
Sunday 2 June 2019

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you all enjoyed this Sketch Challenge,  you have certainly made some incredible cards, lots of different styles too, from Vintage to Christmas. 
Talking of Christmas  have you see Sue's latest launch?  I know the craft tv channels are gearing up for 'Christmas in June' too, personally I'm not ready to start thinking about Christmas just yet, we need to enjoy a little bit of summer first!!

Here are your amazing cards....


Maria has made a beautiful feminine card, using  lovely shade of pink, I love how you have linked your pretty floral topper to your sentiment with the Ivy die cut.
Thank you for designing such a beautiful card for this Sketch Challenge Maria xxx


Karen chose butterflies as her theme for ber SketchChallenge card, I love the colour you have used Karen. 
Karen has used John Lockwood Butterflies for her card and Distress Oxides ( i think) 
A lovely challenge card Karen, you will be making loads of challenge cards this week as you love making backgrounds like our Lynda, thank you so much  my lovely xxx 


Lynda has used some beautiful shades of pimk for her Sketch Challenge card, those paperd you have used a so pretty Lynda and you have coloured your doilly to match too. Some lovely handmade flowers finish Lynda's lovely card.
Thankyou so much for taking part Lynda XXX 


1. My first card is made using papers from a 12x12 pad 'IT'S A MAN'S WORLD' by Craft Creations. The topper is from LA BLANCHE.

2. My second card made up using papers and topper from a STAMPERIA 12x12 pad called  'WONDERLAND'. All the papers/toppers are so beautiful to look at and gorgeous to use.

3. My third card is made using paper/jute from my stash. The topper and other embelishments are from LA BLANCHE. This company never fails to please and their products are a delight to use.

Thank you so much Janet for 3 'stunners'!! You are not helping me though, I am trying so very hard to NOT buy any of the Stamperia paper collections, Lilian's cards started my addiction and I have just about managed to sit on my hands, now you have joined in with temptation I am doomed!! 
Only kidding my lovely,  your cards are amazing as always and grateful for the time you take to make them xxx


Michele chose Christmas as her theme for this weeks Challenge, I will add her description below.
"Two challenge cards for this weeks  sketch Challenge.   I used papers + toppers from a very old issue of Making Cards magazine and some Diecuts."

Thanks so much Michele I know it's not easu for you to join in right now, which makes me even more grateful my lovely xxx


Another stunning card from Our Lilian, beautiful papers once again Lilian, dare I ask who's papers they are, that border strip you have used is just such a pretty vintage floral design and works so well with the music paper in the background and that stunning topper, I am thinking that you have coloured that pretty die cut doily to match your colour scheme. 
Thank you so much Lilian, I absolutely love opening your emails each week to see what delight is waiting within.  Thank you once again for your time and inspiration. xxx

Thanks ladies, once again, Sundays just wouldn't be the same without you, I think that this is the most viewed day of the week for us, quite a few people look in for the inspiration, particularly for the specific Sketch and TicTacToe Challenges we do, it's quite a nice feeling to think that your work could be inspiring somebody elses.
I know that some of you struggle both mentally and physically to keep our Sunday blog post filled with amazing cards, so please believe me when I say that I am truly thankful to each and every one of you amazing, inspirational friends XXXX

Phew wasn't yesterday a scorcher!!! We were going to do garden jobs but (a) it was too warm & (b) Matt is using the fences we were using as gates to use to pen the sheep in as it's Shearing time, it's hard to see him struggling with some of those large Ewe's, it's easy to forget how bad his arthritis is as he never complains about it but he has it in his neck, shoulders, elbows, knees, spine, ankles (pretty much everywhere), he looked in agony when he came in on Friday evening, Paul had been to help him but couldn't really help handle the sheep because it was matt that needed to hold them to shear.  I gave him some anti inflammatory and told him to go take a warm bath and get an early night, as it's his best friends wedding today and he is one of the Groomsmen, then today it's back to finishing the shearing and then possibly moving the sheep to another field, so a busy day ahead.

So we decided to abandon the chores and go for a drive and we ended up at Evesham, we went to a little Retail Village and stumbled across a very large Crafters Companion store (BONUS)!  Although we had a good browse around I didn't buy much apart from a couple of Pigment stains (cosmic shimmer) and some little finger protectors for the glue gun.  (I could have spent a lot more)!  
There was a garden centre there too, so Paul was pleased, although still no Cucumber plant!  To help his disappointment we went and had Tea and cake, which was yummy and sat outside in the sunshine.
I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    OOH what a wonderful selection of CCs. It looks as though we all enjoyed this one.

