
Tuesday 25 June 2019

Lynda's last 2 challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my goodness wasn't it humid yesterday,  it was hard to do anything,  mind you I think that was partly down to me trying to help paul in the garden yesterday, I can't remember the last time my back and hip hurt that much, it may also have been travelling down to Bournemouth with Sophie on Friday, the journey ended up taking 5 hours altogether and her car is very low down for me, she is a very confident, safe driver, I felt totally at ease.
So I started my day feeling very tired, stiff and very sore, Paul just said  "just lay down and relax today......that turned out to be a bit of a joke......

As Paul left our bedroom he almost tripped over a dead mouse and shrew,  just outside our bedroom door, not the best thing to see as you open your eyes,  i was awake most of the night and Milo was very active, in and out all night!  So Paul despatched the 'gifts' that milo had treated us to, as he did that he disturbed the lambs, who started holloring! 
Matt was here as he had day off to move some sheep, so he quieted them down,  peace at last (7:30am) all was quiet for a few hours and after breakfast and a chat, I took some pain killers and went for a lie down to watch some craft tv, I must have nodded off  as I awoke with a start to a very loud noise, one of the lambs had the confidence to just walk in and was outside my bedroom door!! My poor heart!! 
Lucy came flying down stairs and we encouraged her outside, she was one of our babies so she is very friendly bless her.
Peace was reinstated, we all went back to what we were doing for an hour or so,  then Sophie and Lewis were going to watch a movie in the lounge and the next thing i heard was "OH NO, OH NO, OH NO MUUUUM" , i made my way to the lounge to be told that Milo was playing with a live mouse in the lounge floor, it was currently under the coffee table!  As i am writing  this some 90 minutes later, they have moved all the furniture in the lounge and the mouse is still at large!! Thankfully Paul will be home very soon.
What a day so far! Can you top that?? 

Onto the highlight of the day....Lynda's last two  "Favourite' Challenge cards.

Two more beautiful cards from Lynda,  both completely different styles, showing how wide Lynda's range of craft techniques reaches.
I will add Lynda's description below:

My CC no 3:  beautiful you SU stamp Blended background with distress oxide
Fossilised Amber &
Carved pumpkin
Frame & corners from stash

No 4: Die from wish l placed over some Northern lights paper then put foam pads on & put that on another one of same paper

Thank you so much Lynda for 2 more stunning challenge cards. XXX

I am hoping for a quieter day today ladies, maybe I shouldn't say that!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-two more stunning cards, I really like the second one-think it’s the background that I like.

    Sandra-goodness, what a crazy day! Hope today is much calmer and you manage to get some crafting done.

    My course was ok & it finished early so I came straight home. Got changed and sat outside reading. I have a day off today-need an emergency dental appointment as I chipped a tooth the other week and it’s quite sharp! I could go with a GP appointment too as I’ve had an intense pain between my shoulder blades since Saturday morning but I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to book an appointment with a GP!


    1. Glad training was OK Good luck at dentist and yeah try and get an appointment if pain is really bad

    2. Thank you Michele again for liking my card's yes I was keen on the first one ether
      Good luck with the dentist xx

  2. Boy oh boy What a hectic day SANDRA I hope things calm down today
    I made a cc yesterday and it’s one of those “do I like it” ones. I’ll see if I think differently later
    I made a bit of a start clearing some stuff in craft room for Kat to come and play tomorrow
    I need to make another 40th birthday card today ready for collection tomorrow
    Take care all xx

  3. Ooh LYNDA your cards are lovely I love the “Wish” die one I have that die and it is a real favourite of mine too

    1. Thanks Karen for liking my card
      Yes I like the wish die I have three of them now especially when I need a card quickly. Xx

    2. Hi Sandra & ladies
      WOW it was so hot & muggy yesterday I made a start on my craft room & I paid for it I was in pain all evening I need to go back in today but it's really warm & muggy again. So I might just do a hour if I can.
      Sending you all Hug's & to have a good day.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Margaret Palmer25 June 2019 at 13:45

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I really hope you have a better day today, it certainly was muggy yesterday & today has started the
    Lynda your cards are lovely, you certainly have a lot of talent, hugs on
    I had appointment at surgery to see nurse for BP check this morning, I am pleased say that it is back to normal.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a day you had yesterday Sandra, there’s never a dull moment in your house what with lambs, cats mice and Harley when he comes home from work with Matt. You really haven’t got time to get board - let alone sort out your craft room. Thank goodness I only have a tortoise and John to look out for.

    Lynda you could keep a shop stocked with your fantastic cards, you are a one person production line, I don’t know how you do it, your amazing 👏 The die from Wish is gorgeous against the Northern Lights paper. xx

    Have a lovely evening everyone, hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, just looked at my thermometer and it’s still showing 20C , no breeze which is so unusual for us.

    Went to the dentist this morning, need a filling, estimated cost £118.00, how can it cost so much, so with check up at £39, and hygienist at £69, it will be expensive to keep my few teeth I have left.

    Lynda love all of your backgrounds, especially like the second one today. Hope you are feeling better now, although the heat is very trying on my arthritic joints I expect yours are the same.

    I’ll wish you all a cool good night, hugs to all Lilian
