
Saturday 28 September 2019

Mixed Up Saturday with Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday morning Ladies,

We are starting today's post with a bit of a 'Naughty Sneak Peek ' of one of Our Janet's 'White on White' Challenge projects, this particular project works perfectly for 'Mixed Crafts ' Saturday, so I thought I would share it today and tomorrow! 
I will add Janet's Description below:

"My first  offering are three Hearts bought from The Range; painted with white acrylic dried which gives a bubble effect and decorated with lace etc from my lace box."

I love your gorgeous home decor piece Janet, this would make a lovely Wedding Keepsake or even Pearl Anniversary gift, thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 


Danielle has been busy making lots of different gift bags and creating YouTube Tutorials so that everyone can have a go at her Designs, I love the rolled handle attachments on these bags, it just adds something different to the look of the bag, very modern too.
I will add the link to Danielle's YouTube Channel below, she has a great Gift Box and Gift Card Wallet Tutorials going up this weekend too.

Danielle's Bag Tutorials

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies

Next magazine for a review is Diecutting Essentials which has a great set of Festive Foliage Dies free this month as shown below.

This photo show just a few ideas you can make using the free gift.

Great article on Bokeh effect Diecutting.

An interesting article on Fancy fold cards-perfect for the special people you know at Christmas.

That’s all this week-Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic Magazine review, I love those Free Dies, so useful! 
There are some great features too, like the Bokeh Effect done with Die Cutting and those great Fancy Fold 'Surprise' cards. I am very tempted to order this one! XXX

As I progress with my Craft Room Organisation I felt  I just needed a bit more drawer storage, Danielle sent me a photo of this storage trolley that they have in Hobbycraft, I looked at it and immediately thought that the top would be perfect for my Scan and Cut and there is loads of drawersfor storage too. It costs £43 But they had VIP shopping for Card Members so I got 20% off, which took it down to £34.40 !! Absolute bargain, it is really well made, sturdy too and easy to put together! 
I will share a photo of it filled and in my craft room later.

I will be continuing with my organising today, I hope thst you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Beautiful start this Saturday with seeing the lovely hearts from our Janet. Very lovely x
    Thank you Michele for you magazine review . Wishing you a wonderful holiday.
    Danielle- you have been so busy with making the gift bags and tutorials. I will have a look later today.
    I wish everyone a nice day, take care and many hugs from me, Maria xx

    1. Sorry Sandra but forgot about your new trolley. Very useful and I have the smaller version for my cards. Congrats as well for winning one of Sue's dies xx

  2. Good morning everyone We have bright sunshine at the moment I wonder how long that will last for
    Ooh JANET Your hearts are so pretty As SANDRA mentioned perfect for other occasions as well as weddings
    Great ideas for bags DANIELLE I will take a look later
    Thank you MICHELE for the review Invaluable as always
    That trolley looks great SANDRA I might just have to take a look at that Mind you now that I have inherited MIL’s dining room table I don’t know where I’d put it 😆
    OH is off for the weekend and I’m going to finish putting together those storage units - ink pad holder and ribbon holder The rest of the time it’ll still be crafting and Strictly!
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your storage trolley looks
    Janet your hearts are
    Danielle your bags are
    Michele your magazine review is
    Brenda I miss your comments hope John's results were Val I hope you are alright, miss
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Thank you for asking Margaret. John is now waiting for an appointment with the ENT consultant after his MRI. He has to look at all of the test results, then will send an appointment. It’s the NHS waiting game!!!
      Hope you are feeling well and the medication is helping. Hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    As we go away middle next month I did all the birthday cards put them on the table in order Terry said do you want me to post the cards I said the few on the left so what does he do post all of them. So lm sorry some of your cards will be early x😩
    Haven't done a lot I finished Challenge card and sent it to Sandra. I was going to have a go at this week's challenge. But back was aching.
    BRENDA how was John has e had his res yet.
    JANET your heart's are gorgeous.
    DANIELLE I love all your gift bag's. So many lol
    MICHELE great mag review
    VAL missing you hope your okxx
    Hug's for everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, Terry is a real gem. He certainly is trying his best for you. xxx

  5. Sue/Mrs B’s comment.
    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your new craft trolleys all loaded up Sandra xx
    Janet, these hearts are beautiful, a lovely gift for whoever receives them x
    Cheryl, a belated Happy Birthday to you x
    Lynda, our hubbies are so helpful aren’t they! Chris would do something like Terry no matter what I had told him to actually post, and Pop would for Mum too. But then again none of us would change them would we 🥰 I hope you get a bit of a break from your pain. Hugs to you and CU xx
    Maria, sorry that your neighbours are still sharing their noise with you all!!!! Hugs to you x
    Mum. Hope you are enjoying your audio book and (almost) hands free texting. Sorry I didn’t dust for you AGAIN! Love you xxxx
    We have a little man here who has a horrid cough and runny nose. Having just started full time school he is in “germ soup” so bugs are to be expected aren’t they, bless him. He is cuddled up with Grandad ready for a early night so I might manage to finish a challenge card and get it to you Sandra before it’s too late. Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I haven’t left a comment for a couple of days. I was feeding absolutely exhausted, sleeping most of the time, not sure if it was a virus. Anyway today has been a lot better. Fingers crossed it continues as we are supposed to be going to daughters tomorrow for a belated birthday party.
    Sandra I did start a CC card but gave up because I realised I couldn’t get it finished by 6pm I will get it finished and send you a picture in the week.
    SUE love your Groovi birthday card for Sandra.
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review. Enjoy your holiday xx
    JANET Love your hearts. xx
    DANIELE - WOW your bags are so professional looking. You could start your own business xx
    SANDRA your new craft unit looks great. Hope it solves some of your storage problems.
    I hope you are all feeling well, Love Brenda xxx
