
Saturday 20 July 2019

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning ladies,

We have about a month's rain yesterday, I felt so sorry for the people that had paid to go to International Air Tattoo. it was a total wash out of a day, I don't think I heard one plane flying yesterday, whereas on Thursday in the fine weather and they were loads a planes flying around, I guess that it would be purely down to the persistent rain, to think that you had spent all that money on tickets.  There was a huge amount of traffic building up on the into Fairford all the campground people arriving to set up for the weekend.  So I think we are going to 'batten down the hatches' and stay at home, although if there are cloudy/dry breaks in the rain we have loads of things to do in the garden.  I quite like the idea of being stuck at home with Paul, be nice if we get some time to relax, the girls are working but Matt's truck broke down on the roundabout coming off Junction16 of the M1, he said he went to put his foot on the clutch and it was already on the floor, when he lifted his foot it stayed down, so obviously the clutch had broken, so Matt got a Breakdown Truck to come pick him up in his huge lorry and bring him home, the Fleet Manager was supposed to arrange for Matt to be picked up yesterday morning with his truck too and be taken to the Depot in Gloucester, Matt was up and ready at 6am, but nobody appreared, he called them and was told that the earliest the they would be able to supply him with a replacement lorry was Tuesday, which is just silly at this time of year, with farmers harvesting and workmen trying to finish jobs before their summer break, Matt has a huge list of tasks but despite him getting quite irate and frustrated his line manager was little help, all he kept repeating I can't really have you being paid to sit at home all day. Sometimes life is just never straight forward.

Janet has made some more of her gorgeous boxes, just look at how intricate the patterns are on the sides of the boxes, Tonic really do pack as much detail into a die set as they can.

Janet's Description:

" The boxes are of  course TONIC (last year'sc Seasonal die). I used Crafter's Companion card (shades of Purple). The decoration on the box is TONIC and I used their mirror card. The Seasonal card is a Crafter's Companion Seasonal die bought about three year's ago.

Thanks so much Janet for sharing your amazing gift boxes with us.  I would like to wish both you and Jim and smooth and safe journey home, I hope you packed your wellies as we have had a good amount of rain this past few days.  XXX

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies, 

Papercraft Inspirations come with a really cute set of Stamps this month.

Here’s some ideas of the features inside the magazine

This photo shows some ideas you can create using your free gift.

Great feature using Cascading letter Dies 

This article shows what you can make using the free papers.

There’s a great feature on using magnets inside this magazine.

That’s all for this week.

Happy Crafting 
Love Michele 

Thank you so much Michele for taking time to write this review and sharing thr photographs, I really appreciate it my lovely X XX 

Michele's Garden

Michele has shared some photo's of her amazing garden, what a stunning space Michele, you have some loves shrubs and trees and your lawn looks like one at Stately Home, look at those immaculate stripes on that lawn, it's so lush and green too, I bet there isn't a weed in sight.

I would also like to thank you for capturing a photo of your amazingly rare Red Squirrel for us to see, he looks right at home and I bet he has mastered all of your Bird Feeders, so lovely to spot one though Michele, so thanks again for sharing the photos XXX

Cheryl's Mini Album
The Back Page with its lovely Star photo frame

A peak inside the Album

These are some of the pages that Cheryl has created.

How beautiful is this Front Cover with those adorable elephant Mum & Baby.

Cheryl has been busy making this amazing Mini Album for Chloe, you have done such an amazing job Cheryl,
you have added just the right amount of detail and left plenty of space for Chloe to add details too etc.
Thank you so very much for sharing it with us XXX 

Brenda & Maria, I ended up sitting up until 2:30 am trying to upload the photo's of your beautiful gardens, you both shared some stunning images.
But I just couldn't get them to upload to the blog, I tried on my laptop, my phone, Paul's laptop too, I tried re-setting the Router box thingy about three times, the girls were complaining earlier in the evening that it wasn't working properly.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the hundreds of thousands if visitors that have flocked to our neighbouring village for the Air Show, our internet speed is already very poor because of the old lines that we have, either that or the large amount of rain that we have had.  Either way it's so frustrating.  I am sorry to both of you but as you know 'I will be sharing them with you as soon as I can get them loaded.
I even went and sat out in the car in my dressing gown to see if that would help get them but it didn't sadly.

