Sophie, pleased to hear she is enjoying
    Thank you all for your lovely cards it was enjoyable day with phone calls &
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Very cold today the sun is out but def not warm. Lovely card SANDRA from you today pretty too.
    I've been craft room for a couple hours as Terry did the shopping
    I managed one Challenge card but I have to make one for Lisa as well. SANDRA pleased Sophie is enjoying
    Collage & nice for you crafting together.
    Think I will go back to craft room
    Try another card.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a pretty ‘Things with Wings’ card Sandra, Love it. xx
    How lovely Sophie is able to turn to you for your input and craft goodies with her course work, I’m sure you are only to happy to help out. I remember when Tierney was doing her A level art, she would ring or come over and say grandma have you got ??? Needless to say I was always more than happy to come to her aid.

    We had a busy day today, started off by going to my hairdresser friend, we both had our hair done when we left her we called into Asda on the way home, came home had lunch then went out again - just popped to Iceland. The date day has just flown by. Had a couple of long phone calls late afternoon. We ended up as it was then getting late having a take away for dinner even though we have a fridge full of food. Life just gets manic at times.

    Goodnight, Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi all
    Lovely card with wings Sandra, Good Sophie is happy with collage, she will be doing brilliant with her course, you see.
    oh has it not been a cold day today. I hope you all have had a nice day and Janet that you managed to organise everything for your trip to France.
    It was my mum's birthday today so had a chat with her this afternoon. Had a quick trip to Tesco this morning for some food shopping, didn't seem to get much for the money we spent. No wonder Lidl and Aldi are doing so well.
    Warm hugs to you all and extras for our missing friends, hope you alright. Have a good night. Maria xx

  7. Sorry I’m late popping back in It’s been a manic day
    Craft club went well We showed our red and purple makes Some lovely items All so very different I will send you some photos SANDRA
    I am glad SOPHIE is enjoying uni and how lovely to craft together
    Well I do not have any heating downstairs The rads are OK and so is kitchen So I’ll be ringing British Gas tomorrow
    Night night all xx
