
Saturday 7 September 2019

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

First up today is a 'Twiddle Muff designes by our Karen, this is such a gorgeous exame
Karen this is just brilliant.  

I hope that you aren't all getting battered by storm force winds, it was been very windy here for past couple of days, although we still went onto the beach to just sit and watch the Wind/mh whipping the sea to a frenzy, the waves were constant, running like wild horses across the top of the waves, it looked amazing and people were having a blast!
Needless to say we didn't get in, as it would have whisked me off !
The Airport run was great, we were back here by 10am, the sun was out  so we lazed by the pool, until about, 4.30  we then decided to go to the beach, perfect afternoon!!. xxx


Karen has been super busy crocheting all of the above animals, that will used at the upcoming Fun Run this weekend,  Karen sat down and made all the the  Animals and these  really lovely labels (below.) She is taking them all to Harefield Hospital on Saturday, where she will also be joining a Fun Run!  Good luck my lovely !
Thanks so much once again Karen xxxx


Danielle has been busy in her craft room creating some amazing Gift Packing ideas,  this box is just amazing,  firstly its a fantastic size, imagine making a card and decorate your gift box to match,  you can use a variey of colours to decorate your box too. I think that it would look great in rich purple and silver too!  This one is special as the box has an outer wrap, like expensive jewellery does.
I might have ago at one of these on my return!
You can go over to Danielle's Youtube channel and watch her make this and other fantastic boxes/bags.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your projects Danielle xxx

Michele's Mag Reviuw
Hi Ladies,

Diecutting Essentials has a fantastic free gift this month. Hollyn& Ivy Die Set from Cardmaking Magic (Christina Griffiths).

Here’s what the Dies look like.

Some ideas from inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift -festive cards.

More ideas using the free gift and not just Christmas.

Gorgeous spinner cards featured in the article.

That’s all this week. Happy Crafting.


Oh Michele!! I love this magazine, the cards are perfect and I love the dies that come with the magazine, they will be such useful to have to hand, firstly for Christmas cards as it's Holly and Ivy, but it could be used to add foliage to any card.  So versatile, these are definitely on my list!
I also really love the Technique features. both brilliant too, particularly the spinner cards!
I hope I can still get it when I get home!

Thanks to all of you for taking part,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Some great crafty projects on display today.

    Hope you can understand the magazine write up as the photos are out of sync with the writing.

    We have a much calmer day here thank goodness. Yesterday was awful-such strong gusty winds all day. I’m off to meet a friend this morning for coffee then we’re going to visit my Father in Law this afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful crochet animals/people KAREN.Good Luck with the 'fun run'.
    Lovely boxes Danni as always.

    Off on our usual Saturday morning shopping jaunt and of course I'll be popping into WHS to have a look at the mag MICHELE>

    This afternoon may just be a feet up.
    The CAFE is OPEN and of course there's Afternoon Teas available this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you all have planned. Take care and stay safe. Safe journey SANDRA and I hope the roads aren't too busy.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  3. Hi ladies,

    The Twiddle Muff is great KAREN and such a good idea. All your crochet animals are so cute. I'm sure the fun run will be a huge success.x

    DANNI Your boxes as always are lovely.x

    MICHELLE Great mag review. I think I'll have to get this one as I love the dies. Hope you find FIL ok.x

    The dentist was fine. Such a lovely man. I explained how nervous I was and he was so gentle and told me about each tooth he was touching. I had an x-ray and the tooth that's jumping is just sensitive, nothing else wrong with it. He painted it with some gell and seems ok now. I only need one small filliñg and cleaning. Wew!

    SANDRA glad you had a good day yesterday. I don't think I'd risk going in the sea if it was so windy. Hope the packing went well.

    Meeting my friend later for coffee. She's been in Sweden visiting her son for two weeks so looking forward to hearing about it.

    Hàve a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. Great you had such a nice dentist and not much work needed, phu. Have a nice time meeting your friend later. Is she from Sweden ? hugs x

    2. Thanks Maria. Yes phew!!!
      My friend and her husband come from Liverpool but her son's partner is Swedish. My friend also found out they are expecting their first baby, so lovely news. X

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you have had a lovely holiday, safe journey
    Karen your muff is such a good idea, they will love fiddling with it. Hope the fun run goes
    Danielle your box is
    Michele thanks for review.
    Val pleased the trip to dentist was not too
    Sending hugs to all love

  5. Hi My friends, hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up to.
    Oh Karen, the twiddle muff is great and you know I just adore all you critters. Good luck with the run.
    Michele, I have bought the mag but not used the die yet . Liked it for it's not only for x-mas. Hope FIL is alright.
    Danielle, gorgeous boxes. Will have a look over on you tube how you made them later.
    Popped quickly to Dunelm this morning and a shopping in Lidl and now home again to continue sorting my mags out and just keep what I like in a folder. Well that's the idea anyway but it takes ages because I start reading them a bit too hihihi
    Special hugs to our friends in pain, hope the meds. can help you some. Need to take some extra today, have to wait another thirty min.tho so have put some cream on even if it doesn't do much.
    Have a good day all, Maria xx

  6. Thank you SANDRA for showing my makes I have just finished a second Twiddle Muff
    I had a bit of a tot up re the animals and I think I have made about 50 in total All thanks to the wonderful books and Aldi yarn! Thank you ladies for your lovely comments I so enjoy making them
    Lovely box DANIELLE It must have taken ages to complete
    Once again Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review This does look like a lovely set of dies I hope to go into town on Monday (doctor appointment) I will take a look in WH Smith
    Touch wood but it’s dry and quite calm I hope it stays that way especially for tomorrow The Fun Run gives us a chance to meet up with Gary’s friends and their growing families Even Oscar will go around the course albeit in a pushchair most of the time
    Take care all xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’ve just realised I haven’t left a comment on the blog today. It has been a different day, John went for a hearing test midday and asked would I go with him, all went fine and the results will be sent to the consultant, he is also going to have a brain scan in a few weeks time. We returned home, soon after he started to feel dizzy. and nauseous, I think the hearing test triggered his Menieres syndrome, since around 1.30 pm he has been really poorly, (I won’t go int details!) and went to bed mid afternoon and has slept since. I just know he will wake up in the morning and be as bright as a button.

    KAREN Love your muff, haven’t seen one in years, and those gorgeous pets you have lovingly made are beautiful I know they will be be given loving homes.
    Will be thinking of you tomorrow. xx

    DANIELLE your box is lovely and so cleverly constructed. xx

    MICHELE, Thank you for the magazine review, I have this edition and certainly give this Mag a big thumbs up. xx

    I’m sure most of you are in bed now so I will whisper goodnight to those of you who are still awake, sending extra fairy dust to help you sleep.

    Sweet dreams. Good night, god bless, Love Brenda xxx
