
Friday 13 September 2019

Next Week's Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh thank goodness it's Friday, Paul has half day !! YAY !! We have plenty of jobs to keep us busy though, the car needs fully emptying, I need to get all the washing done (now that I know we are going to have fine weather to get it dry).  The garden is looking very neglected, so Paul is hoping to be able to get out and do that on Sunday, he had a new wheelbarrow for his Birthday and a lovely new Petrol lawnmower from Matt, so I think he is itching to have a go, the lawn needs it too!
It's our Anniversary this weekend too, we aren't sure what we will do yet, I know that we both want to do our annual London theatre trip, so I think that is what we will do to celebrate our anniversary, I think both of us were too tired to be packing to go away again this weekend.  We get to spend the day together and for me that is celebration enough. ❤

Next Week's Challenge

We have had some really different challenges over the past few weeks, so I thought that I would choose an Autumnal (kind of) TicTacToe Challenge for us to play with over the next few days.
I love Autumn, I think the colours are just beautiful, although I will say that our garden is still mostly green, Spain were clearly a few weeks ahead when it comes to the colours of the leaves changing and dropping, we still have that to look forward too, you can see signs of it starting though.
I think that you could use this particular TicTacToe for most card types though, with Gold/Diecut/Glitter you could make various Christmas cards, the Categories that are standing out to me to start with are Leaves/Vellum/Die cut.
I hope that you find something in the grid to get your creativity into swing!
I can't wait to see your cards/projects xxx

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Tic Tac Toe challenge for next week, Very seasonal.

    I think delaying your usual visit to London is a good idea-something to look forward to in a few weeks?

    Busy day yesterday at work. My friend picked me up last night & we went to Pizza Hut for her birthday meal. It was nice but it was noisy in the restaurant & quite chilly as I’m sure they hard the air conditioning on! Anyway my friend enjoyed the evening and I was home by 9pm which was good as I seem to be permanently tired these days!


  2. Lovely challenge for this week It certainly screams Christmas to me!
    I think you’re right delaying your trip to London You need to recover from your (horrendous) Paris trip Trees are very green here still
    Today is my little Knit and Natter session I have no idea how many people will come It might just be me We’ll See
    Later we’re off to Pub in the Park where Tom Kerridge and James Martin will be demoing Looking forward to that Take care all xx

    1. Enjoy the Pub in the Park - I love Tom Kerridge and James Martin, wish I was coming with you. Hugs xx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra good luck with the washing & gardening, at least the sun is shining. Good challenge this
    I will give you a laugh, yesterday I was sat at table enjoying a quiet moment when I was suddenly woken by a soaking, I had cup of coffee in my hand & had fallen asleep!! It did warn me the tablets could have this effect. Luckily no damage done apart from wet tee-shirt.
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Hi Margaret, pleased you are okay after your little accident, great that you are able to laugh at yourself, keep that sense of humour it will keep you going (and us if you share them). Just thought if that coffee didn’t come out you might have invented a new line in designer T-shirts.
      Big HUGS on there way to you. xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have sun so far so hope no rain.
    I have just taken pictures of my CC and sent to Sandra. Now I have to start the Facebook challenge for sandra and Danniell. So I will start that soon.Then will have too start Terry's birthday card not till 22nd so no rush.
    Hug's for everyone love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Nice challenge for coming week. Had a walk this morning and it was a few I could kick, love the sound. It's a gorgeous day so washing done here too. Save the London trip til you recovered from the journey back from Spain. Always nice to have something to look forward to.
    Karen- hopefully you won't be all alone with the K&N, I'm sure some other ladies or man will turn up. Where do you have it ?
    Margaret- oops, glad you not scolded by the coffee. I took some extra pills last night and went all out of it but in a nice way and fell a sleep watching Tele. Hugs for you and Pop x
    Had the heart in my throat all morning because SIL is having a big operation. She found out she got early stages of mouth cancer and they taking some bit of her tongue. Waiting to hear from her husband later on. Sorry ,don't want to... you understand. will take my mind off to see if I can make a cc for this week so wish you all a nice day and many hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria, Hope SIL will be ok after her big operation, having been found in the early stages hopefully she will not have to have extensive treatment.
      Love and prayers for you all. xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Happy anniversary for this weekend Sandra and Paul, I’m sure you will both enjoy a relaxing weekend at home, having been away for three weeks and travelled for so many miles, Just being at home will be the tonic you both need. You can then look forward to your annual weekend away and celebrate again a late anniversary together. xx

    Very interesting tic-tac-toe challenge, it leaves our choices open to every possible event we could want to make a card for. I have to say the autumnal colours are my absolute favourites, so looking forward to seeing what everybody comes up with next weekend.

    Had a very late start today, I was very tired yesterday evening but went to bed about 11-ish and didn’t have a problem getting off to sleep, by the time John woke me this morning with he a lovely hot drink (honey and lemon) it was 8.45 I’m sure I would’ve slept on even longer if he had not been here.

    It’s a lovely sunny day here, been out in the garden for a while, John is still out there, it’s just a bit to hot for me to be gardening,

    Hope the weather is good where you are, take care everyone, love Brenda XXX