    I have to pop down to the Range this morning as we need a new watering can and some odds and sods. It's a job but needs must hehehe

    The CAFE is oPEN so pop in. Lunch today is Roast Beef and Apple Crumble for pud so place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic display of challenge cards today. I really struggled with this challenge and I’m not sure why I chose to make Christmas cards but at least it got me Crafting!

    We have heavy rain here this morning which at least means I won’t be doing any gardening! Yesterday wasn’t very warm here-it was ok (dull) but not the record temperatures we’d been promoted.
    I’m hoping to have a play in my craft room this afternoon once I’ve done all the housework.


  3. Good morning everyone.
    Glad you like my card Sandra even if I was not too happy.
    I must say tho that I love all the others on show this Sunday morning, some wonderful papers around and hope it will inspire anyone who are looking in to the cafe'. You are all welcome to join us and leave a comment too and say what you think. Love to get to know you.
    Sound like you had a nice day Sandra, coming upon a craft shop is never bad. Hope Matt is alright and all the sheep are behaving themselves.
    Will face time my parents later,other then that no plans for today so will just take it easy. Not much sleep last night either and have been up since 6am trying to read but can't concentrate. Wonder if thinking about backgrounds are keeping my brain busy Lol
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs to all who need some.
    Love Maria xxx

  4. I love sketches because when I can’t think what to do they really help inspire me and seeing everyone’s ideas I think “oh yeah that’s clever Iike that” Beautiful cards ladies
    The blue background on my card is from a beautiful pad from The Works - one has just opened in WGC yay! - It’s a start
    Wow! Finding a huge Crafters Companion store close to you What were their prices like At least if you run out of something it’s nice to know that there’s a decent craft shop near by
    Seeing Oscar yesterday was lovely (of course) I never want to leave him
    The sun is out but it’s quite windy I hope to drag OH around a garden centre later
    Take care all xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wowser love all the challenge cards this sunny warm but very windy Sunday. You have all done some amazing cards & lots of inspiration too.
    We are going to Broadstairs for a walk & will sit & listen to the music on the band stand. Last Sunday it was really good a band with a singer. Lots of people get up & dance it's nice to watch as unfortunately I can't dance anymore. Then we take 8 paws to the park for a run CU takes them while I sit on a bench & people watch. Till he gets back. I do miss the walking through.
    Will cook dinner when we get home
    Then hopefully get in craft room
    SANDRA so sorry Matt is suffering so much with arthritis it must be so hard for him Sheering the sheep.
    Hope you all have a lovely day
    Sending Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Margaret Palmer2 June 2019 at 12:17

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely cc's today, sorry I didn't do one, have no energy at the moment. Sorry Matt is in so much pain, it is so hard to watch your child
    Janet please could I order 2 roast beef dinners, it will save Pop
    Val I really hope you improve soon, hugs on the
    Lynda I know what you mean with missing walking because I miss it as
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello All, lovely sunny day here, although was desperately hoping for rain, had a few sprinkles , but not enough for the garden.

    Such a lovely lot of cards today, mine was the quickest card to make although the topper is rather large for the card. All from one Stamperia pad which makes it easy.

    R on his way to London to see the family for a couple of days, can’t face the journey now, so I am sat watching the tennis.

    Well I had better load the dishwasher from lunch, that’s the only trouble with a Sunday lunch, feel shattered when finished. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic display of challenge cards you are showing us today Sandra, they are all amazing. I had already started planning my CC when daughter rang and asked if I would like to go to Portsmouth with her and Ciara. So I didn’t get to complete it. Sorry Sandra.
    VAL Sorry your hands are so painful, I hope your doctor can offer you some pain relief. xx
    LYNDA Hope you enjoyed your trip to Broadstairs and the weather and band were good, I’m sure you miss walking 8 paws. Bless his heart Terry will make sure they both get their exercise. xx
    MARGARET Sending you gentle hugs, I hope you are feeling stronger each day. xx
    LILLIAN Hope R enjoys his trip to London to catch up with family and friends. I’m sure you will find plenty to do in his absence, take care. xx

    I heard this morning that another friend has died. She was our youngest daughters teacher in year one. She refused to go and live with either of her two lovely daughters so has been in a care home for around three years. It’s sad so many friends passing away recently.

    Time to get a wiggle on, Love Brenda xxx
