
Monday 30 September 2019

Starting the week with a Beautiful Gift

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week and as of tomorrow the start of another month, crazy isn't it?
I am hoping to start the new month off in a nice organised Craft Room, it is coming together at last, I know it's dragged on but I wanted to do it properly!

Today's card is absolutely stunning, it's the beautiful gift that I received from Our Brenda for my Birthday, as always Brenda's card came beautifully wrapped in pretty pink glittery organza that was tied with pretty Seam Binding Ribbon and finishes with two of Brenda's gorgeous Hand Rolled Roses. that match the card colours perfectly, I am going to use those Roses as inspiration and sit and practise making those darling roses if I can remember Brenda's tutorial from when we met up in July.

Now onto that stunning card, firstly the background, which looks like Brenda has handmade it, it's such lovely shades of pinks and greens.  Brenda has then taken a Cream coloured panel and die cut a gorgeous floral corner out of the panel, so that that gorgeous background can be seen.  Brenda has also die cut a floral corner out of the background and used it to embellish the corner, to finish the card Brenda has printed off the greeting and layered it up and added across the centre of the card, the embellishments used to finish the card are some pretty crystal gems in the centres of some of the flowers, that catch the light and twinkle beautifully and the gorgeous spray of Hand rolled Roses.
Brenda, I will treasure this beautiful gift forever, thank you so very much XXX

Oh I forgot to mention on Friday that I won a die on Sue Wilson's Blog, there were some lovely dies in this latest collection and I won the 'Priscilla's Border' Die set, I will share it with all of you when it arrives.

I hope that you all enjoy this last day of September my lovelies, I also would like to wish all of you well, particularly those of you that haven't been around for a few days, I pray that you are all well.

Love and huge squidgy hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well it's not raining this morning so that's a bonus but I've had to put the heating on to warm the house up. It's so cold.

    BRENDA- as always your cards are truly amazing and a wonderful gift and this one is no exception.You are a true artist.

    This week is going to be manic for me. Jim is on duty toay and Thursday; I have to book the ferry and overnight hotel; sort out my crafting which needs to go to Marigny to fill my stock; collect my prescription (fingers crossed that everything is OK with that); etc etc etc. I can really see crafting taking a back seat this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put the heating on in there too for you all.HUGS are on their way.Have a good day.Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for your lovely comment.
      Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead, take care and don’t go overdoing things. Good luck when you collect your prescription. Most of all enjoy getting everything read for Marigny. XX

  2. What a beautiful gift BRENDA It’s gorgeous
    Good luck with the rest of sorting out your craft room It’ll look amazing when you’re finished
    I finished putting together the ribbon holder and it no storage I just need to decide on how to decorate it I did buy a lovely sheet of rice paper at Stamperama it it’s too pretty now for it to be hidden on the back I might just paint it in gesso and then see Or if I’m honest I’ll just leave them as they are!
    I am so not looking forward to work but on the bright side I finish at lunchtime
    Take care all xx

    1. Karen Thank you for your lovely comment.
      I had the same predicament when I bought my ribbon storage, ended up painting it with a chalk paint. Best of luck xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in café,
    Brenda your birthday card is beautiful, thank you for sharing it with
    Sandra I am pleased your craft room is nearly finished. xxx
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Thank you Margaret. Hope you are having a good day, Gentle hugs on there way to you ((((HUGS)))) xx

  4. Sue/Mrs B’s comment.

    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. can’t wait to see your craft room on Wednesday. I’m sure it will be worth all of the hard work. Well done on getting the cooker hood bits clean. Such a satisfying job xx
    All of the challenge cards are absolutely beautiful, I didn’t manage to get mine finished but will send you a photo once it is done Sandra.
    Brenda, sending hugs to you. I hope John gets his results soon xx
    Maria, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Sending you hugs xx
    Karen, how lovely that you had some unexpected time with little Oscar. I will be thinking of you at work this morning and I hope the changes are for the good for you xx
    Lilian, thinking of you and sending you hugs xx
    I have lots of little jobs to do before picking the two eldest grands up from school so must get on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, sending ((((hugs)))) to you also, hope you are well. xx

  5. Dear Sandra and ladies,
    For some reason I’ve just lost along comments, I just don’t understand why this happens but Hey Ho - that’s technology for you 🤨
    What a surprise I had when I opened your block today Sandra to see the birthday card I sent you , So pleased you liked it. The backing paper is one of Clarity designer range, this one is in the Indian summer pack, every sheet is absolutely beautiful, the colours are stunning. The plain card is from Phil Martins Felt texture range the colour is Soft Salmon. and die came with a Die-cutting essentials magazine. Thank you for your lovely comments.xx

    Congratulations on winning a die from Sue Wilson’s new collection, enjoy your prize. xx

    I’ve had a better day today, there does seem to be a virus going around, why it picked on me I don’t know, anyway it’s had it’s marching orders now.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra forgot to say I’m really impressed that you have persevered with you craft room reorganisation.😇 xx

  6. Hello ladies.
    Gorgeous card from our Brenda and box, that backing paper is beautiful. Glad you feeling a bit better and given the bug it's marching orders.
    Janet- don't trip over your own feet running around but hopefully you'll get all the meds together before you go.
    Karen- how was your day ? but luckily as you said you only worked half a day so hopefully you survived. take care
    Lilian- I hope you had a better day, gentle hugs.
    My SIL have been here today with her hubby and it turned out to be a nice day even if the weather have been dreadful all day. Thankfully I felt better and managed to eat at the pub we went too and SIL could also manage some food and dessert and after we ended up at Frost for coffee (no cake) Lol
    Hugs to you all, have a good night xxx

    1. Thank you Maria. So pleased you were able to enjoy a meal with SIL. xx

  7. Sorry Sandra & Ladies
    my comment disappeared from this morning
    Just wanted to say BRENDA your card for Sandra is stunning it's beautiful xx
    SANDRA it's good you have your craft room finished. I hope you remember where everything is 🤣& it stays tidy xx
    It's late now so I wish you all a very good night.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
