
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Pat's Stamperama Make and Take Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh I have a busy day today, starting to panic a little, I thought we were organised but as our departure date looms closer It would appear that we are not quite as organised as we had hoped.  I'm sure it will be fine!
Today we have our hairdresser arriving at 09.30, Sophie and Lucy will go first so that they can leave in time to get to work, then I will get my hair cut, (boy does it need cutting, I have been taking some vitamins and cod liver oil supplements for a month or so, not sure if it has made me hair grow quicker, my nails are definitely improving). After that Pat is coming over and I think we are going out for lunch, I then need to get back a get crafting!
I know you won't mind if I don't have new cards to share everyday I am away, but I still feel that I need to have some.
I thought that I might start to share some of your Challenge cards from the past two years, I honestly think that we don't get to fully appreciate them when we are looking at 15 + cards at a time, so it will be nice to have another look at some of your works of art.

❤Heartfelt Thanks❤

Pat has asked me to pass on her Heartfelt Thanks for the Donation of £50 to Prostate Cancer UK.
That we collected in Pete's Memory, Pat told that it bought the total amount raised for the Charity to £357 which was our Donation plus what was collected at Pete's Funeral.
It is such a fantastic amount going to such a worthwhile cause, there have been multiple cases known just in our small circle of friends, so every little helps the fight to find a cure and build awareness.

So Ladies thank you so much for supporting this incredible cause, it felt really good sending in that Donation from all of us. xxx

Today I am sharing that absolutely stunning card that Pat made at the Dolly Dimples Make and Take Table at the Stamperama show on Sunday.  This particular piece reminds me of their former company Designer 'House of  Xander' which featured quirky designs of Shoes, Bags and Hats, I believe that I have a CDRom of theirs somewhere that was marketed by Katie-Sue Designs (from the Flower-soft Days, if any of you remember that). 
This is such a beautiful design of a gorgeous Dress on a Dress Form, with the addition of some lovely butterflies.
Such a gorgeous card Pat, it will be perfect for any of your teenage Granddaughters.  Thank you for allowing me to share it. XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely Day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a gorgeous card, really lovely.
    It’s a very similar design to the Katy-Sue CD-ROM that were available a few years ago. I have most of them & never think to use them.

    I have an appointment this morning at 10am to see the Nurse st Health & Well-being (Occupational Health in its new title) as I’m struggling with a few health issues then I’m finishing early to go to my Blood donation appointment at 5:30pm. Think it’ll be a restful evening tonight!

    1. I hope the appointment goes well and it helps

  2. A beautiful card PAT I was fascinated by their stall Some beautiful items and I loved some of their 3D items on display Bit then every stand/stall had amazing stuff on show
    Tooth beginning to calm down (hope it stays that way) OH at home today and I need to sort out 3rd bedroom as Oscar is staying Friday night (yippee) Some of my craft stuff has crept in there to make space for a friend to come and craft
    I’m pleased that we were able to make a donation in memory of PETE xx
    Have a good day ladies xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT what a gorgeous card. I love all of Dolly Dimples.I have three or four of their cds and all are a pleasure to work with.

    It's K&N this afternoon and it's my turn to 'Take and Make' so I'm hoping I have 11 kits with everything in them. It doesn't matter how many times I do kits I still panic that I haven't missed anyone out and that all the folders have everything in them. I shall be checkibg them again this morning before they go into my craft trolley. I have decided that it is a Seasonal Card and a box to match so everyone should be kept busy and I've kept the card simple so all are able to complete both card and box.

    We had rather a cool/cold day yesterday no rain but cardy went on in the afternoon.I hope we're going to have at least a couple of weeks which we can call Summer.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. There's a lemon drizzle cake just waiting to be
    Have a good day;take care and stay safe. HUGS are winging their way to you all xxxx

    1. I'm sure you be fine and have all sets together, don't forget mine and oh slice of lemon drizzle cake please. Have a great day xx

  4. Morning all.
    Nice card Pat, I cut out the shoe so if put together later I send it to you Sandra with my shopping.
    Michele- hope you be alright, sending you special hugs.
    Brenda- take care. Hope you have a better day.
    Also Lilian- I hope your breathing feels better and you have a nicer day.
    Margaret- missed you and Sue, hopefully you both feel stronger. Hugs x
    Hope to go out for a walk, blueish sky with hazy sunshine but think it's going to be a wet afternoon, where have summer gone.....
    Hugs to all, Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    I did put a thank you for your donation ladies yesterday. I’d asked Sandra to put it on as well just in case my post didn’t post.
    They had some lovely make and takes at Stevenage on Sunday. Only managed to do the one. I have 2 stamps from the house of Xandra that was in the day. They didn’t do CD roms back in the day.
    I’d have loved to buy a couple the CD roms but at £20 each couldn’t justify the expense seeing as I’m doing mostly Groovi now.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Pat lovely card & a good amount raised in memory of Pete.xx
    Sandra I am sure you are organised we all panic when it gets to final
    Janet hope K & N goes well, please save me some lemon drizzle
    Lynda I have not got wheel chair yet & ramp is not ready. I hope pain is easier, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Better day today sunny with little wind. We had to take wheelchair back to the red cross that we borrowed from them. Then went shopping a very enjoyable late morning NOT 🤣.But it was nice to get out for some air.
    Pat love your card it's really pretty. A good amount of money raised for Peter's charity.
    MARGARET thank's for the Hug's. Sorry your ramps not finished for your wheelchair. Are you getting a electric or manual one. How are you feeling now sending gentle Hug's xx
    Didn't get in craft room again. Must try and get in their tomorrow
    Sending HUG'S for everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Pat your card is lovely and what an amazing amount raised for a very worthy cause, Pete would be so proud of you. xx

    Hope everyone has had a good day, I had an appointment with Musculoskeletal service. Wonder why they changed the name from physiotherapists. So much easier to get your head around - or is it me stuck in my ways? Probably the latter!

    Sandra hope you and Pat enjoyed your lunch.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
