
Thursday 16 May 2019

More of Michele's Cat cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing the last of Michele's 'Cat' themed cards, which were also made using Magazine freebies.
I love the quirky designs of these Cats they look like a naïve hand drawn.  
I think that you have totally complimented the style of the cards with the backgrounds you have used Michele, I do love the shape of that die you have used for matting and layering too.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your cards my lovely. XXX

I wouldn't have had a card for today as I just completely ran out of time, I was in my craft room most of the day tidying and reorganising, it really needed it, I also went through boxes of off cut bits of card and de-cluttered most of it as I probably won't ever use it, it's too easy to pick up a new piece than to rifle through a box looking for a piece big enough to stamp onto or die cut. 
I then went out with Lucy, as I needed to get a new Iron, ours finally gave up on Tuesday evening, in fairness we had had that iron about 8 years which is an absolute miracle for us, we never managed to keep one for a year before that.
So I decided to get one that was the same, same make etc, but I was floored by the price, the iron we had was a Tefal Express Steam Generator iron, it has a tank that sits on the floor making the actual less heavy and bulky to use.  I did a bit of a check round on line to compare prices and ended up at good old Argos, it was still £200 all but a few pennies, I swear it wasn't that expensive last time, thinking about it though we were going through £50 irons every year so £200 over 8 years doesn't work out so bad. I did toy with the idea of getting one of those Garment Steamers that you see used in shops etc, they are becoming more popular, the iron we had/have has an excellent vertical steam so you can steam over a blouse on a hanger etc, it is quicker and less harsh on the fabric too.
Paul manged to whizz through a good amount of ironing last night so I guess it must work ok, he was a little puzzled at the lack of a temperature control button (as the last one had one) but this one is more intelligent apparently (hahhahaha)!
I am not quite sure what's happened to me this week, I have only been talking about cleaning and housework! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-sounds like you were kept busy yesterday. I have to test the weight of irons as I can’t manage anything too heavy (or large) but it won’t get the same amount of use as yours will.

    My cards are the remaining toppers from the Dogs, there was only 4 cat pictures -they’re all from Making Cards magazine and so are the patterned background papers. I am determined to start using what I’ve been saving for years!

    Another sunny day here-we’re off to a garden centre today. Making the most of the nice weather as the next 2 days looks like it’s going to be dull & possibly wet.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Very busy week so far in the garden, I have almost cut down a supposedly 'winter' flowering jasmine that died off every winter from a trellis frame on our arbour to replace it with a clematis or other smaller climber. Once the willow has been cut down there will be more sunshine on the arbour. Then we have to dismantle the raised flower bed which has been damaged by the willow out growing it and level the ground off ready for the Swiss chalet cottage (that my parents bought for Jamie and Joshua) to be repaired, repainted and sited in its place, then Milly-may will have her own garden area. We are leaning towards having 'all weather' artificial grass for her to play there even on the dullest of days. All her toys and kitchen will be going into it thereby making more room under the stairs for my sewing machines and fabrics.

    Attended another funeral yesterday of a lovely Irish lady whose grandchildren Pete & I babysat for them and their parents to go out whilst they were visiting them. Lucy is now 25 and Tom 27...where have all those years gone?

    It's slightly overcast today so a it's good time to be doing Pete's 'hot' border, as it is completely in full sun til late afternoon it does get a tad too hot to stay tending before then.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Great cards MICHELE but they do look like cats to me...?
    I had a fairly productive crafty evening I finished a couple of cards, did that cling film technique with PP’s which this morning now it’s dry the jury is still out on and some crochet
    Today is my OH’s birthday So we’ll be going out to lunch and then we’ll be going to see daughter and Oscar I hope he likes his present I usually end up not getting him anything because he can never decide on what he wants etc He’s a nightmare to buy for
    Take care all I must get ready for work The taxi will be here soon

    1. Happy birthday to hubby Karen, have a nice day xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    We had the most glorious day yesterday and fingers crossed it may be the sametoday.

    MICHELE-I love your cards.

