
Monday 14 January 2019

Michele's Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

How amazing is today's card??!  It was made by Our Michele, using Lisa Horton's new dies...…..

Called: Out of this world.
Michele used Sue Wilson's Shadow Box Frame die, die cut in white card and placed on a background of Fine Silver Glitter Paper.  Michele then die cut the Aliens and Spaceships, in green, blue, yellow & Black card.  Which I might add is a perfect colour combination.
I absolutely love this card Michele, such a perfect, fun card.  Lisa Horton is an amazing Die and Stamp Designer, she puts so much thought into every element.

Michele came up with the idea or this weeks Challenge, let me build a picture in your mind...…
It's a cold, dull and Miserable January week, what could we do to Cheer it up ??????
We could add some Sparkle & Bling to our cards!!

The Challenge

To add some form of Sparkle or Bling to your cards or projects (it doesn't have to be a card)!!

You could do like Michele and add glitter paper or card to your design or you could use any other form of sparkle, Mica Powder, Sparkle pens/paint, glitter, Bling gem stones, sequins.
You get the idea, whatever you consider to be sparkle or bling you can add it to your card.
This means you can make just about any card, even...……..Christmas Cards !!!
I hope you enjoy the Challenge.

Michele, thank you so much for a Great Challenge Idea and a fantastic Challenge Card XXX

If any of you want to have a go at setting the Challenge on a Monday, just let me know your idea, the more Ideas we get the better.

I am off for a play in my Craft room today, who knows what I will end up making, watch this space!!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for your kind words about my card. I thought adding a bit of sparkle to something would cheer us up! Hopefully everyone will find something to make this week.

    Door frames all painted-I feel like I’ve not had any time offf at all. I’ve been struggling with sciatica again all week but it’s worse now. I’m gyro try to get an appointment with the physio as I’m struggling to move easily.


    1. Great challenge MICHELE I hope you get to see a physio soon

    2. Lovely card and challenge Michele.
      Hope your sciatica gets sorted soon.x

  2. Lovely challenge MICHELE and I love that you’ve chosen a card that doesn’t necessarily “scream” bling I do hope to take part but OH has moved my desk to right in front of my storage O can’t get to any cardstock
    Went to see daughter yesterday and ended up taking Oscar to the park which he loves
    Hope everyone’s pain is easing Big hugs to MICHELE VAL PAT AND PETE
    Good luck with appointment CHERYL

  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for a really good Challenge MICHELE. I'll enjoy this one.

    It's a busy week (again) for me. Mr Tesco this morning/K&N first of the year tomorrow afternoon and hairdresser on Wednesday morning. Well that's my week

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGE HUGS on their way to everyone this morning. It really is the time of year when everyone feels low and bugs are rife. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Morning everyone,
    Great challenge this week. I love a bit of sparkle.

    Had a lovely few hours out yesterday afternoon celebrating my friend's birthday. Very nice lunch and the Bailey's cheesecake was to die for. Hope me Sliming World consultant doesn't read this blog!!!

    Just waiting for Pip my window cleaner to arrive. Then I'll take Gracie out then just relax for the rest of the day.
    Lynn bought me a wonderful boxed set of Dickens classics for Christmas and I'm slowly working my way through them.

    LYNDA hope you're ok today after yesterday's funny turn. Sending hugs.x

    Daily hugs are sent to Pat and Pete.

    Have a good day today everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE thank you for sorting this week's challenge. I hope you get some help from the physiotherapist for your sciatica take care xx
    VAL hope your back is better today& how is your sciatica is it better now.
    Good luck with slimming world xx Touch wood I don't get any more funny turns today thank you for asking.
    JANET you have a busy day today. Enjoy KN xx
    I have a nice pile of ironing looking at me so better get motivated & do it.
    Take care everybody sending you all Hug's extra for Pat&Pete Michele Val .
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good luck with your project look forward to seeing what you
    Michele lovely card, love the colours thankyou for the challenge. Hope you manage to see physio & it helps your sciatica. Xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat, Cheryl Michele love

  7. Hi ladies,
    thank you Michele for this week challenge and for this cute card.
    Many hugs to all and extra for anyone who need some.
    Love Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Michele, interesting challenge you have set for us, i may have a card I have made today that will fit the challenge! Now that will be a first I don’t usually get my card made until Saturday.
    I’m so excited I haven’t got to prove I’m not a robot (it doesn’t take a lot to please me does it)
    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, sorry to be so late, no excuses simply forgot.

    Michele cute card and good challenge, the only trouble is getting to take a good pic.

    Sandra hope you had a good play today.

    Hugs to all, acupuncture tomorrow so will have to get up early, not too good first thing in the morning. Night Lilian
