
Wednesday 2 January 2019

My Challenge Card

Inside of card

Good Morning Ladies,

It was so lovely to read all of your lovely New Year wishes yesterday, I think that we are very blessed, we have an amazing friendship group, made up of strangers that would most likely never have met.  I love hearing from all of you each day, In fact we speak more than we do to our families and if I am 100% honest with you (and some of you know this already) I get greater comfort and support from you lovely ladies. 

Today's card is exactly how I envisaged this weeks challenge, bright, spring like colours, something new and a breath of fresh air after all of the Dark, Rich Opulence of the Christmas cards that we have all been making.  I'm sure Val is probably past Valentines Day and onto Mother's Day and Easter by now.

My card used categories: Butterfly/Spring/Flowers

I stamped those gorgeous flourishes from the Beauty Abounds stamp set with Old Olive Ink and used my Daffodil Delight Stampin' Blends to colour the flowers, I die cut some tiny butterflies from the  Butterfly Beauty Thinlets and placed them around the stamped flourish.
I then stamped my sentiment in the same ink and die cut with the Layering Ovals, adding a mat of Old olive to lift the sentiment from the background.  I added another die cut butterfly to my sentiment and added a die cut side view butterfly on the edge of the sentiment. 
I matted the card on to Old Olive card, then again on white and added the whole thing to an Old Olive Card base.
The sentiment is in two parts ….. Our Friendship Isn't One Big thing...…..It's a Million little things!
So I stamped the second half on the insert and added a background splatter stamp, adding butterflies around the sentiment.
I hope you like my card ladies.

New Years Eve was quite relaxed, we had a takeaway and caught up on some recorded tv shows, we managed to stay awake to see the New Year in, watching the Fireworks on TV, luckily being so out in the sticks we didn't really hear any fireworks, Harley did bark a couple of times but I think that was just people walking by.  I spoke to Matt and the girls and then we went to bed.
We had a very relaxed New Years Day, we were on our own until lunchtime, just reading and totally relaxing, which we never have time to do usually.  We had to collect Lucy from work and I then sat and made today's card while Paul was 'doing his books'.  We decided to have steak instead of a roast, mostly because the joint of beef we have is way too big for 4 of us, so we will have that on a weekend when everyone is home. 

I hope that you all enjoyed the rest of your Day yesterday, it's time to venture back into your craft rooms, I have really missed having my desk accessible, so that will be put right tomorrow. Mind you I did enjoy tidying everything and putting it all away in its right place.  I am going to try and be a much tidier crafter in 2019, although I don't hold out much hope!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card & I love the sentiment on it.

    Had a lovely day yesterday-sat reading in the morning, had a roast lunch The we walked to the beach again. It was absolutely packed down there. Once we go back I read some more of my book the decided to attempt to make soup using the turkey carcass. Used a Delia Smith recipe & it worked out very nice-although I was finishing it at 9:30 last night. I thought I’d sleep well considering how active I’d been but NO! Hopefully work won’t be too busy & I can drift through the day-ha ha.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A love Spring like card SANDRA. Beautiful colours and a lovely sentiment.

    Managed to get a CC done yesterday so quite pleased with

    Nothing on the books for today so a lazy day ahead I hope.

    The CAFE has opened its doors for 2019 so pop in when you wish. The last of the Christmas goodies are waiting to be eaten. Remember 'Calorie Freeeeeee'.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2019 today as I didn’t get into the Cafe yesterday.
    Sandra, today’s card is beautiful. The flourish is so pretty and the sentiment is lovely. You will enjoy getting your craft stash out won’t you. I am looking forward to seeing what you inspire us with every day xx
    Pat, I’m glad that you can comment more easily now. I can comment as usual now thank goodness. Hugs to you and Pete x
    Brenda and Lilian have you tried going to “view my complete profile” then coming onto the blog from there? It seems to have worked for Pat and I.
    I’m not sure what I am doing today but will be making the card I should have made yesterday anyway.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Didn’t work on my iPad, but seems ok today, thanks

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today as usual Sandra. We had a quiet day yesterday until about 4.00. Craig rang to see if we were in. So him and Romilly came to visit while Jenny and Xander went to the cinema to see Mary Poppins with friends. They played Escalation whisk with Pete while I chilled then cooked tea.
    Please do try Mrs B’s fix as it worked for me. After that I could post normally, thank goodness.
    I hope that everyone whose gone back to work today is able to have a day that’s not to busy.

