
Thursday 27 June 2019

Rambling Rose card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, how is your week going so far?

Yesterday turned out to be a lovely day, Sue came over, we have fun packed day, I can't remember everything we did but we had cuppa and a catch up, then had some lunch and another cuppa, then we got onto the subject of 'is it a plant or a weed?'  as Sue asked we what one of the weeds was called in the garden, well in the back its dispersed like a weed but in the front it's in the borders, its called ''Fox & Cubs''
It referred to it as a Perennial Plant of the Daisy family, when the heads go to seed they look like dandelion clocks.  So would this be a weed or a plant to you??

This  next one is called Purple Toadflax and is a Plant of the 'Plantain family, again it doesn't refer to it as a weed but we have had this in several of our gardens, it springs up in the oddest places so we thought that this was also a weed, how about you?!

After we had done the 'Horticultural' part of our day we went out to watch the lambs, one of which is super friendly and comes up to you for a fuss, she likes her head scratched bless her.  
Now it was time to craft, we were playing with Foamiran making flowers, I was making a royal mess with my Distress Oxide Sprays, I did make some lovely coloured flowers though, Sue was beavering away making flowers too, before we knew it, it was 6pm and time to pack up.  
Those few hours absolutely flew by and boy did we put the world to rights!!
Thanks Sue for a lovely afternoon xxx

After Sue had gone I realised that with all my experimenting with flowers and making a mess, I hadn't made a card for the blog today, so after dinner I went back into the craft room, not realising that it was after 9pm, I emerged at 11.50pm with the card above, I just can't do 'Quick Cards', I am far too indecisive, you know it took me about 40 mins to decide on which background paper to use, let alone which one of 5 Flower Edger dies!
I decided to go with the 'Rambling Rose' Edger Die (creative expressions), the background paper is from 'The Paper Boutique' its called 'Springtime Blooms', I liked this particular sheet as it was a lovely shade of pink with Polka Dots and it also had a gorgeous flower border which I thought added some lovely detail to the edge of the card.
The only trouble was that I did not have the right shade of pink ribbon to tie a bow, so I went routing again and found my old faithful Sue Wilson Bow Die and cut a bow that matched perfectly out of the same paper, I finished it with a little pearl heart  and the 'Just for You' sentiment.
I hope that you like my late night make, I hope I don't wake in the morning and find that all the colours are wrong in natural light!!

A much quieter day today, as we had a very disturbed night after getting back from the Cinema on Tuesday evening, we got in at about midnight, so Paul made a cup of tea and we went straight to bed after, Milo was in and out and up and down and just wouldn't settle, he then disappeared for about half hour, so we thought 'peace at last', I heard him come back in, now Milo is a creature of habit, he does the same thing every night, he comes back in for a 'wee and a biscuit' and then goes back out, (I think we have the only cats that will only ever go to the toilet in their litter tray, they will not do it outside), anyway I go hear him bouncing around the hall so I woke Paul and said that I thought Milo was playing with 'something' in the hall, so Paul gets up, I hand him my phone torch and he goes to investigate, ''quick get a box'' was all I heard, so I asked if he could catch it, Paul thought it was dead, until Milo let it go and it ran into the lounge, where Paul, the mouse, Milo and a little while later Bella too remained for the next 90 minutes, it was about 3.45am when Paul finally got back into bed, so Milo is back to being 'frisked' before entering!  Flippin Cat!!   Needless to say that Paul was exhausted when he came home from work last night.

Michele, I hope you are feeling better today my lovely xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, so pretty & delicate. Your day sounds like it was fun. Not so much the previous day though!

    I ended up in A&E yesterday as I couldn’t stand the pain any long. 4 hours later and all I knew was I hadn’t had a Heart Attack or got shingles! I’ve to make Xmas appointment to see my GP and possibly a physio as the pain could be musculoskeletal. Thought things were slightly better yesterday evening but by 5am today I was pacing around again! Definitely need a GP appointment! Sorry to moan.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-a gorgeous card so delicate and feminin.

    MICHELE-I hope you get that GP appointment and quickly. Pain is so draining. Please do not apologise for being unwell and you're definitely not 'moaning'. Sending huge gentle hugs.

    Well we got the green light yesterday so things are arranged and we can go to Marigny on Saturday.YEHHHHHHH.
    Thank you MARGARET for saying you will take care of the CAFE etc. We're really looking forward to some R&R and some sunshine and warmth.

    The cAFE is OPEN and I believe that there may be a lemon drizzle cake in the cupboard. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      How lovely thatyour able to go to Marigny your little piece of paradise.

  3. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    Lovely card today & yesterday Sandra. I had a lovely lunch yesterday with friends. Kathy wanted to give a toast to Pete as she was in Madrid the day of his funeral. Didn’t like Madrid at all she said.
    So are these flowers you’ve shown flowers or weeds Sandra. I can’t remember if you have the app which tells you what different plants are called. So if you have I’m assuming you used that. My friend Marion told me the name of 2 plants yesterday she has that come back every year which is what I want. I told her to email me a picture of them and the names when they flower. I hope everyone is feeling a bit better today if they were under the weather. Special hugs to everyone.

  4. Margaret Palmer27 June 2019 at 11:11

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a lovely day with Sue, your card is beautiful. These are flowers as far as I am
    Janet so pleased you can go Marigny on Saturday enjoy your
    Michele sorry to hear you are still suffering hope you get Dr's appointment, hugs are on the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA what a gorgeous card it's so pretty
    Well I haven't had a very good week
    I went for a shower Tuesday morning the shower is over the bath. I just stepped in & my foot slipped so I went up in the air & fell out of the bath onto the floor onto my back with my leg's still over the bath. I was screameing out load. Terry was in the bedroom came running in
    I felt sick. I kept thinking how lucky I was. Terry had to pull me back to get my legs out helped me up. I keep getting flash backs & thinking & getting flash back.
    I have some big buses on my back & top of my legs. I Ache all over I am now just having strip washing & Terry washed my hair today.
    My daughter bought me a walking frame last week after falling onto the TV unit. So I really need it now as very painful walking. Sorry Ladies I've just written war & peice lol.
    MICHELE sorry you have been in a lot of pain hope you can get doctors appointment soon. Sending Hug's
    JANET pleased you managed to book up for Marigny will be a lovely break for you both. Hug's
    SANDRA glad you enjoyed your day with Sue yesterday.
    Poor Terry he has to do everything at the moment he has just given me a cuppa. So I'm going to drink it.
    Hug's for everyone extra in basket by the door if you want them.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. A very pretty card SANDRA
    It sounds like you had fun with SUE yesterday I think that’s why I’m not a huge lover of cats I couldn’t bear having gifts brought in!
    I hope you get on OK at doctors MICHELE and LYNDA I am so sorry to read you’ve had a nasty fall - take care
    I am pleased you’re able to get away JANET- lucky thing
    Kat and I had fun last night making caught in crystal backgrounds and she brought over her Cathie Shuttleworth animal dies I had a go with the giraffe It is mahoosive! They print beautifully but need quite a bit of priming - well Kat thought so I managed to print giraffe first time - hooray for stamping platforms!
    Craft club tonight and will take crochet- as usual
    Take care all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is really beautiful, the beautiful paper really compliments your lovely die. Sounds like you and Sue had a great day yesterday.
    JANET so pleased you are able to go to Marigny, xx
    LYNDA Hope you are going to your GP (or A&E) to be checked over. Sending gentle hugs. Take care xx
    MICHELE Sorry to read you are in such pain. Hope you get treatment soon. xx

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
