
Saturday 8 June 2019

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to an other 'Mixed up craft' post, this week we have some stunning 'Groovi' work from our lovely Janet, a family Heirloom from Cheryl and Michele's Magazine Review too, well it wouldn't be Saturday without a magazine review now would it?!.

Janet, I never knew that you had joined the 'Grooviv club', are you as hooked as I am already?
Your projects are absolutely stunning, way better than my first attempts, I would almost finish a piece and then add a flower on the wrong side or continue a flower stem beyond the frame that I had embossed, it's all trial and error to start with, the thing I have hardest is knowing just how much pressure you need to add when shading or doing 'White Work' but I guess that comes with practice.

Janet has completed 3 amazing Christmas cards (above), I will add the description below:

I have attached my latest efforts using my Groovi plates for Mxd up Saturday.
I have really enjoyed playing with these.
The first two are from the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and the third one is 'While Shepherds'
Loads of love and hugs xxxx

Thank you so much Janet for sharing your lovely Christmas cards and for inspiring me xxx

Cheryl has shared this absolutely stunning Baby Shawl, it is such a lovely pattern that would work perfectly for either a little boy or girl, it is beautifully intricate without being too lacey and girly, which exactly what you need for a family Heirloom like this. Paul's family had a Christening Gown and Shawl that was passed down through generations, Pauls Mum had worn it at her Christening, so did Paul and his siblings,  my eldest Matt wore it too but both Becca and girls were too big to fit into the gown, so we just used rhe shawl for them. 
I will add Cheryl's description below 

"My sister had knit this christening shawl for Chloe's first baby. Nathan & Emma's daughter. Nathan is Pete's first  and only born son with Christine wife no. 1 

I will be sending it with a SU mini photo album (that has pockets for her scans and baby things when I have finished) and a cabled pram/cot blanket. xxx

Such a lovely thought Cheryl, especially adding the album and cot blanket too, I love seeing beautiful home knitted blankets in baby's cots and prams, you don't see them enough these days.  
It will be lovely to see the beautiful shawl passed down through your family, thank you so much for sharing something so special.

I hope you have a successful day with your 'Lucky Dip' stall today at the Village Fete, fingers crossed the rain holds off. Xxx

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Making Cards & Papercraft Magazine has some gorgeous papers this month.


This is the first feature showing some cards made using the Toucan images. Great for anyone who likes Guinness!

The next feature is using the Baroque papers-perfect for any occasion. 

This feature shows cards made using the latest digital downloads-Folk Floral Collection. Anyone can register with the magazine online and you can print the downloads plus if you sign up to their emails, you get sent a different set of digital images each month.

That’s all for now-Happy Crafting.

Love Michele 

Thanks so much Michele for another great magazine review, there are some great ideas for 'cards for men' in this edition and we all know how tricky they can be to get right.
The digital papers look beautiful, I love that dark blue floral paper,  its lovely to have some inspiration too.
Thank you again for your time and effort my lovely  xxx

We have our village Fete today, it was a really hot Sunny day last year, the local pub (who's grounds the fete is held in) were doing a roaring trade, we got liads of bargain plants for the garden too.   The forecast isn't so great this year so fingers crossed its wrong! 

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-WOW!! What fantastic Groovi cards, they’re amazing.

    Cheryl-Beautiful shawl, so much work has gone into that.

    We have very strong winds & rain here today. Hubby hasn’t even gone out to play golf as the course is closed due to the extremely heavy rain we’ve had the last few days.
    I’m off into Southport for a couple of things then meeting my crazy friend for a coffee at a small garden centre-just happens to be owned by the lady that owns Card-io Stamps!!!! This should be interesting....!!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL-what a grogeous shawl. So much work; so many hours of love but oh so worth every minute.

    MICHELE-thank you for the mag review. I saw this one last week when I went to look at your last review.

    Will be interesting to see what you think of the garden centre.

    SANDRA-I hope the weather holds out for you today. You never know Paul might just get his cucumber plant along with others for the garden.

    I have the other plates for 'Twis the Night' so I'll be having a play with those. I haven't as yet ventured into lace and cutting work.

    The CAFE is OPEN all day and Afternoon Tea is on the menu today. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Good morning ladies.
    Wow Janet,didn't know you too were into Groovi making but boy you have made some stunning cards. Love them !!
    A beautiful shawl Cheryl. Good luck today.
    Thank you Michele for the mag review. Some nice cards and papers in this Issue.Have fun meeting your friend.
    Danielle, loved you backgrounds on the cards yesterday.
    A huge Congrats to Sophie passing her driving test !
    Bit of a weird day for me yesterday because I slept in to 10.20 am when OH came in and asked if I was ok. The whole day was a blur but managed to make some cc so hope they are fine for this week. Mammogram hopefully done for the next 3 years. Painful for a moment but so important. I hope all women who get a calling are going.
    As weather going the rain is pouring down since yesterday and will be all day today so felt like staying under the duvet but got 4 hours sleep and been up since 6am. Going out to Lidl for some food shopping but other than that nothing planned.
    Wishing you all a nice and less pain Saturday, take care.
    Hugs to all, Maria xxx

  4. Beautiful Groovi work JANET I just know that I would fall in love with it and really can’t justify more cost in crafting goodies So I daren’t even try it I watch all of the shows on Hochanda and am in awe at the beautiful delicate work I think the rule of thumb is the lighter touch the better when doing white work You let it relax and then go back in again
    The shawl is gorgeous CHERYL I promised my first grandchild that I would make one which I did and thoroughly enjoyed making it Lots of work but enjoyable
    Thanks for the magazine review MICHELE I appreciate it This one doesn’t appear to tick any boxes for me
    What a miserable day It’s so sad for people organising fetes etc I hope the weather cheers up
    After a bit of housework and OH gets out of his pit I will definitely be crafting
    Take care all xx

  5. Margaret Palmer8 June 2019 at 16:14

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Danni lovely backgrounds you have
    Janet you certainly kept quiet about groovi, they are beautiful, well
    Cheryl beautiful shawl, Pop's Nan gave us lovely hand knitted shawl when we had Mark & Sue, when we moved we found it had been attacked by moths, I was very upset. Look forward to seeing the mini pocket book & pram
    Michele interesting magazine review again this
    Sandra sorry I didn't comment yesterday, as Mark left Sue & Chris arrived & they had little Penny with them, which was a lovely surprise, when they left I was shattered. She is lovely & kept us entertained.
    Congratulations to Sophie, are you out buying her car today?
    You will never be short of drivers now so important where you live. Have a lovely time at fete, the weather has been kind
    Maria sending you hugs hope you feel
    I had my appointment this morning, 20th August!!! I will ring on Monday to see if I can get on cancellation list.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    It’s super Saturday again....... thank you Michele for your magazine review xx
    WOW Janet you have yet another string to your crafting bow. Your Groovi work is beautiful, thank you for sharing xx
    Cheryl what a beautiful shawl. Lovely that it can be treasured and passed down the family.
    Our eldest daughter made her own wedding and bridesmaids dresses (and her sisters) the left over material she used to make a beautiful christening gown, which has been worn by all of our grandchildren. I know it carefully packed away for the next generation. Another family hair loom.
    I’ve been busy in the garden today ( between showers) but did manage a CC . I always seem to run out of time and wish I had got my head around it earlier.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Love Brenda xxx
