
Monday 22 April 2019

Maria's card for Rick's Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you had a lovely day yesterday celebrating Easter.  We had a lovely quiet afyernoon on the garden, doing a bit of weeding, pruning and then just sitting and enjoying the peace and quiet.

Today's lovely, fun card was made by our Maria for Rick.  Maria you have coloured the lovely image beautifully,  i love the bright colours you have used, the man looms like he is wearing a trendy leather jacket and matching shoes, with a snazzy pink shirt, would Rick wear those colours? Paul is very conservative when it comes to clothes colours, except on holiday,  he doesn't mind a bright t shirt then. Lol.
The beautiful carpet of flowers in front of the bench really draws your eye up to the couple on the bench.
I bet Rick loved it, especially as you put so much work into it. 
Thankyou so much for sharing your card with us today.  XXX

Paul wants to go to the allotment today to have a tidy up, other than that not much planned.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    MARIA- I love your card and I'm sure it was more than well received.

    My day was spent yesterday making lists - yes we have managed to book a couple of weeks away starting this Thursday. So up to now I've managed to book the ferry and overnight's stay! I also managed to print out one or two items for my CC for this week. I'm afraid they're going to be very simple cards but at least I'll have completed the Challenge.

    I'm looking for a volunteer for a couple of weeks to staff the CAFE. Can anyone help please.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual today so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day; take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-love your card, it’s fantastic. Hope hubby liked it.

    Had a lovely day yesterday-Dad came for lunch, didn’t stay very long so we walked down to the beach. Oh my goodness-it was absolutely heaving as the weather was perfect. Due to high tides the beach was closed to cars which made it seem even busier . Sat outside reading when we got home which was very relaxing.


  3. Morning everyone,

    The sun is shining a tad hazily so it looks like another scorcher down here today. Yesterday's high temp hit just over 80F (23C) and was too hot to work in. Jamie had scrubbed the decking clean on Saturday morning, gave it a good rinse and we left it to dry. I woke up yesterday morning and it looked so beautifully bright. Two coats of wax protector and it's ready for the summer months.
    Whilst Jamie was doing that I was clearing the top of the drive of all the leaves and debris from the willow tree which had worked their way in between plant pots and a trellis (that we had removed last year) daring the strong winds that occurred just two weeks ago. The area is now ready for Jamie to bring home his new purchase of a trailer which will be parked up there. Oh it will be lso lovely not to have to pack my little car up with rubbish for the tip. At the moment a lot of it is stored in a huge empty sand bag that the building company does not take back. I have already donated one to Cannington In Bloom for their trailer and still have one filled with sand ready for our front garden project of a Zen type area.

    Today I will be cleaning the patio furniture whilst it is still warm, after 11.30am when the sun hits the patio work will be out of the question. It is a real sun trap.

    I hope you all enjoy your Easter Monday
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Thank you for liking the card for my hubby. It might be us in a few years time hihi
    I cut the bench and the couple out after stamped and coloured it in. It was fun playing with colour's we wouldn't usually wear. He do have a t-shirt in pink but more dark cerise looking, it's alright I guess.:)
    Having a lazy day after the cleaning of the patio yesterday, feels like my hands still vibrating :)
    Glad you have some time so you can get over to Marigny Janet. Sorry can't help you out with the cafe' tho, I'm way to late for opening it up. Hopefully one of the early birds can help. :)
    Sandra, if you are going over to the allotment I hope it look fine still after the winter and not too much work need doing. Is there a vegetable plot in your garden at home too ?
    Lynda- hope you ok and the pain is easier today. Do you feel better when the sun shining ? Extra hugs for you who are in pain.
    Have a lovely day everyone , take care xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today Maria. I hope he liked it. But what’s not to like.
    It’s going to be a warm day again in Oxfordshire. I’ve started clearing up a bit out the back. Need to do something with our osepipe as it’s just spread out on the patio. Need to give that a good sweep and give it a good wash down. Luckily I don’t have to mow grass or dig the garden Amy more. Need to get some plants that can stay in the pots and give a good display during the summer. I have Begonias in some at the moment but they need to be dug up and kept. I had a hell of a job digging them up last year as they’re getting quite big,

  6. Hi Ladies,

    Oh Maria just love your card. Bet your husband just loved it. I have that stamp somewhere, must route it out.x

    Happy to report it a much better day today. Been out clearing up broken pots and battered plants. Gracie was happy to have a long walk today, she's flat out now.

