
Sunday 30 June 2019

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at our favourite post of the week,  I really enjoyed making my card, the challenge gave my mojo a boost too.

Let's get straight on with the show, we have some of the lovely ladies from our Facebook group joining in today too.....


Here are my CCs for this week.

For my first card I used:- Texture/Neutral/Birthday.

for my second  card I used:-Circles/flowers/ribbon

For my last card I use:-Texture/Circle/Birthday/Ribbon

Janet, thank you so much for three gorgeous cards.
I hope your journey is going smoothly, we couldn't have timed our long travel days worse, I'm guessing you had it even hotter than we did !   Hopefully today will be a little cooler for you. Safe travels my lovely XXX


Lynda has chosen a gorgeous,  fresh, summery colour for the theme for her challenge card.

Lynda's description:

I Used the mask
Geometric star
With soft green crackle paste
Flowers from wish
I put some crackle past on some white card & when dry cut the flowers out & small circles from wish. Hope that makes sense.

Lynda, thank you so much for making such a beautiful card for this weeks challenge XXX


Michele has designed two lovely Feline themed cards for this weeks challenge, both cards feature some lovely crisp embossing,  some pretty gingham ribbon and those cute Cat silhouette die cuts. 

Thanks Michele for two fantastic cards and for taking part despite being so unwell XXX


Lesley did something I  have never seen before for her stunning challenge card, she took the categories quite literally, each square of her card represents the corresponding category on the grid!! 
What an inspired idea Lesley, absolutely brilliant,  I love your card!
Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Toni made this absolutely gorgeous card for this weeks challenge, I love the vintage/mixed media look you have designed. All the elements you have used wprk together beautifully. 
Thank you so much fo

At 3am this morning I had an idea so I got up and made this, not quite as I planned as I didn't have everything I needed, but near enough. I hope you like it. I didn't bother going back to bed as it was 6.30 by the time I'd finished it. Flowers/texture /neutral. Tic tac toe


Melanie your card is simply stunning,  I love the shape, the colour and your design.

Melanie's Description below:

Made a start...Circles, Birthday, neutrals, flowers/ribbon/Human animal, textured card...more to follow, enjoying this x

Thank you so much for taking part Melanie xxx

Ladies what a lovely display of incredibly beautiful cards, thank you so very much for the time and effort you have put in to supporting the challenge each week. 

As i writing this we are 2 hours into our journey home from my Mum's,  it is 9.10pm and 29 degrees !! I can't wait to get home, shower and collapse into bed !

A relaxed day for us today I think! 

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing Sunday too.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What s fantastic selection of challenge cards today. All lovely & all so very different.

    My cards are extremely simple as I really haven’t felt like crafting-too warm, no mojo & still not pain free. I have a physio appointment at 5pm on Monday so fingers crossed he’ll find out what’s wrong.

    Sunny but breezy day today which will be good for the washing! Will do the minimum of housework & definitely no gardening today!


  2. Lovely cards ladies - you all so inspire me - from shabby chic to CAS It looks like I forgot to send my efforts in!
    The gelato festival was great fun and tasted to fantastic flavours Nearly every one became a favourite! I voted for a beautifully smooth lemon with mint and lime ripple Other favourites included a green tea one and a mango one We gave up trying as we felt we’d had our fill!
    Today we’re off to Stamford Bridge to do the Chelsea Legends tour Hopefully it won’t be as hot as yesterday and it’s at 5pm so should be much cooler
    I will send in my photos but please don’t feel you have to show them SANDRA
    Have a lovely day all Enothe sunshine whilst we can xx

  3. Morning ladies. Wow fabulous selection of cards well done to you all. So much inspiration. I need more practice at card making. I've been cutting card bases on my new Guillotine 😁 Have a great day xxx

  4. Margaret Palmer30 June 2019 at 11:16

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    The café is open, tried to comment yesterday but it disappeared, the internet was playing up. It is roast chicken & trimmings for lunch so place your orders.
    Sandra hope you do not feel too exhausted after the long hot day, I never ventured outside it was far too hot, we are never satisfied are we. Hope you can have an easy
    All the CC are lovely, & it is lovely to see some joining in from facebook, I love the idea of Lesley's card, well done all of you.
    Lynda hope you are less achy today, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    It's so hot I'm melting absolutely no breeze the patio so Terry has got the big fan down. So that's helping
    Gougous aray of CC again love idea of Lesley's card very clever. Toni
    Your card is also lovely hope to
    See you both again
    Hope you have got over your journey yesterday Sandra.
    JANET hope your journey is going well it will all be worth it in the end. I'm still in pain I've got a lovely black brushed upper leg & that is very painful. Darren n Sam are coming down & Sam is going to finish the dinner I put a leg of lamb in oven.
    Hug's for everyone love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic display of challenge cards, everyone really inspiring.

    I hope you have had a restful day today Sandra. You had a long day yesterday, spending many hours travelling. We were home by 8pm (you probably hadn’t started your journey home at that time) yet today I have felt absolutely exhausted.
    So goodness knows how the travelling and heat affected you. xx
    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello All, lovely day again, although we had mostly low cloud, very hot and humid.

    Lovely lot of cards today, sorry I didn’t join in, have been feeling rubbish this week.
    Will try and do a card this week,like the challenge idea.

    Sorry to hear you had a fall Lynda,hope your painful bruises heal soon.

    Sandra hope you are not suffering too much after your long journey.
    I’ll say goodnight, hugs to all,Lilian
