
Tuesday 20 August 2019

A couple more TicTacToe Challenge cards from FB ladies

Melanie Kilborn 

Stephanie Hernandez

Good morning Ladies,

The ladies over on Danielle & I's Facebook Group like a TicTacToe Challenge as much as we do, so I like to extend our Challenge to include them too.

They made some absolutely amazing cards for The TicTacToe Challenge, these are the first two of them..

Melanie's card is just so beautiful,  I love everything about it, I'm not sure if the clock is a sie or a cleverly inked mask, it looks incredible either way. 
Those gorgeous die cut flowers,  foliage and butterfly decorate the clock face perfectly.
Melanie used categories:  Vintage/Die Cut/ Feminine.

Thank you so much Melanie for taking part and allowing me to share your card on my blog xxx

Stephanie has gone for a real 'arty' look with her almost distressed looking inked floral die cut, I love the colours you have used Stephanie. 
Stephanie coloured the pretty die cut by painting with Water Colour Markers. It looks amazing Stephanie.  
Stephanie used Categories: Die Cut/Favourite Colour/Floral.

Thank you so much Stephanie for both taking part in this Challenge and allowing me to share your card on my blog. XXX 

It's lovely to see a totally different take on the challenge, it never ceases to amaze me how we all create totally different cards yet we are all working with ths same 9 categories. 

I have some more to share later in the week too.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two beautiful cards on display today, both really lovely.

    We have sunshine here today but it’s still very breezy and not too warm either. I’m hoping work won’t be too busy today-fingers crossed.


  2. Good morning for the second time of asking.
    I've just lost my comment.
    Two beautiful cards on show this morning really lovely.

    It took over two hours to get my prescription sorted so I'm hoping that my next one will be in the new system. Well I can always hope. We'll see on Friday September 13th!

    I need to get my CC started today. The weather forecast is showers with some sunshine. At the moment it's cool but dry.

    I hope you've started your holiday properly SANDRA with everyone there and settled in.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Two very pretty cards ladies I love to see everyone’s take on a challenge
    I hope the girls and Lewis arrived safely and now the holiday can really begin
    I hope to make a cc later and I have a couple Birthday cards to make
    Take care ladies I may not mention you all by name but you’re all on my thoughts xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Two fantastic cards from Melanie and Stephanie, nice to see more people joining in.
    Michele- hopefully your day back is not too stressful, take care.
    Janet- dreadful long time for getting your meds. hope tho that next time you just have to ordered it even on a Friday the 13th. So many times it says I have to contact the doctor before getting any more but if I just tell them in the little box that I ran out, I usually get them . Have a nice day.
    Karen- you are in my head too every day hihi hope work is better and you still have your mojo later to make some cards.
    I wish you all a nice day and Sandra, I hope you can get on that beach and just enjoy yourself. Paul and the kids too.
    hugs to all, Maria xx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Two beautiful cards to greet us this morning. Well done to creators of card magic.

    Back home following a wonderful week spent with my family in the Midlands and the Steam Punk Wedding of my great nephew Gary to his beautiful bride Simone. I wasn't sure what to expect but everybody pulled out all the stops to give a wonderful display of steampunkiness. Nearly all the guests arrived in marvellous costumes and accessories. Fantastic sight to see. Unfortunately my camera decided it didn't want to play so I hope those of you on FB would take a look at some of the photos on my page from other family posts.

    Hope all is OK in your world?
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Melanie & Stephanie beautiful cards, thank you for joining us,xxx
    Sandra hope you are enjoying your beginning of your holiday. Xxx
    I saw the Consultant this morning
    & she confirmed that I have Parkinson Disease which can be controlled by tablets. At least I know what I have now.
    Sending hugs to all love Margaret, xxx

    1. Sorry to hear your diagnoses Margaret but so pleased it can be controlled by tablets. Sending hugs.x

    2. So sorry Margaret. Hopefully the meds you get will delay any more. Take care, big hugs are sent for you xx

    3. Hello Margaret, what can I say - xxx
      I hope the tablets help.
      Big Hugs on there way. xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have a lovely sunny day but the wind is on the chilly side.
    I have been tidying my craft room all morning but it looks more untidy than ever. I have The trouble is I can never remember whare I put things lol.
    SANDRA I hope your all settled & chilled out to start your holiday now have a fabulous time.
    MARGARET sorry to hear you have parkinson Disease I hope your consultant can help you with the right medication. Sending you lots of gentle Hug's 🤗💕🤗xx
    JANET I hope your medication gets sorted it's a long time.
    Lovely cards today from Melanie & Stephanie thanks for sharing.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  8. Hi everyone,

    Sandra hope you're settled in and starting to relax and have a have a lovely time.

    Melanie and Stephanie two very pretty cards.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    Love Valxxx