  5. Afternoon everyone,

    A great mild and sunny day yesterday for our local charity football match. Although numbers were down we still managed to raise a respectable £722.30 for The children's Hospice South West through pitch fees, raffle and auction items. A lovely tasty buffet lunch was provided by mine hosts.

    My craft room is now completely tidy, I have used my 'for life' shopping bags to store larger items so the floor-robe now looks respectable. And it makes it handier for me to carry them from one room to another when needed.

    I have had some luck with my Echo and jumped the 12 week waiting
    list by accepting a cancellation for 9.20am tomorrow. And my CT coronary angiogram scan is booked later this month for the 29th. One of the bonuses of being retired is that you can get appts quicker if you are willing to accept cancellations.

    Let's see what the rest of the year has in store for me although I really did not want to start it off with a chesty cough and runny nose. Thank goodness for Vicks First Defence, it has certainly taken the edge of the unwellness off.

    Now I have my table clear again I can start this year's cards and craft items for my stalls.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck for tomorrow Cheryl. Hope you feeling better soon, hugs xx

  6. Lovely card SANDRA I hope to do a cc later I need to make at least one Thank You card
    OH and I spent most of yesterday morning catching up on sleep after a restless night with MIL which included me tripping all of the lights causing the intercom in her flat to boom out “there is a problem Check the mains supply” In pitch black darkness it wasn’t easy finding the fuse box!
    Late afternoon we went to a Salsa afternoon and had a very quiet evening watching some pre-recorded tv and I started some crochet - watch this space SANDRA!
    Take care all xx

  7. Beautiful card Sandra.
    Must get a card together myself and hope to do some stamping ones up to colour in later.
    I wish anyone not feeling good a better day and a speedy recovery and special hugs for our Pat.
    I have totally lost a day so what I thought of doing yesterday will have to be today but need a rest first. We have been to town all day and it wasn't too busy but I still got a virus and makes me so tired. Bought some tops/jumpers, some in the sale. I also bought 2 crafting magazines to up the Mojo and an birthday diary so hopefully I won't forget anyone this year.
    Hope you all have a good day. Love Maria x

    1. Hi Maria
      Haven’t managed to get to the sales. So I’ve probably missed quite a few bargains.
      I hope your feeling a bit better tomorrow. Quite cold here today.
      I hope Christians friend managed to get transferred to Oxford.

    2. Hi Pat. Son's friend came home but have not heard anything yet from JR. He had to go back yesterday morning when he had another one, all they did was up the meds and sent him home again.
      Reg the shopping I was happy to find anything really, not easy sometimes when you are a larger size :>) take care x

  8. Hello All, rather dull and chilly here today.

    Not much going on , made large pot of soup for lunch, from the stock made from turkey bones, so very yummy.

    Watched some tennis, not sure Andy Murray will get back to his old form, the young one are so fast.

    Sandra loved your card today, hope to do one this week. Hugs to all Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Ohh your soup sounds yummy. I made a pot of soup a few weeks ago, as Pete finds that’s all he can manage to eat. However, he wasn’t keen on it, although it tasted yummy, even if I say so myself.

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I did a comment 4 o'clock on my I pad & it froze up & still frozen
    Sandra your card is gorgeous lovely stamp set. Not much doing today bodged up two cards in the bin
    Have a good evening
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely uplifting card from you today Sandra, it really tells us spring is coming - well maybe not this week!!
    SUE Thank you for your tip about checking my profile, fortunately today I am able to comment as myself. But I won’t hold my breath as the robot seems to want to join in my space!!!
    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx
