
Thursday 11 April 2019

Some ot Your Inspiration for this weeks Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

What a beautiful day we were treated to yesterday, I had those lambs out in the garden for a good while during the day, while I was helping the girls put washing in and out, we managed to get 3 loads washed and dried, there is something so satisfying about seeing your washing billowing on the line.

I know that some of you may have felt as confident with the theme of this weeks Challenge theme, so I decided to go back through some of the cards that you have all made over the past year or two (or more) and pick up some if the ones that you have all made using Bright and Bold colours.
There are some absolutely stunning cards up above, it just shows that 'Bold & Bright' doesn't have to mean using garish colours.  All of the cards that you have made have used what I class as bold and bright colours very tastefully.
I hope that this gives you a little inspiration (if any of you were struggling for ideas).

I actually really enjoy looking back at some of the old cards that we have featured on the blog, particularly the ones that we only see on the Sunday challenge display as when we see them as part of a long display you don't always get chance to appreciate them individually.  So I am thinking of sharing some of our older challenge cards from time to time.

I haven't added names above, purely for time more than anything else, I am pretty sure that most of you could work out who's is who's though.

I am hoping that Sue is coming over to play today, I want to have a good play with some of my new craft goodies from Ally Pally, it's always much more fun when we get to share them with someone else. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,


Ps. Karen I hope you enjoyed the Lion King as much as we did !! xx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-there’s lots of inspiration on display today, unfortunately my crafting mojo has disappeared. I’ve been in my craft room twice now in the hopes that’s I’ll find some inspiration to actually make a card but nothing has happened!!

    Very busy day at work yesterday, I had to take some time out as I had a really bad nosebleed. It’s been a while since that happened.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a selection of inspiration. Thank you.

    Not sure what's on the cards for today but I know I have to get my CC finished.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. It is lovely to see our “old” cards back on display and have a nudge in the right direction

    The Lion King was FABULOUS Of course Timon and Pummba stole the show They were so funny The dancing the puppets - everything was brilliant We both said we’d watch it again
    We have beautiful sunshine So after breakfast we are either going shopping and or go to the V&A (my favourite museum) as there is a Mary Quant exhibition I’d like to see
    Take care all Gentle hugs to VAL BRENDA MARIA LYNDA and PETE

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Not sure what's happening today just take it as it comes.
    Wow some lovely old card's on display today it's lovely seeing them again. We have a bright day at the moment but rain is expected later. I was hoping to get the washing dry outside when it's finished.
    KAREN I'm glad you enjoyed The Lion King.
    MICHELE sorry to hear you had a bad nose blead. What brought that on was it due to all the stress you've had lately. I hope your OK take care.
    SUE have a nice day with Sandra enjoy play with your new craft goodies.
    PAT sending you & Pete some gentle Hug's hope he's comfortable.
    VAL MARIA BRENDA SUE SANDRA sending you all gentle Hug's as well.
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards on display today. I don’t remember seeing any of them at all. So it’s good to look back. I was hoping to pop over today Sandra but the Macmillan nurses are coming to visit Pete this morning.
    Pete was quite poorly yesterday and stayed in bed all day. It’s a worry going in every day as I don’t know what to expect each time I go. Fingers crossed he’s well enough to be out of bed today.
    Karen I hope you had a wonderful Anniversary yesterday and enjoy seeing the Lion King. My hairdressers daughter works on the Lion King doing the costumes.
    Hugs to all who need one. Lynda, Maria, Lilian and Val I hope your all feeling a bit better today.

  6. Margaret Palmer11 April 2019 at 12:53

    Hi Sandra all in café,
    Sandra how lovely to get 3 lines of washing dried outside, there's nothing like it. I bet the lambs enjoyed being outside. Hope Sue manages to get over
    Lovely to see the old cards today it is good to look back, I hope to have a go at CC this afternoon.
    Hope Brenda, Lilian, Lynda, Maria & Val all feel better today hugs on way to all & anybody else who needs them love

  7. Hi ladies,

    Wow at first glance I thought it was Sunday and our cc's were on display. Lots of lovely card with pretty bright colours.

    Been for a scan on my shoulder this morning so had to miss Slimming club. Maybe it's just as well as we went a bit mad last weekend with being Lynn's birthday.
    Lynda and Maria hope you're getting on ok with the diets.x

    Didn't sleep well again last night so I can feel myself dosing off whilst Im watching the Tele.

    Hugs to all especially friends who are in pain or unhappy today.x

    Pat Hope Pete manages to get out of bed today and also that you get on ok with the Macmillan nurses.x

    Love Valx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise to see so many of our cc’s all fitting the bright cards challenge. I have a work in progress cc, hope I can finish it off tomorrow.
    Sandra like you we got two machine load of washing dried outside, i love the fresh smell you bring it back into the house. I have to add that’s another job John does as I can’t stretch up to the line.
    PAT Sorry to read Pete wasn’t able to get out of bed yesterday, you really have to take it a day at a time, hope he is brighter today. xx.
    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
