
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Karen's Birthday Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing with you the Birthday card that I made for Karen, (I had to ask Karen to send me  a photo as in my rush to get it in the post I totally forgot to take a photo).  
Sue and I were playing with making different backgrounds last week, some with Pixie Powders, some with Alcohol inks and stains, I can't remember which background I used in the end, I have a whole pile on my desk that didn't 'make the final cut' 
The die I used to create the cut out on the front of the card is a Tim Holtz background die called 'Mixed Media 2', I was surprised by the size of the die.  I will say that the first time I cut it I had it to close to the edge of the paper and the whole die cut piece falls out, so if you use it, remember to set it in from the edge of your paper, learn from my mistakes! Hahaha
I used some of the background to die cut the Happy Birthday, then mounted the card onto Navy card and then onto a white base card.

Now I have some sad news from our lovely Val, I know a lot of you have been wondering why she hasn't been posting on the blog for a while, we were all a little worried, as we are with anyone that we haven't heard from in a while. 
Val emailed me yesterday to let me know that her GP has advised her to avoid screens, so no TV, Computer or Tablet screens too, if has even affected her Card Making, they think that it is down to Eye Strain.  So Val is taking a break, listening to the radio and audio books.  I know that you will join me in wishing Val a speedy recovery.  We can all imagine how awful if would be not to be able to make cards, so we totally sympathize.  Sending hugs Val xxxx

Pat is actually coming over today (not yesterday), I had posted the blog before making plans, Sue is away in Devon this week, so having Pat come over on today breaks the week up really nicely, I am looking forward to some crafting company. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card for Karen is gorgeous, really lovely.

    I was very sad to read the news you had received from Val. I cannot imagine how upset she must be at not being able to comment or join in your challenges and also her friend Wendy’s too. I know she used to supply her daughters shop with her lovely handmade cards - what a real shame. Let’s hope things improve and we soon see Val commenting & joining us again.

    Another very frosty morning so I need to get a move on.


  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm so sad to read that VAL has been advised not to use any screens. I really cannot imagine how she must feel not able to do all her lovely hobbies. I am counting the days to when we will have her back with us.

    Well I managed to get my crafting stuff which had to come back with me away and so now I have to make a start on this week's CC. Fortunately I need a bday card for a boy so atleast there will be one.

    It was so cold here yesterday.All my winter things will have to come out of the wardrobe before the week-end.

    The CAFR is OPEN and warm so pop in for a drink and a chat. I've put some Parkin in the cake tin so help yourselves.
    Sorry it's not homemade.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. That is sad news from VAL I hope you’re soon back to your crafting I am such a tv-holic I would be beside myself and to not be able to at least knit or crochet I’d hate
    Thank you again ladies for your lovely cards and yes SANDRA’s one in the flesh is gorgeous Thank you for my chocolate cake MARGARET I really enjoyed it
    Today should have been my little sister’s 60th birthday I miss her so much and wonder what she’d be like today I expect she’s having a huge party up there
    Today I am working from home after my small foot op yesterday but I’m fine
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi All, well after an hour trying to get blogger to accept my comment, I’m hoping it’s working.
    Lovely card for Karen, super background.

    So sorry to hear the news about Val, do hope she will be better soon, it would drive me crazy if couldn’t do all those things, especially reading.

    Cheryl, congratulations to Jamie, I expect your still smiling.

    Keeping this short in case it doesn’t work, hugs to Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I’m so sorry to hear your news Val. It must be so frustrating for you not to be able to continue your card making, reading etc. Hopefully giving your eyes a rest they will eventually improve and you can continue with your hobbies. Gentle hugs coming your way.
    A lovely card for Karen’s birthday. I hope you really enjoyed your day. Just thinking of going to Sandra’s. I’ll be going to Craig’s for my dinner afterwards. He came over and swept all the moss off of my flat roof yesterday early evening. It’s come from next doors extension guttering which he never clears out. Anyway he saw Craig up on my flat roof and asked me to let him know when it starts overflowing again and he’ll come and clear it up for me.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Sorry to hear the sad news from Val. Our eyesight is so important for doing so many things in life. I hope she soon with us again.
    Oh Karen to be having a foot op on your birthday,ouch, glad you are ok tho and how sweet to hear Oscar singing for you.
    The card you got from Sandra is gorgeous.
    Did a bobo with heat embossing earlier so gave up. Hoping Son is up soon so he can give me a hand with some gardening and then I'm hopefully can go back to card making this afternoon.
    I wish you all a nice day. Hugs to all Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just popped in & notest my comment this morning has gone AWOL so
    Will try again so just a quick one
    So sad hearing VAL is poorly & can't craft or watch TV must be hard but your eyes are more inportant.sending Hug's xx
    Hope your all well & had a good day
    Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love the card you made for Karen’s birthday, the Tim Holtz die is lovely. Hope your day with Pat was productive.... I’m sure it was. xx

    Sorry to hear VAL has been advised not to look at monitors and screens, she must be feeling so frustrated, she worked so hard keeping Lynns shop stocked and donating the proceeds to charity. Val sending you very gentle caring hugs. xx

    We have had a busy day today went shopping and to cash and carry, stocked up on meat etc. So freezer looking healthy, Well for a while anyway .

    Late afternoon we had a phone call from youngest grandson in Essex. He took his driving test today and passed (first time) he is over the moon.

    KAREN hope the foot is healing nicely and you are resting. xx

    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx
