
Tuesday 19 March 2019

Gorgeous Swap Notelets from the lovely Steph Stoker

Good Morning ladies,

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes yesterday, I am not going to lie, the blood test was horrible (not that they are ever nice)!  I have asked both times for her to use the Butterfly needle as it always works first time, but they never listen, she got in eventually and had prepared me by saying 'i'm really sorry I am going to have to take rather a lot of blood from you today''  it was 6 bottles in all.  But I guess that they are checking for everything. 
Then I get the phone call for my Urgent Scan, its a week on Wednesday!! How on earth is that urgent?! I will be a gibbering wreck by then!
Anyway on to pretty things....

Today I am sharing some perfectly timed 'Happy Mail' with you, over on our FB channel Danielle and I run a monthly swap, this month the swap is  'A set of Notelets'' and these gorgeous Vintage designs are from the lovely Steph Stoker, this is her first venture into Vintage style cards but you would never guess that.  She made a beautiful card that matched the Notelets beautifully, it features the cutest little girl and boy on a lovely vintage background.
The Notelets have the same theme, all lovely vintage/shabby chic designs with lots of detail.  Steph even went to the trouble of making matching Vintage envelopes too.
Thank you so much for a gorgeous swap Steph, it was perfectly timed to bring a much needed smile to my face xxx

I have a couple of craft projects I would like to try today, all being well, so please keep your fingers crossed for me.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful gift you received, so pretty.
    Unfortunately the wait for you scan is probably not that long. Everywhere in the NHS is just so busy these days.

    We treated 24 patients yesterday (that’s quite a lot for use as we’re a very small department) and we were asked to “squeeze “ another patient in. I eventually got my lunch at 2pm and gave up on the idea of a tea break!
    Let’s hope today is a better day.


  2. Morning Everyone
    At last I've opened the curtains to everything being dry and very little wind this morning. Fingers crossed that it stays that way for a while.

    What a lovely set of notelets. I'm sure they put a smile on your face.

    I've quite a bit of catching up to do today so I'd better get a wriggle on and get my joints working.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours'so pop in when you all can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Yes it’s lovely to see a bit of sun here as well. It’s been dryish over the last few days but very windy.

  3. Hi everyone,
    Beautiful notelets Sandra. What a lovely gift. Sorry your hospital visit was so horrible. Hope you can have a nice quiet, calm day in your craft place today.x

    Well the promised rain has arrived this morning. I bet the plants are loving it anyway. Gracie is looking very depressed as it means no walk this morning. Also it's a Red Day (Bank Holiday) here today. Typical hey!

    I spent a couple of hours making cards for the list I have for the shop yesterday. Still thinking of ideas for my cc this week. I think it's another few hours crafting today so maybe I'll get some inspiration.

    Hugs to poorly friends
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you manage to take Gracie out for a walk later, and you manage to get your cards finished.

  4. A really lovely project STEPH I have never done vintage chic You’ve mastered it brilliantly
    I’m sorry to say I agree with MICHELE re the NHS You’re probably lucky to have got one that quickly
    I hope to craft later I need to make a card for a colleague to give to girlfriend and try and get my cc done I also want to try and rescue the card I managed to tear when removing it from the die and then dancing tonight
    Take care all I truly value the friendship you give me xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Not to sure why but I’m back as me today on your blog Sandra. Blogger sure is fickle.
    Lovely work on show today Steph. Love the vintage look but would have no idea where to start.
    They always had trouble taking blood from Pete and always took 6 bottles or more from him. Mind you the results would always be back the next day. Plus if there was a major problem they always rang the duty Dr who’d ring us. He’s been called into hospital twice in the middle of the night, and needed to be in straight away. But that’s how Oxfordshire works. But I’m sure your area would be the same.
    Unless your admitted to hospital I agree that’s quite quick for the NHS.
    I hope you manage to do a bit of crafting today.

  6. Margaret Palmer19 March 2019 at 11:22

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased you have date for your scan, I know it might seem a long time to you, but the way the weeks are going it will be here before you know it. Love the notelets you received from Steph, they are gorgeous. Hope you are successful with your project. Hugs on
    Just waiting for a visit from RJ & Christopher haven't seen RJ since before Christmas so will be nice. Exercise class went well yesterday, feel tired today so a quiet day I think.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely note cards from Steph love the vintage feel.
    SANDRA sorry your blood test was horrendous. I alway get a massive bruse even if they only take one file.
    Hope you can manage some crafting today. Just coming over quite dark so think we are getting some rain. Also chilly. We have to pick Terry's prescription up from Tesco doctor reception said we have to get escorted to the chemist as still not open.
    Just waiting for CU to get ready bearing in mind he went upstairs at 11am it's now 1.30pm ☹️
    I want to get my CC done today & put some bits on Ebay.
    Hope you are all having a good day.
    Hug's for everyone extra for all poorly friends. Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra sorry to read your blood test was a long drawn out event, I bet you were exhausted when it was all over. It’s good to know your doctor is taking care of you and really seems to be on the ball. I had another INR blood test today it was because I have been on antibiotics this week (finished the course this morning) fortunately the pills didn’t really affect my readings to much. So my next appointment is in 8 weeks time. Just hope I behave myself in the meantime!

    LYNDA I have a vision in my head of you and CU being given hard hats and escorted to the pharmacy in Tesco. Hope it isn’t that bad. Ha Ha xx

    MARGARET hope you have had a restful day. Are the exercise classes helping? xx

    STEPH, Your vintage Notelets are beautiful. No wonder Sandra was so pleased to receive them .... what a gorgeous gift. xx

    Must get myself organised, I’m going to Loughborough tomorrow, just for the day. Have some goodies for my sister, I could have posted them but it’s a good excuse (not that I need one) to visit her. She is doing well, this morning she had an appointment with the surgeon who performed the operation, he was very pleased to see how his work has progressed. Her next appointment will be with the rehabilitation team, but not for a few months, she has to recuperate awhile longer.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx
