
Saturday 31 August 2019

My Christmas Tags, my Swap from Danielle & Michele's Magazine Review

 Good Saturday morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend.
I am trying not to think about it being our last 'full' weekend here, although we won't actually get home until a week on Monday.  Hopefully we have a few more days of sunshine until then, the girls want to go to the Waterpark one day this week, I'm sure it will fly by.
We had another beautiful beach day on Friday, finishing the afternoon/early evening laying by the pool writing todays blog.
Oh I didnt tell you how lucky we were when we went out for Dinner on my Birthday,  I picked a place that we have been a few times as I know that there was something that everyone liked on the menu.  Lewis says it's the best Pizza he has ever eaten and coming from a fussy eater thats High Praise, we started our meal with Mediterranean Muscles and Patatas Bravas, which disappeared very quickly. 
Us girls had steak, Lewis and Paul had Pizza,  the best part of the evening was that there was a live band, so we were entertained while we ate out on the patio, it was a lovely evening.

Enough of my waffle onto today's crafts...

The first items shown today are a set of t, ree Christmas tags I made for this months Swap on Our FB page.  I used My Minds Eye Lost and Found Christmas papers, an old Spellbinders Bauble die, some SU Pine dies and SB Poinsettias.

My Embellishment Swap with Danielle 

Danielle sent me some lovely toppers for our recent swap on our FB group, made using some Paper Boutique toppers and matching papers.

She also sent a lovely card that she had made using the 'Shaving Foam' Technique, it was in my fave SU colours too. 

Michele's magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a brilliant set of Dies & stamps free this month.

Some ideas from inside the magazine.

First article showing Christmas cards using the free gift.

Next few photos shows how you can create non Christmas cards using the same Dies.

More examples.

A couple more ideas.

Great value gift this month as it can be used all year round.

Happy Crafting

Love the look of this Magazine Michele,  the free dies and stamps look amazing and work for this weeks challenge too.
I love the samples they have made with them too.
Thank you so much for taking time to write these reviews each week. XXX

That's all for today ladies, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the Christmas tangs look fantastic and the cards look great too.

    I really need to try to make something as I just keep wandering into my craft room , look through a few things then go downstairs & sit reading!

    Blood tests yesterday to a) confirm it’s the menopause and b) rule anything else out. Next appointment is early morning on the 9th September so my blood results should e available by then.

    I’m off to the hairdressers this morning then I might just pop into the garden centre which happens to have a craft’s the Card-Io one.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely set of swaps this morning.
    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review.I love reading the reviews as they easily direct me to the mags in WHS and I don't have to search through loads.

    Off on our normal Saturday shopping and coffee with Jim's Niece. Her little girl starts Secondary school next week and her boy moves up into Y8. Where do the years go.

    The CAFE is OPEN and as usual Afternoon Teas are on offer this afternoon. Have a good day whatever you have planned. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Love the tags and DANIELLE’s makes
    Your birthday meal sounded smashing Your holiday really does seem to be flying by
    Thank you for the magazine review MICHELE Always invaluable because I don’t live near a shop that stocks craft mags but they’re willing to order any one of them in that I fancy
    We went to Covent Garden yesterday and had a browse around the market and then went to watch The Illusionists which I thoroughly enjoyed
    Lovely to read your exciting news LYNDA Will you be doing the wedding stationery?
    OH is working later and so will hopefully have a bit of craft time
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm not sure if I'm doing the invertaions. I did Harry's christening cards & Sam was so fussy think I had to change them four times. So wilsee what's she wants. Xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a lovely time on your birthday & your tags are
    Danielle your swap is beautiful as always, you have so many
    Michele thank you for good review, & good luck with the blood tests.
    Lynda fantastic news, something to look forward to. Harry did make me laugh with his comment, you don't what goes through their mind, love
    Maria thank you Sue is fine, thanks for
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Thank Margaret yes Harry has such an imagination. Today Darren sent video clip of Harry today he was crying he said Nanie I love you so much & I miss you so much he was so upset
      So I sent him a video m saying Nannie loves you very much too don't be sad will see you very soon. Two minits later had another video he was laughing Darren said he gets very emotional bless him.
      Hope your feeling better
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sounds like you had a lovely evening and day on your Birthday Sandra. How lovely to have a band playing as well. The icing on the cake for you.
    Lovely reviews as usual Michele. Thanks you for taking the time to do that.
    I saw an excerpt from Riverdance the 25th Anniversary show the in the week. However, when I looked it was not until March in Oxford. Heather & Perce said they’d like to go as well so I went today to get some tickets. Luckily they had 3 seats together but only on the last night. I wasn’t expecting them to be virtually 7 months in advance though.

  6. Hi Lynda
    Congratulations on your news Lynda. I had to go back to see what it was. I hope if you have to do the invites your not in to much pain.
    Love & hugs to both you and CU.

    1. Thank you Pat yes not sure if I'll be doing invites as my hands are qui painful

  7. Hi ladies.
    Lovely tags Sandra.
    Your swap is lovely too, the one made with shaving foam, WOw Danielle, wonderful colours.
    Family, nice meal out and music to listening to. Sound like you had a lovely birthday. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, always helpful.
    Lilian- how nice to see your Nephew before he goes away. Hope your weekend is good.
    Lynda- hope you had a better night and today was not too painful. Hugs being sent for you and CU x
    Janet- hope you had a nice time with Jim's niece and the kids, they are not so little anymore. Hope they do well back to school.
    Karen- oh I'd love to to Covent garden again, Just walk around and look at everything, nice day and I hope today was good too and maybe some crafting made.
    I'm so sorry but this week has gone "swoosh,bang and wallop"with no Mojo in sight and I woke up today realising I had not made one card all week and didn't feel like it today either so no card from me tomorrow. Sorry if I let you down.
    Have a nice evening everyone and many hugs sent to one and each of you my friends , Maria xxx

  8. Hi Sandra your swaps are beautiful & Dannilies card is gorgeous.
    Enjoy your evening everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    WOW Sandra your swaps with Danielle are all gorgeous, especially love Danielle’s shaving cream card.

    LYNDA you have got an exciting time ahead. I’m sure Harry will be helping to organise the special occasion and will certainly keep everyone entertained. xx

    MICHELE Thank you for your magazine review. xx

    Enjoy the last few days of your holiday Sandra, love to all the family.xx

    Enjoy your weekend ladies, Love Brenda xxx
