
Wednesday 25 September 2019

My Beautiful Birthday card from Lilian

Good Morning Ladies, 

Good news to start us off today, Mum is now home, she has a bed downstairs for the next couple of weeks, she is having carers in 3 times a day, to get her organised in the morning, to make her lunch and again at tea time, they sent her home with a hole box of anticoagulant injections but with no instructions on who was going to give them, After a few frantic phone calls to her GP the District Nurse is going to call in daily to give it.   Mum was delighted to be home, I am hoping that she does as she is told for once, particularly with the things the Physio /OT were strict about, not going to toilet in the night was one rule, she has a commode for night time, mainly because she has to negotiate a slight step at the back door. I think we may be in for a bit of an adventurous few weeks!🤣🤣😉😘

Now just look at this gorgeous, sparkly, Green card, oh I love it, I am excited to discover how you did that amazing background Lilian. The three dark green Fronds are the most sparkly sparkle paste ever, they sparkle like they are studded with diamonds, oh you have really inspired me my lovely. I also really like the unusual shape of the mat of green card, it adds real interest to the overall look.
Lilian thank you for such a gorgeous, individual piece of artwork XXX

Well there was drama in government and drama in my craft room yesterday, I believe I told you I was planning re-organisation, well, I decided that the magnetic wall on my craft unit was a waste of space, the magnetic board is so thick that you can't put any of the shelves on that side with it in place, I thought the magnetic board would be great for die storage but in reality it wasn't that great, the dies lie flat against the mag wall that has deep edges so you can't easily lift the dies off, I had to resort to using a magnet to lift them, if a die was slightly warped as some of them are it wouldnt stick, so, it was coming off, or so I thought, I struggled so much that I was perspiring, bloody thing wasn't budging, I ended up deconstructing the door unit and using a huge carving knife to break the seal of the tape, just as I finished Paul arrived home and just gave me 'that' look! My craft room was a disaster, I did it though, now hopefully I can get on with the organising!

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Birthday Card from Lilian is just beautiful, perfect colours for you.

    I was giggling reading about your escapades with the magnetic panel-glad you got sorted in the end.

    Great news about your mum, hopefully she’ll follow her instructions.

    I have a meeting this morning on the other hospital site then a HR Review with a member if staff which was postponed from last week-not looking forward to that! Back to my job this afternoon then straight on to the hairdressers tonight.


  2. I am so pleased your mum is home
    When OH’s mum was discharged from hospital WE had to give the anti-coag injections!
    You made me smile about your escapades with the magnetic panel I always intended to build a magnetic “wall”” but I definitely won’t bother now
    The meeting was cancelled yesterday To say I was angry is an understatement A lot of expletives were said on my arrival at the office
    Anyway the theatre trip was interesting Lovely place but I did not enjoy the show Hey ho!
    LILIAN- your card is lovely I’d love to see it “in the flesh” as it sounds very sparkly
    I have cut out bits for a cc and hope to finish it later after going out for a meal with a couple of the guys that are moving on
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra from our Lilian. Zooming in I could see some of the lovely glittery background, very nice.
    Wet day, so probably will be in the kitchen sorting out my craft station. Interesting to know what you think of the magnetic wall hihi, I'm not going to have one now. Just now waiting for Son to get out of the kitchen after making a mess on the other side after making Banana and Kale Smoothies, ye I know, don't sound very nice does it hihi
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Lilian your card is beautiful perfect colour. Hope you are feeling
    Sandra sounds as if you had your own disaster yesterday, I was pleased your Mum is home, I had to do my own injections, hope she does as she has been
    Karen yes the tablets are working, no doubt you were cross
    Sending hugs to all love

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra you had a fun day with your Dies on magnetic door I can just imagine Paul's face when he saw what you was doing with your craft door.🤣🤣
    Glad your mum is home & hope she behaves herself & dose as she is told by the careers & phisio.
    Lillian your card for Sandra is beautiful love the colour too.
    I'm off into craft room as it's horrible rain again.
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra your birthday card from LILLIAN is beautiful, it certainly has a lovely sparkle and the colour is gorgeous.
    LILLIAN I hope you are feeling better and the cardioversion has worked. xx

    Lovely to read Mum is home, just hope she does as she has been told !!!!
    I had to smile at the thought of you sitting there with a carving knife in hand (After attacking your magnetic wall) and Paul arrives home - wonder what his initial thoughts were .... What a picture !!!

    Today John went for a brain scan, (this is all connected to his hearing loss) he said he would go on his own as I would only be sitting around. so I left at the same time as he did, he got off the bus at the hospital and I carried on into Croydon. I only went to M & S also Boots, but was kept occupied and not worrying about him. He now has to wait for an appointment with ENT consultant, who will give him the results. He is convinced they will not find anything untoward, but at least they will have checked...... watch this space.

    Time to get the dinner on, I picked up some Sea Bass fillets when I was in M&S so that’s on the menu for this evening.

    Have a lovely evening everyone love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda hope John wasn't at the hospital very long.& he hasn't got long for the results.
      Take care 🤗🤗for you both XX

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Well I wasonvinced I’d commented this morning. Apart from messaging Sandra in the morning, yesterday passed me by.
    Lovely white on white card yesterday Sandra. I love your card from Lilian today as well Sandra. I hope your feeling ok Lilian. I hope you enjoyed your sea bass Brenda. I went over to my friends after lunch to deliver her husbands birthday card. She gave me a lovely piece of salmon for my tea and some new potatoes to go with it. How lucky was I. I had an eye test this this morning and needed new glasses. Then I went into the Nationwide to see what’s going on with the money Pete had with them. Apparently all the paperwork was sent at the beg of Sept to the solicitors. Not to sure why as I hadn’t asked Nationwide to send the papers to them. I need to wait until tomorrow to find out what’s going on as he’s been on holiday and won’t be back until tomorrow.

    1. Hi Pat hope you enjoyed your dinner. Hope You sort the Bank out tomorrow. By the way did you enjoy your holiday.Take care
      🤗🤗's Lynda xx

    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I had a brainwave on the way home from Sandra’s about sending her my blog comment so that she can publish it on the blog for me. I have tried just about every possible way of commenting with no success. I always look in to see the gorgeous cards and to see what you are all up to but not being able to respond is horrid. I will continue to try and find an answer to the problem but until then at least I can join you all.
    Lilian, having seen your gorgeous card “in the flesh” I can vouch at just how beautiful it is. I hope you are recovering from your op, the burns are not as sore and that you notice a improvement x
    I had a lovely time with Sandra. As you know she was sorting out stamps and dies and I was sorting out my (and Mums that I borrowed)dies that had ended up in a tin “to be put away when I finish this card” Well, let’s just say that I made the big mistake of not doing that after many cards so a mammoth sort is underway!
    I’m off to have dinner but will be back in the Cafe tomorrow, at last 😄 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xxxx

    1. Must say I started to get real worried so it nice to see you be able to comment again. Hope everything is fine with you. Missed you xx

  9. Hi Sue lovely to see you in the café. Glad your OK was worried that you were taken bad missed you xx
    Love Lynda xx
