
Monday 29 July 2019

Another 'Spotlight' Challenge Card

Good Monday Morning ladies,

I hope that you all enjoyed the weekend, Janet you had me in stitches yesterday, I would love to have seen you, good job it's warm otherwise getting so wet would have been even worse if it was freezing cold, thank you for the smile xx
Pat it sounds like you had quite an eyeful, maybe it's fancy swimwear that they were wearing, I have to say that after seeing some of the girls on this program that the girls watch (love island), nothing would surprise me, to be honest I can't see the point of some of the bikinis the girls were wearing, clearly having your bum cheeks covered is a thing of the past, they have bikini tops that don't quite meet your chest, so they have lots of 'under boob' on show.  I am so relieved that my girls are very reserved and like to keep everything covered, Becca is another story, she doesn't mind being adventurous with her bikini, I like that she has the confidence to do it, I certainly don't !!

Val, I totally get what you mean when you say that you wish you hadn't started your craft room, you start with enthusiasm but then you look round and think WHY?!!,  Like you I had kept so many tiny bits of paper, so pointless as I never used them, after having a huge declutter I now look at a piece of leftover card differently, most will go straight in the bin.  Crafting in your Bra and pants sounds ideal, especially this last week, unfortunately my bedroom is opposite a window beside the front door, I will say that if I have to do anything in the morning I usually do it with little on as I like to go and shower after I am finished, clean house, clean me, so I keep my dressing gown on hand in case the Post man knocks!! Its all about being comfortable, who cares what anyone thinks!

Now onto my 'Spotlight' card, I used my 'Woodware Single Layered Collage' stamp, I stamped it out twice, I added embossing powder and heat set, which I think makes it easier to colour.  I mounted one onto a piece of Gorgeous Grape card and onto my card base. I took the second stamped piece and fussy cut the section with the safety pin and flowers, I coloured the background with 'Soft Sky'  Stampin Blends and the flowers with Gorgeous Grape and Granny Apple Green Blends, I made sure to include the bit above that sentiment strip to finish the look.  I added foam pads to the back of both pieces and replaced it onto the stamped image.
So the 'Spotlighted area is the coloured area, I love this stamp and like how this card has turned out.

I can't wait to see what you are all making xx

Brenda, wow what and incredible experience your Grandsons are having, I can't wait to hear more about their travels, I bet Sam is going to love teaching in the local school, I expect there will be lots of things to keep Dominic busy too. I totally understand your relief at hearing that they had arrived safely, how lovely that they thought to message you to put your mind at rest, thank you for sharing the first leg of their adventure with us, xxx

Maria, I don't know how you have kept your patience with that bloody woman next door, she sounds likes she is deranged, is she an alcoholic or something?  I think that you are going to have to have a word with the man or get Rik to, I am glad that you got to catch on a little sleep though.  I am so glad that you enjoyed the challenge too xxx

Lynda I hope that you and CU had a lovely weekend xxx

Margaret, I hope that you have had a lovely weekend too, did you manage any crafting, I do hope so as it's so therapeutic.  I am happy to do loads of die cuts for you if that would help you my lovely xxx

Michele it was lovely to read that your FIL was able to join in a little bit at the summer fair, it was so lovely that you went to support the home.  Sorry that the weather stopped your gardening, we were lucky and the sun shined all day Sunday,  hopefully you found something more relaxing to do xxx

Karen, You were in my thoughts all day yesterday, I love that you get to share Gary's Birthday with his friends at the zoo too, thanks again for sharing that amazing card and poem and thanks again for last weeks challenge xxx

Ladies, I loved reading all of your comments on yesterdays blog, it really made me chuckle (janet) and smile (Pat and Brenda), I do love when you share your stories, it's the one thing that makes 'Our Blog' so unique xx

Lilian, you are VERY missed, I hope that you are well sweet friend xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- I love love today's card.

    Well we had a stay at home yesterday as neither of us could face the rain again. We watched the last day of the Tour de France and all in all had a really good day.

    Jim's on duty today so I have the house to myself. I'm hoping to make a atart on my CC card. That's the plan.

    The CAFE is OPEN and thee's a coffee and walnut cake just waiting to be eaten so pop in for a sit and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day; take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      You made me laugh at the picture of you both soaked to the skin. I’m glad you both managed to see the funny side. Great cards yesterday.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic card Sandra. running very late this morning so I’ll pop in later.


  3. Beautiful card SANDRA I love that stamp I have a couple of PHILL MARTINS stamps that might work and have never used yet
    Thank you ladies for your kind wishes They helped me get through a particularly difficult day Seeing Oscar also helped to brighten me and OH up
    I hope you’ve dried out JANET You did make me smile
    I need to sort out and de/ clutter my craft room to VAL
    You really need to sort things out with your neighbour MARIA Could other neighbours help you out
    I am so relieved your grandsons arrived safely BRENDA What an adventure
    Back to the grindstone today Very sunny here but a lot cooler
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I glad your day wasn’t so bad yesterday. Seeing Oscar helps a lot doesn’t it. Little ones sure keep us on our toes don’t they.

  4. Morning ladies
    Beautiful card. I haven't got any really big stamps but using what I have got so hope they be ok.
    Lovely to see the sun out this morning so hedge cutting and grass cutting on the go and later hope to sort out the corner where the fir tree used to be. Thank goodness we had a pretty good night but I do believe they are on something or other.
    Have a nice day all , hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I certainly sounds like their on something doesn’t it.

  5. Margaret Palmer29 July 2019 at 10:10

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is lovely very unusual. Thank you for offering to do some cut outs for me, I find it difficult to craft as I cannot craft seating down, & as I had another fall the other week & had to call ambulance again, no injuries other than bruising, so I am being very careful until I see the consultant in 3 weeks, when I hope to find out why I keep falling. I will take you up on your offer thank
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Alan has my breakfast ready so better go, love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your card is lovely, the stamp is very different from all the stamps you have used before. Must look at my larger stamps, Thank you for your inspiration xx
    I haven’t heard from the boys today, the convent in Loughborough has via the jungle drums - I mean internet! Boys were starting the day in the school (Primary age children) and later would be going into the fields to help with the maize. Not sure if they would be gathering it in or what. My sister could hardly get the words out for laughing at the thought of them working the fields. Dom in his day job likes to ware designer clothes, he is a real up and coming city gent. Now Sam on the other hand will ware anything even hand me downs. I think my sister had a vision of Dominic in his designer gear out in the fields, I assured her he has only taken casual clothes. I’m sure we will get an update later, Well that’s if they are not to tired.
    Hope your day is going well, I have been doing out draws in our bedroom, have filled one bag so far, I putting off doing the craft room.... but it’s the next door along the landing so has to be next!

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card today Sandra and in my favourite colours to.
    I must say Brenda your grandsons are on a great adventure. Good that they can keep in touch. Let’s hope your designer wearing grandson has taken some older clothes with him as he’s working in the fields.
    A nice sunny day in Oxfordshire today.