    So upsetting to hear about the massacre in Sri Lanka. What's happening to the world.

    Enjoy your Easter Monday everyone. Enjoy your chocolate.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I’m glad to hear your weather has improved. I treated myself to a Easter Egg which had a small packet of mini eggs.

    2. Hello Sandra & ladies
      Another beautiful day. We had a lovely day yesterday at Darren'sjust sitting in the garden. Sam made a lovely roast lamb dinner. Harry was lovely as usual & played with Joseph most of the time. Then I helped him with his lego & we made a car.
      Haven't done much at all today.
      MA I love your card for Ric I bet he loved it. You have done a great job.
      JANET how lovely for you going over to Marigny for a couple of weeks.
      SANDRA hope your allotment wasn't too much hard work for Paul.
      Love & HUG'S Lynda xx

  7. Margaret Palmer22 April 2019 at 12:34

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Maria your card is great, I think it us now, where did you get the stamp please? Have a quiet day after your hard work yesterday, hugs on
    Sandra hope you are able to go with Paul at least you can sit &
    Janet I will do the café for you as long as they don't mind later opening, it takes me forever to get up in morning. You go & enjoy your home in France, hope the weather is good for
    Lynda hope you are in less pain & you both enjoyed your day yesterday, hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. I hope Val can help us with the name Margaret for I haven't got it myself only got it stamped once. It's by Penny Black tho so that's might help. Thank you,hugs x

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Maria what a lovely phone card you made for Rick. I’m sure he laughed, but it will be a good few years before you both look like this. xx
    Janet so pleased you are going to escape for a couple of weeks to your beloved home in Marigny, it’s just what you both need I’m sure. Have fun with the packing and don’t forget your craft goodies. xx
    Cheryl it sounds as if your garden is already for summer, hope this lovely weather continues and you can relax and enjoy.xx
    Sandra and Paul don’t work too hard on the allotment, I’m sure there’s loads to do the jobs are never ending. But working on the garden or in your case the allotment it’s tiring but in a strange way it’s very relaxing. xx
    What are you doing ladies I hope you’re having a good day.
    Sending love to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Sorry Maria That should read Birthday Card.
      Predictive text rules again. Ha ha

    2. You just got to love the predictive text don't you hihihi thanks Brenda xx

  9. Hello All, another lovely day here, although rain is forecast in the following days.

    Maria love your card for your hubby, I’m sure he loved it.

    I could not get iPad to take my comment yesterday, but just to say, loved all the Sunday showing of cards.

    Not done much today , have had bad back ache again, which I find so tiring.

    Hope you all had a lovely Easter, and haven’t had too much chocolate.

    Well time to see if I can manage to cobble up some dinner, will have to be chicken left overs. Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian. Wish your back better by the morning. You take care.x

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Maria I love Rics birthday card, I bet it made him laugh. I hope it a good few years until you both feel like the couple on the card hehe x
    Sandra I hope you and Paul had a good time at the allotment. I’m sure you just being there to chat to helps Paul.
    We had all of the granddaughters today which was lovely. Penny, who will be two on 26th, is a really happy little thing and very easy, then the usual swim lessons for Phoebe and Paige later on. I’m in bed and it won’t be long before I’m asleep! It’s been a long weekend but we have had such great times with all of the little ones!! Ill I hope you all had a lovely time over this long weekend.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
