
Monday 20 May 2019

Karen's Engagement Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well I am hoping that this is the start of a quieter week for us, no visitors, inspections, lambs etc, so hopefully I can get into my craft room and really start to play with some of my new craft goodies that I have had for a while and not had chance to touch.  It just seems to have been none stop for a few weeks, the most time consuming and exhausting thing was having the lambs, so hopefully after a day to recuperate from the hectic weekend I will be able to summon some kind of crafty inspiration.

Paul's parents are leaving this morning to travel up to Paul's sister for a few days, I think that they had a nice weekend.
We spent yesterday at the Cotswold Wildlife Park, wandering around the beautiful gardens, admiring the animals, we had a nice lunch, the girls were quite excited to see us in their restaurant and were introducing us all to their friends and colleagues.  The highlight of the day for me were the Giraffes and Rhinoceros, it was quite funny to watch the Rhino's keepers trying to encourage them back in to their 'House' for the night, despite them yelling, whistling and banging to attract their attention the rhino's remained oblivious, I have no idea what they use as a last resort as when we left (15 minutes after the rhino house closed) they were still at the far side of the paddock, totally unaware of the time or their keepers desperate attempts to lock them up.  I think that maybe someone should suggest they use food as a bribe to get them in.  I know that Matt just shakes a bucket of feed to get the sheep to cooperate, I think most animals think about the bellies first, including us!!

I am so thankful to Karen who very kindly allowed me to share the Engagement card that she made yesterday for a work colleague as I was going to busy all day (and have been since Thursday) and therefore was unable to get a card made, in fact even if I had sat at my craft desk yesterday I just don't think I could have created anything, I don't think it's just the physical demands of hosting guests all weekend, my stupid anxiety causes stress which leaves you mentally tired too.
Anyway back to Karen's stunning card, I don't think that you can go wrong for any romantic occasion if you used White on White, it works so well on this and any Wedding, Anniversary or Engagement card, with a little hint of Silver/Gold or wedding accent colour.
I will add Karen's fantastic description below....

"The sentiment is printed on that lovely pearl paper from That Crafty Place and cut with Spellbinder Marvellous Squares
The background is cut from same paper with Botanical Swirls and overlapped Toy have to only glue half of first one so that when you go to stick on fourth you can tuck it under first one She’s a work colleague and I think they’ve both been married before
Can you tell I’ve done similar versions as they’re all old dies!"

Thank you so much Karen for helping me out and allowing me to share this stunning Engagement card. XXX

Ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what an absolutely stunning card. That’s a real Keepsake.

    Sandra-you’ll need today to just collapse after your guests have left. I think the mental exhaustion is worse when you’ve had people staying over. Fingers crossed you’re able to head into your craft room tomorrow.

    Well-that week off work went pretty quickly! Pity it’s back to work today but at least it’s a Bank Holiday this weekend.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Gorgeous card Karen, they are bound to love it.

    Today's not so bright, plenty of wispy clouds with blue patches in-between and a briskish breeze. Might get out in the garden later after tidying up.

    I am going to be a great grandmother again, granddaughter Chloe is expecting her first. Don't want to know if Boy or Girl until he/she is born, I love the surprise so I do so hope they don't tell me beforehand.

    Enjoy your day how ever it goes
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you CHERYL and congratulations on becoming a great gran again

    2. Congratulations Cheryl on becoming a great gran again.
      How wonderful Hug's xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We're starting the day with sunshine a bit different from the last two days.

    KAREN-Absolutely gorgeous card. Just right for an Engagement and I know they will love love it.

    CHERYL- congratulations. Isn't it lovely to be great grand parents - we can enjoy their parties and antics they get up to and not have to clear up
    We have my eldest GG granddaughter's birthday this coming Sunday. She will be 8. Time is really flying.

    On my own this morning as Jim is on duty so craft table here I come.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting. There's new linen on the tables (yellow gingham) and I've managed to get some blue bells out of the garden too.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe xxxx

  4. No no THANK YOU for showing my card I have made several versions of this for all sorts of occasions including a Ruby anniversary It’s inspired by Sue Wilson from many moons ago

    Yesterday was lovely We did go dancing but it was seeing Oscar more than the dancing that cheered me up

    I hope to start a challenge card today I made a simple Retirement card for a friend I have just had breakfast with I didn’t have time to photograph it so I hope to do it again - you know what it’s like though ladies if you try to replicate something it never works as nicely as the first So we’ll see

    I hope you manage to rest and relax today SANDRA after your hectic few weeks looking after lambs and your very hectic weekend

    I hope the likes of LYNDA VAL MARGARET LILIAN are in less pain today
    Take care all XX

    1. Margaret Palmer20 May 2019 at 16:12

      Karen your card today is perfect, I love


  5. Morning ladies.
    Gorgeous Engagement card Karen and to be using wallpaper for the cards yesterday, brilliant idea :>)
    All the cards yesterday were lovely and I saw our Janet been very busy with so many nice cards too on Saturday.
    Magazine review from our Michele, thank you. Hope you get a hand with the new car even if they look like they can take you to the moon these days.
    Sandra, hope you can have some rest for a few days. It's lovely to have visitors but you do feel pretty drained afterwards. Hope Paul's parents and brother had a good time.
    Sorry have not been in but not been very well since Friday so my idea for making cards went out the window and early Sunday morning OH step-mum passed away.
    Special hugs to all who need some, wishing you a nice day. Many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA sorry you haven't been very well hope your feeling better now.
      So sorry Ric's step mum passed away on Sunday my thoughts & preyes are with you both. Xx

    2. Hello Maria, Sorry to hear OH step-Mum has passed away.
      Sending caring hugs to both of you. xxx

  6. Hello All, blue sky and fluffy white clouds today.

    Sorry for not being in for a few days, just seem to lost my energy.

    Loved all the cards yesterday, and Karen your card today is perfect.

    No private app. for me as my cardiologist is not doing any private work for the time being, so will have to wait to see him on the national health service.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

  7. Margaret Palmer20 May 2019 at 16:09

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I have been missing, problem with internet. Pleased to see you had a good weekend, hope you are relaxing
    All the cc were lovely yesterday, & mixed up Saturday & magazine review by Michele was good.
    Maria sorry to hear about OH step-mother, take care thinking of you both, hugs on
    Lynda hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi MARGARET thank you for the Hug's still not much better walking I do have a good day sometimes. With The Fibromyalgia
      I get different symptoms related to it as I Google them.
      Hope your feeling OK now sending Hug's for you. Xxx

  8. GRRRR I've just lost my comment pushed publish but it disappeared instead so will be a short comment.
    Hello Sandra & ladies
    Glad you Had nice weekend & Paul enjoyed seeing his parents & brother. Hope you have been resting today. We went for our OAP lunch today very nice shepherd pie & veg Terry had seconds. Then ice-cream peaches & jam sponge. Not on next Monday as Bank Holiday.
    I'm looking forward to Friday as looking after Harry. He phoned me yesterday saying Nannie I want to stay with you because I love you so much only while mummy & Daddy go shopping. They are going on holiday next week and want to get the last bits. Lisa Ian & are also going on holiday next week too.
    Well I'm going now so
    love & Hug's Lynda xx
    fingers crossed it will publish

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra so pleased your weekend went well, I’m sure Paul’s parents really enjoyed spending time with you all. Hope you have had a calm and relaxed day today and will take it easy for a few days, your life has been quite hectic lately. xx

    Beautiful card today KAREN thank you so much for sharing it with us. xx

    Hugs for all your who need them Love Brenda xxx
