
Monday 21 October 2019

A fantastic pair of Fun Fold Cards

Karen Cass



Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Monday again!! Did any of you get any crafting done at the weekend??  I sat and played around with some different things, I had a parcel from Clarity that I had ordered a good three weeks ago from Hochanda, I had received everything else but the thing that I wanted the most (Picot Dies) were still missing, I called them on Thursday and spoke to a lovely chap, we went through everything and then it clicked!  I could see exactly what happened, I had ordered 3 seperate things that day (at different times) (all Groovi), this created 3 invoices, they obviously will try and fit as many things in one parcel as possible, which makes sense, the three invoices were stapled together, the items in the package were ticked off on invoice, apart from invoice 3, which were not going to fit in this box, I guess that the thinking was that they would just start another parcel, but never got around to it, mean time the invoice was packaged inside the one parcel with the other two and posted, so I guess that they had no outstanding paperwork.  I sent copies of the invoices etc to Hochanda and the lovely Ben was straight on to solving the issue, within a couple of hours he told me that Clarity were aware of the situation and were sending out the items by Royal Mail, true to their word it was first class and arrived Saturday morning.
 I think that sometimes can forget to praise when things have been dealt with properly,  especially the shopping channels as they more often than not get it wrong!!

Oh on the subject of Shopping TV, did any of you buy the Cutterpillar Pro when it first came out, If so let me know and I will explain my recent communication with them. 

Now onto today's cards....

The first is a gorgeous 'Arrow Head Fold' card that I received from a lovely lady called Karen over on our Fb Group, she said that the actually 'Fold' was designed by the Sam who's blog is 'Mixed Up Crafts', Karen followed Sam's tutorial using her own Design and it turned out amazingly, the paper that Karen has used is a really delicate floral that has delicate shades of different colours in the background mixed with those lovely daisies, to enhance this lovely paper Karen has added a mat of Rose gold glitter card, which really catches the light. she then die cut some pretty foliage pieces in the same glitter card and tucked them under the sentiment.
Karen I love my swap card thank you so much for taking part xxx

Next up is Cheryl's Fun Fold card that she made for the same swap, the card front is like looking through a window, I guess you could use it as a lantern as well.
On the first card Cheryl has added snowflakes onto acetate and placed that behind the window so that when you open the card it's like looking out and seeing a snow blizzard, the sentiment matches the card perfectly.
Cheryl's second card uses the same card front but this time she has used an adorable Polar Bear & cub topper, this time you put it onto the inside of the card so that when the card is stood up it looks as though you are peeking out at that cute scene. 
Both cards are amazing Cheryl, such a fantastic idea. xxx.

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    I loved all of yesterday's CCs and Saturday's too.
    Thank you MICHELE for your Mag review which is always so clear and informative. I hope everything went well on Friday for you.

    On to today's cards. Both beautiful KAREN but I just love the Polar bears.

    Well we have had rain since Friday but yesterday it was just torrential all day and it looks as though we have a roof tile which might have slipped as yesterday evening we heard the dreadful trip drop drip drop over by the butcher's block. Both of us immediately looked and yeep there was a drop coming off one of the beams so it looks as though that's one job for Jim this morning going and having a look.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. I hope you all have a good day and that your rain has finally stopped. Take care and stay safe. xxxx

    1. Oh I hope Jim’s careful Janet and hopefully it’ll only be a tile that needs to be put back into place.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen & Cheryl-what gorgeous Cards, both really lovely.

    Sandra-nice to heat about your order & the final part arriving so quickly.

    If anyone wants some of the Stepper cards cutting out then just let me know what colours you’d like-it’s a Spellbinders Die that I use. It makes a small card that folds flat to go in an A6 envelope.


    1. Great cards from you yesterday Michele. I have a Die to make a normal stepper die but yours is so different. Not that I want any done thank you. As I’m really just making Groovi cards now,

  3. Wonderful cards ladies Thank you for joining in KAREN C
    I hope the leak can be fixed quickly and easily JANET
    We had a lovely weekend We spent the afternoon at our daughter’s playing with Oscar and the charity afternoon went well So not an awful lot of crafting was done
    Not looking forward to work today but hey ho
    Take care all xx

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend Karen. I hope work isn’t to traumatic today what with all the furniture being moved around.

  4. Hello All, more lovely cards today, it’s a lovely start to the day here.

    R is away for a week, so after getting him off will try and make a few c cards, only a couple made so far, make them mostly for family and friends.

    The embossing folder I used on my card is a cut and emboss, had a terrible job getting it through my Gemini, has anyone used these folders.

    Off to pack Rs bags, he’s leaving after lunch, hugs to all . Lilian

    1. I’m glad you have a lovely start to the day Lilian. Makes all the difference when it’s not pouring with rain.
      I have loads of folders that I no longer use but don’t think I’ve any of these.

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Two lovely fold cards today. Thank you Karen & Cheryl for sending these in.
    Not much done over the weekend. I sat watching the darts & snooker. Went to collect a few plants that my friends friend gave her for me. She asked if I’d smelt the tea as she’d just made some for her and her husband.
    Sophie my granddaughter had 5 lovely canvases done for Pete when he was in the home. She’s supposed to come down sometime today to put them up for me. As I’m not very tall I can’t reach high enough over my sideboard to put them on the wall. She was supposed to come down last Monday but forgot.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased to hear you got your parcel sorted
    Karen & Cheryl lovely cards
    Café is open hot drinks are ready & chocolate sponge in cabinet.
    Sending hugs to all love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great you managed to sort out your parcel Sandra, I always feel l have to give credit where credit is due, we all like to know when we are doing things right.

    Cheryl and Karen your challenge cards are lovely and both very different.

    Janet hope the roof was not a major problem and Jim was able to put the loose tiles back in place.

    Had another day being painters mate, OH decided he would freshen up our bedroom. That’s the forth room In the last couple of weeks, he has definitely been on a roll. Not sure what he will attack next!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Goodnight, Sweet dreams, Brenda xxx