It was the same for Karen & Michele's shopping pics too!

If anyone else wants to send in their Garden Photo's it's not too late, so get them sent to my

Thats all for today, 

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your gift boxes are so lovely, very pretty.

    Cheryl-your mini album looks great.

    The photos of our garden were taken just after Phil had cut the grass so it looks good. The squirrel is s regular visitor & we have a feeder especially for them!


  2. Ladies I apologise for the Blog not being up at it's usual time, I have been up most of the night trying to get photo's etc to upload, the ones that I have managed were uploaded while I was waiting in the car for paul at supermarket, as soon as we got home however I just couldn't get anything to up/down load, I'm guessing it may be due to the 100's of thousands of people that stay in fields, campsites, hotels, pubs & B&B's in the next village for the International Air tattoo that are draining are already incredibly slow and ancient internet access, it's the same here on any big occasion like Christmas and New years eve, the increased activity just causes system to crash.
    I guess that's country life!
    So I am sorry to Maria and Brenda that I couldn't get your garden pics up, I will keep trying, Karen and Michele I have not been able to add your shopping one's either.
    Sorry if I worried you my lovelies.
    On the upside, so far it is a glorious day so the planes are flying around and making the most of the clear skies.
    Have a lovely day,

  3. Margaret Palmer20 July 2019 at 10:48

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I think you are still having problems with your internet, when I first looked in wasn't there then suddenly it appeared about 10.20.
    Michele your garden is lovely & thanks for magazine review.xx
    Janet hope you have a safe journey & your boxes are
    Cheryl thank you for sharing your mini album it is
    The café is open & cream teas are available later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Beautiful boxes JANET Safe trip home xx
    Thank you for the magazine review MICHELE and your garden is spectacular
    I love your mini album CHERYL The perfect gift for a new mum
    Like you SANDRA yesterday was a complete wash out - literally We got to Newmarket Races and yeah there was a bit of drizzle but then it just poured and poured By 7pm after 3 of the 7 races we decided to leave and go to the pub where some friends meet up before dancing and then onto dancing!
    Today is very overcast and windy
    Don’t stress about downloading pictures SANDRA It happens I am struggling to get onto sites at the moment
    OH off to work in a mo I hope to catch up on some sleep and then I’m going to craft!
    Take care ladies xxx

  5. Hi ladies,
    had have a problem today to get on line so it wasn't just you Sandra. No worries about the photos. I'm still trying to finish my CC for this week, real sorry if it's not getting to you in time.
    Love your card and Tonic makes Janet, gorgeous colours. Have a good journey home.
    Michele- can you come down and sort out my garden please ? yours is stunning and such a lovely lawn, Wow !
    Thanks for the mag review. I did take one of mine back and luckily it was no problem at all to change it.
    Cheryl- what a Beautiful album. Love the pages you have made. Hope your meal was fine yesterday.
    Going to have a little lunch now and then see if I can finish the cc. Glad we didn't go today for Louis, it would have been a wash out and it rained all night too.
    Sending many hugs to you all and healing hugs for you who need some. Take care, love Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    After very heavy rain this morning we have beautiful sunshine now. JANET love your boxes & card very pretty.Have a Safe journey home
    Cheryl Really love your memory book
    MICHELE WOW your garden is amazing & love your squirrel he's beautiful
    Thank you again for a great magazine review.
    SANDRA what a shame the air show was a bit of a was out with the heavy rain. Did the weather turn out dry. It must be very frustrating for you with your Internet not working properly.
    Hope Matt gets his van fixed quickly it's unfair he doesn't get paid it's not his fault the van broke down more Hug's on the way.
    I have been in craft room today
    Didn't do bad I made a card for my Son's birthday tomorrow we are going over tomorrow. Also made a CC for next week's challenge.
    Many Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx
