
Friday 9 August 2019

Next Week's Challenge....

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow that week went fast, I wonder if this next one will too, this time next week we should be packed and ready to set off to Folkestone for our first over night stop, we board the ferry on Saturday morning and depending on traffic we should arrive at our second hotel at about teatime on Saturday, Paris can be hit and miss though, I am hoping that it won't be too busy with it being a weekend but you just never know, lets hope that there are no demonstrating farmers!
That's the one down side of this type of holiday, you have to think of every little thing, be it traffic, all of the legal requirements for driving in Europe, for instance the driver  need's a spare pair of glasses, you have to have Alcohol Breath Test kits, Hi Vis Vests for all occupants, we have also taken the precaution of ordering an Air Quality Certificate, we were unsure whether we needed one or not, we bought one two years ago but on looking into route thought that we didn't enter the city of Paris itself so didn't bother last year, trouble was we ended up having to take a huge diversion, which did take us in to the city, we didn't get fined but we decided it's not worth the risk so for 4 euros we got one just in case, fingers crossed that it arrives in time!

I thought we would go for a good old TicTacToe Challenge for a change this week, it's actually been a few weeks since we did one, you have made some outstanding Challenge cards this past few weeks too.
I thought that this challenge Grid was quite nice, there is loads of choice including some of your favourites, like Vintage, Simple Stamping is a good one too.
As always I am excited to see what you all come up with, I wonder how many will do the 'Water Theme' category?!

My only Rule is that you have fun taking part!!

Sue came over yesterday which was lovely, we had a great day, Sue was busy quilling, I can't wait to see the finished project. yummy fresh cream Apple turn overs finished our afternoon off a treat xx

I am off to get some more cards made for this challenge and the blog,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge & some great combinations on this Tic Tac Toe .

    Sounds like you need to be super organised planning everything you need to go on holiday-I’m sure you’ve covered everything.

    Didn’t do anything yesterday evening as I felt “unwell “ so just spent most of the evening laid on the bed. Haven’t slept much so I’m feeling extremely tired-thank goodness it’s Friday!!


    1. I hope your feeling better today Michele.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We had a glorious day yesterday sunshine all day so windows and doors open until well after tea. It's a different story this morning though. It's raining and has been most of the night and it's cool and dark. I'm wondering if I've missed putting the clocks back lol.

    This week's Challenge looks good and interesting.

    Well as it's Friday so by now you all know what that means for me whatever the weather. The washer is already churning away and I also need to send off my CCs so it's going to be busy for me.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the brolly bucket is ready by the door.
    There's a Chocolate Cake waiting to be eaten so help yourselvs.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day;take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Some interesting choices on this tic tac toe I shall enjoy playing around with the combinations
    We had such a giggle at craft last night We occasionally set ourselves a challenge and as we all do different things like patchwork, cake decorating, knitting, crochet etc It is fascinating to see what we get We drew a subject out of a hat and red and purple came out inspired by the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph So it will be interesting to see what the ladies come up with
    Dentist today (yeuck!) But at least, like MICHELE has said at least it’s Friday
    Take care all xxxx

  4. Hi ladies.
    Lovely tic tac toe challenge this week Sandra. Something for everyone. Glad you had a good time with Sue.

    Not much happening over here at the moment. Too hot and tired to do much. However its craft club day. A nice few hours with lovely crafty ladies.

    Seem to be a mixture of weather over in UK so keep safe if you're out and about.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your craft day today. Yes our weather is a bit hit and miss just lately. Our summer didn’t last long.

  5. Morning ladies.
    Good old tic tac toe, will be nice to do for next cc.
    Glad you had a fun day with our Sue and she felt better to go over.
    Karen- good luck with the dentist.
    Margaret- hugs are sent for you and Pop.
    Lilian- hope your breathing is better and the meds are helping. Guess it still busy around your end of the
    country ? Take care.
    House is a bit upside down today, Son is going to Iceland for a fortnight touring holiday with some friends. Not worried as such but know they are going off road some of the journey so .....
    I'm going to have my nails done, time for a little Me time and then this pm see if I can make any headway with this weeks cc or if it's goes in the bin.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent to you all. Maria xxx

  6. Margaret Palmer9 August 2019 at 10:35

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra good choice for cc, pleased Sue was well enough to come over. Sounds as you have to be super organized to travel through Paris. xxx
    I am having problems with hitting the right keys at the moment, sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    We have heavy rain at moment. Hoping it brightens up soon. We planed to go out for few holiday cloths Terry needs to get trainers. New jeans & swim shorts
    I think I'm OK.
    My home help ( Terry) still has house work to do.
    SANDRA good grid for challenge this week gosh your holiday almost hear where has this year gone.
    Hug's for everyone hope you all have a good Day.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sending hugs to both you and your home help ( AKA Terry ). Hope you manage to get our to buy the things Terry needs.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I saw some of your stuff all packed on Wed when I came over didn’t it. Let’s hope you don’t have to hit Paris. Managed to post yesterday. However, wasn’t able to comment on anyone else’s comment. Good challenge, but I don’t think the Groovi cards I’ve sent you qualify.

  9. Hello All, it’s dry here at the moment, but we have had torrential rain and high winds, pot gone over, but worse to come tonight. Feel sorry for the families that come down to camp. We are still chocked with traffic, roll on September.

    Sandra great tic tac toe for next week, gosh your hols have come around quick, are all the family going with you?

    Very pretty cards over the last few days, am trying to sort out all my dies and tidy my room , after doing my mixed media piece.
    Hugs to all, Lilian
