
Saturday 4 May 2019

Mixed up Saturday including Michele's Mag Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all relaxed and enjoying the weekend, not much happening outside as the weather is miserable but hopefully that means you are all beavering away in your craft rooms!  

Above is the covered notebook that I made for Danielle as she decided that we should do a swap too, mostly because we don't get to swap with each other in our Group Swaps.
I used just about the last of my Peaches & Pinks Paper to create Danielle's Notebook, I know she loves the paper as she is the one that bought it and we use it to make things for other people so never get to appreciate its beauty, so I thought I would use it on something that she could look at and enjoy.
The frame is one I got in HobbyCraft on Tuesday with Sue, it's their own range of dies and at the moment they are all 50% off, so that pretty frame was only £6.  I used it to frame Danielle's name that I foiled with my new Foil Quill on my Scan & cut, (thats 2 projects now lol)! I decorated the edge with some lace and pearls.  
Luckily Danielle loved it xxx


I messaged Karen to ask for a photo of Laurence the Tiger to share with all of you as I thought that you would be as excited to see him after Karen said he was finished as I was, so Karen sent this adorable photo of him, just look at that face, so cute, Karen you are so amazingly talented, its not just about crocheting the Tiger it's the expression that you achieve on their faces that make so adorable.
Thank you so much for sharing Laurence with us my lovely, I do hope that your UTI clears up soon, I have just finished antibiotics for the same thing. I think that I wasn't taking my Cranberry tablets as religiously as I had been so it's partly my own fault I guess. I did find that the Cystitis Relief powders (shops own brand) helped me hugely with the discomfort, well worth the money to get that relief, I was sceptical but after about 20 mins they started working! XXX

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies, 

This week Magazine Review starts with Papercraft Essentials which has 2 brilliant free gifts. Coordinating stamps , Die & Embossing Folder. 

Some ideas using the free gift.

A great mix of card ideas using the free gifts.

More ideas.

Any yet more!

Diecutting Essentials has an absolutely fantastic free gift this month. There’s lots of additional mini Dies so you can make Male & Female themed Cards.

Some ideas plus showing the downloads that are free with this magazine.

Some lovely, feminine card ideas.

Fantastic Male themed card ideas.

Something different here. 

More inspiration.

Well, that’s all for this week. 
Happy Crafting.


Thanks so much Michele for such an in depth magazine review, there is so much inspiration!  Some brilliant ideas, i really appreciate when magazones include plenty of ideas.

I will apologise if i gave some of photos in the wrong place, my phone downloaded them all randomly! . I think we get the idea though,  i do love those pop up boxes! 
Thanks again Michele xxx


Michele loved the Dreamcatcher images from the Making Cards magazine free dowload so much that she got carried away and made another 8 cards with them!  They are all fantastic cards Michele, I love the colours too, you have given your card box a huge boost, they will be great for your Sale Table too. 

Michele purchased those amazing sentiment fancy cut dies from China, all four of them for around £12 !! Bargain!! 
Thanks for sharing your bargains. xxx

We arrived at Danielle's last night, I think tgat i must of bought about 50% of my craft room with me, although I think that when she tries the Distress Oxides she won't want to play with anything else! 
We might try and do a Facebook Live thing tonight, while we are crafting, I will message you if we do, just for fun more than anything.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A lovely notebook SANDRA and I'm sure it was more than welcomed. That circle is beautiful.

    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review. That is one of the crafty things I really miss here as there isn't a shop around that sells them.

    We had a lovely visit to the Friday market. The weather was kind enough for us to walk the full length (downhill) call in the Cafe and have a cuppa and then Jim went and collected the car so we could get to the supermarket.

    Our visit to the 'Cake' shop was it's usual 'big decision'. In the end Jim had:-

    His usual 'Custard Tart with Cherries baked in it). On similar lines to our Custards but much more delivious.

    I had the most wonderful cake with the name 'GLADYS' yes I jest you not. That is it's name.
    It was rectangle in shape with Lemon sponge as the bottom layer; a layer of Craquant on top of that; continuing with a layer of Vanilla Mousse; then a thin layer of Choc Mousse; finishing with a thick layer of Lemon Mousse. The final embellishment was a layer of Lemon Gel which was then dusted off with Choc dust and a Choc button.