    Plans for today - well finish off CC which I didn't get done yesterday and then try and get a little tidying done around my craft desk.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you can. It's a coffee cake today so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.
    Have a good day. xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thank you everyone for your good wishes over the last few days.
    I must say I thought Michele’s cards were cats as well not dogs. But I love them just the same.
    Off to the registry office in a little while to register Oetes death. Then to the funeral people to arrange his cremation.
    Then I need to go and sort the problem or the problem I think I have after visiting the dentist yesterday. My front tooth has dropped and pushed forward making me I think look like Nanny McPhee. So I am to go back ( a morning appointment ) to have impressions done and my upper plate kept to add the tooth on to. I’d then go back in the afternoon ( I assumed the next day ) to have my tooth removed and the plate put straight back in. I’ve been given 3 appointments with the 2nd two two weeks later. I don’t think that’s quite right as they’ll have had my plate for 2 weeks before I get it back.
    Wow that iron was expensive. Let’s hope it lasts as long. My irons cost between £30-50 usually. I’m on my 3rd one. So after 30 odd years that’s not bad going. Mind you I don’t have as much ironing as you. Do the girls iron their things I wonder.
    Off to see if this will now publish.

    1. Hope the dentist can help you out and you won't be looking like Nanny McPhee for long. Take care and many hugs xx

    2. You will be glad to hear that the girls do do their own ironing, Paul does most though.
      I hope the registry office goes smoothly and that you get your tooth sorted, mind you being Nanny Macphee for a few days wouldn't hurt, bang your stick a few times and everything would be organised.
      Take care my lovely xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great cards again from you Michele, they are suitable for any occasion very amusing drawings.
    Sandra I hope the inspection goes well, it sounds as though your house will have a glow from the outside as well as the inside, all the cleaning you and the girls have been doing. It’s nice when we find a new project we like, it does make us look around and see things that could do with a little attention. The new products you tried sounds interesting, Especially if it’s eco-friendly, I really must check it out.

    VAL, I hope your hands I’m not giving you too much pain and you are able to craft. XX
    LYNDA, hope you had a better night and are able to enjoy your day. XX
    PAT, thinking of you, XX
    JANET The coffee cake sounds absolutely yummy XX
    I better get a wiggle on I’m out for lunch and I’m the driver today, enjoy the rest of your day ladies, love Brenda XXX

  7. Margaret Palmer16 May 2019 at 13:02

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope inspection goes well today, sorry I didn't get in yesterday, I tried a couple of times it disappeared
    & as I was feeling tired I gave up. I had my first hydrotherapy session yesterday morning, very good but feel very tired yesterday & today. xxx
    Danni & Michele your cards yesterday & today are
    Val hope you are feeling better, enjoy your few days
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Afternoon everyone.
    Washing on the line and a more aggressive swear words have been heard this morning so now will take it easy and just sit in the sunshine for a moment, it just went cloudy when saying that Lol well they say it will be rain for the next two day's.
    Love your dog/cat cards Michele, well done for using up old mag papers and toppers.
    I got to look and see what I got but first a cup of tea I think and a big piece of coffee cake, I need it !
    Love and many,many hugs to you all Maria xx

  9. Ladies, I will confess that I was that exhausted last night as I wrote the blog there could have been elephants on Michele's cards and I would have described them as butterflies !! I needed matchsticks to keep my eyes open! But as is always the case with increased activity (even if it is just supervision for the best part) when I do finally get into bed I am in so much pain I can't sleep or even relax, if I could describe it I would say it feels like my joints are screaming in pain!! I would say that we can look forward to a lovely relaxed weekend...….
    But Paul's parents arrive tomorrow and are staying until Monday and then on Saturday Paul's brother and his family are visiting too, so I think next week will be a painful one.
    Never mind winning the lottery, I would love to be able to 'spring' out of bed and have no pain for a few months!!

  10. We’ve had a lovely day and OH seemed very pleased with his presents
    I meant to say that your iron sounds amazing
    I have a steam press and love it I used to iron 16 Fred Perry style shirts on a Sunday ready for school and work and that’s before ironing skirts trousers and my blouses! It cut the ironing time down by half

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I've been trying to publish all day so hopefully this will. I've been in pain all day but did the minimum housework as Oh has been gardening
    MICHELE love all your cards are gorgeous the images are lovely.
    Will say good night as I'm really tired so hope this will publish.
    Love Lynda xx
