
Friday 25 October 2019

A different style of card and Next Weeks Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely week, it's flown by as usual, I think that maybe because I was lucky enough to have Sue and Pat visit this week, helping the days go by a little faster.
I watched Hochanda for a good part of yesterday, as Maria was on with Groovi goodies, the 'Shoe' Plates weren't really my thing but I love watching all of the hints and tips and I messaged in to ask if they could show how to use the Mapping Pen and Glitter and they kindly obliged, I can see it being a useful tool for adding fine detail glue to anything.  Watch this space!

Next Weeks Challenge

I was struggling for an idea for this week as I like to keep things fresh and try not to repeat the same themes in a short time period.  
I was making some backgrounds for a new video that I want to record using a laminator, I made the card above up with one of the backgrounds and decided to make it into a Man card, which gave me the inspiration for this weeks Challenge.
I would like you to make a card/project that would work for a Male, the topic and techniques are totally up to you.
Do any of you make Male Christmas cards?  I haven't done up until now, I think I might have a go, most Christmas themes aren't particularly feminine are they?
I can't wait to see your designs!

Talking of Christmas, did any of you see Anna Marie Designs on Create & Craft on Monday (I think), she had designed this really 'different' Christmas tree die, I have never seen anything like it, of course I had to go over to Anna's shop and order one, I hope to have a play with it tomorrow, I can't wait to share it with you.

Don't forget that Clocks Go Back on Saturday night/Sunday Morning, so the nights will be a lot darker, not my favourite part of Winter, I think that it makes crafting harder, even with lots of light in my craft room it's tricky to perfectly match colours without the natural sunlight. We all manage though don't we.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, nothing much planned here,

Janet I hope that your journey goes smoothly xxx

Pat, I hope that your journey to Essex goes smoothly and that the diversions don't cause you too many problems, just take your time my lovely xxx

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We're off to market this morning which will be the last time for quite a while in fact probably Easter next year and then it's packing the car for our travel tomorrow up to Calais and then sailing Sunday morning to Dover. I have everything that there won't be any road works around Dover to the A2.
    I like the Challenge for next week and will try my best to get something done.
    Have a good day everyone. Loads of HUGs to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Love your card, looking forward to watching your video.
    Great challenge for us next week although I haven’t started this weeks yet. Not sure where the time has gone!


  3. This is a great card and I love the laminator technique I am going to use it for my sister’s card next week as it has to be totally flat I love your card and really fits the challenge I’m looking forward to having a go
    Work was OKish It just feels like I am starting a new job with new bosses and new tasks Something I really don’t want at my age Hey ho!
    I cannot fault the care the nurses and care professionals give It’s just the stuffed shirts It does make me wonder what planet they’re from at times
    Out dancing later Daughter is teaching Rueda and it’s their Halloween night So I will be dressing up!
    I had a play with this Mica Magic last night Not sure I like it We’ll see
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card for Tim, I design & decide the colour & Sue cuts out puts it together & sign it for me, my writing was the first thing to go. Your card today is lovely & good challenge next
    Thank you all for your lovely comments yesterday, I am sorry I did not get in but I had PD nurse & physio appointment & by the time I got home I was very tired, very productive
    Café is open drinks are ready & coffee cake is in cabinet.
    Sending hugs to all love

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Nice technique making backgrounds with your laminate machine.
    Hoping to join you next week for the cc. Really sorry but this week have been so up and down so not sure if any cc from me but the day is not over so you never know.
    Janet- have a safe journey home and hope there are no disruptions with road work etc.
    Pat- hope your journey to Essex today was alright and not too many delays.
    Margaret- oh I do love a slice of coffee cake, big mug of coffee and a natter. You resting today ? for with physio and everything yesterday I hope you didn't do too much.
    Lynda- are you back with us ? Do tell us all about your holiday and what you got up to. Do I dare ask what CU was up to ?, hope he behaved himself Lol
    I wish and hope that pains are low and you all can have a nice afternoon and evening. Many hugs to you all Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love your card, I have yet to try out the laminator technique - it’s definitely on my job to do. I loved it when you use them on the dragonfly, thank you for the inspiration xx

    Karen I hope your work life settles down soon, you wonder why the powers that be have to change things around especially if they’re already working quite well and more importantly everyone is happy. Take care xx

    Margaret I wish there was something we could do to improve the quality of your life. My mother had the same condition, It is very difficult for everyone, sending extra special hugs just for you xx

    Pat - Hope you managed your journey to Essex without any problems. xx

    Janet - hope the A2 and M25 will be clear for you on Sunday. I hate to say it but your return journey comes at end of half term in the London area and the beginning of the Surrey schools half term - not sure about Kent schools half term. I hope and pray that the roads will be clear for you and Jim xx

    VAL and LYNDA, hope you are both still enjoying your holidays. xx

    Time to get the dinner on, have a lovely weekend everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Hello everyone, well what a change , back to normal October weather, pouring with rain and blowing a gale.

    Sandra loved your card, spent all afternoon trying to make a card for this, ended up in the bin. Maybe I can rescue some of the bits in the morning.

    Any one noticed how much food prices are shooting up, think their getting early so they don’t loose when and if brexit ever happens, shame pensions don’t go up the same. Hope all ok, hugs Lilian