    It was amazing and I really don't want to count how many calories.

    It's a very dull start here but if it follows the last couple of days the sun will come out around lunch time and we have a lovely afternoon. I have a little tidying up to do and then hopefully be able to get outside this afternoon to plant the flowers we bought at the market.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good weekend. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Your covered notebook is gorgeous DANIELLE will treasure it
    Thank you for showing Laurence He’s my OH’s favourite and now lives with Oscar I have another couple to sew up which aren’t complicated to do except you are right it’s getting the face right which sometimes takes a bit of time
    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review I have already bought the Die Cutting Essentials and trying to finish a cc for tomorrow It’s a great little die set BUT they are all joined together and need a metal saw to split them up not wire cutters in my opinion
    The UTI is easing I too had got a bit lax in taking the cranberry
    I want to give a big “shout out” to HobbyArts and Sizzix They’re brilliant I bought a set of Sizzix die at Stamperama in February and found one was missing I emailed them earlier this week They contacted Sizzix and a replacement arrived yesterday How’s that for service
    Hope everyone has a better day today I’m looking forward to reading the cake review JANET
    Have fun crafting together SANDRA and DANIELLE xx

    1. Hi KAREN- I just love your Tiger. He is so cute and definitely one to keep for ever.xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the altered notebook is so pretty, no wonder Danielle loves it. I’m just picturing your car loaded up with the contents of your craft room and nothing else...!!

    Karen- I love Lawrence the Tiger, he’s gorgeous!!!!

    I’m off into Southport this morning for s few bis of shopping then I’m meeting a friend for coffee at the Chocolate Shop in the village. We’re off out for a meal tonight with a golf pal (& his wife) of hubby’s . I think the dreaded word “gardening “ was mentioned by hubby for this weekend-hopefully not too much work!


    1. Thank you Toft animals are fun to make
      Thank you for the mag reviews
      I meant to say how much I love your cards - a little bit different to seeing flowers or sport in freebie magazine paper

  4. Morning all greats shares today. Oh my Sandra finally Sandra is at my house again eekkkk so excited to do some crafting together over the weekend. Sandra I loved the notebook you made me its gorgeous. Have a great day everyone xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer4 May 2019 at 10:59

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't yesterday I had to see surgeon at hospital at 9am, I am happy to say he was pleased with xrays & said that my hip had healed well. So Sue & I spent the day shopping & had a late celebratory lunch out.
    Your notebook is gorgeous no wonder Danni loved it, enjoy your day
    Michele thank you for magazine review & showing your
    Karen Lawrence is gorgeous well
    Café is open cream teas available this afternoon, come & join us.
    Janet your cakes sound
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous note book cover Sandra. Have a fun weekend with Danielle.
    Love Lawrence Karen, equally cute as mine .Hope you feel better.
    Thank you Michele for mag review, very good of you to making them for us.
    Janet, your cakes sounded sooo nice. Lucky it is only once a week.
    See you later Margaret for a cream Tea, popping in on the way from the airport. Something special and English for my sisters birthday. hihi
    Warm hugs to you all, it's gone freezing again so heating is back on brrrr! Love Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Gosh we have had Sun Rain wind & hailstones today.
    So haven't been out I've been in craft room Most of the day.
    We have Tickles 🐕 again for a few days they have all been chasing each other for ages in the garden.
    Hope it's better wea tomorrow so we can take them up the park.
    SANDRA Love your note book cover it's beautiful. Hope you enjoy your weekend & enjoying crafting with Dannii.will be lovely seeing all her beautiful girls too.
    MICHELE Thank you FOR great magazine review again I bought that mag yesterday.
    KAREN wow Lawrence is gorgeous your so clever.
    MARIA enjoy your time with your sister hope weather warms up for you. & me 😁
    Well I hope this comment will publish as lost two.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in earlier, Well I did but I was a real numpty I didn’t use Google so when I tried to post my comment it disappeared into cyberspace...... as I said what a numpty.
    Your book for Danni is gorgeous. Who wouldn’t be impressed with such a lovely gift.
    KAREN, Laurence is gorgeous, you have given him a lovely expression, I’m sure he is going to be really loved.xx
    MICHELE thank you for the magazine reviews, Love your dream catcher cards. What a bargain your new dies are. xx
    Good night everyone, love Brenda xxx
