
Friday 4 January 2019

Lynda's Challenge card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I can barely believe it's Friday, this week has just flown by, Our Sophie will be home today, I have really missed her but not half as much as Our Lucy bless her.  It sounds as though as she has an amazing time in Florida though, she said she was looking forward to being home though, I think that all of my children are home birds. 

Today's card is one of Lynda's challenge cards, I saw it yesterday and asked Lynda if I could share it today as it is so pretty.
Lynda used two sheets of paper from the Clarity Paper pads (although your backgrounds are equally as amazing Lynda) for the background of her card,  to embellish her card Lynda used Sue's Wilson's Majestic Butterfly Die (centre) and the outer two are John Lockwood Butterfly Die cuts, all cut out of a stunning shade of Bright Pink, I love that colour Lynda! 
Lynda has then finished the card with some delicate little sequins, such a gorgeous card Lynda, thank you so much for allowing me to share your card early.  

I got a bit carried away with my re-organising and time ran away with me yesterday, plus I needed Paul to move the dining table back so that I can pull my desk out properly.  I then wanted to spend some quality time with Lucy as it was her first day off this week and she is missing Sophie.  Before I knew it Paul was home!  

How are you getting on with your Challenge cards, I have seen some lovely ones already, I am looking forward to our first Display of challenge cards of the year!

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a beautiful card, do lovely.

    Sandra-glad you managed to start your sorting. It’s amazing where the time goes once you start moving crafty things. I bought a set of A4 drawers (to go on a desk) last night in Tesco (plus some food!) with the idea I could organise things a bit better in my craft room. I ended my working day with a horrendous headache so afterndoing a quick trip round Tesco, I did nothing yesterday evening.
    Fingers crossed today isn’t too busy then I’ll feel like rearranging some things in my craft room tonight.


    1. Thank you Michele for liking my card. I hope your headache has gone this morning & you manage to organise your craft room with the help of your new draw's. Have a good day. Xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA- a truly beautiful card for our first2019 Challenge.

    My task for today that's after I've used the 'swear'word this morning is to get my CC sent off and then I can hopefully relax later this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can and make the best of the Christmas decorations as they will be coming down this week-end.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe. It's so cold here this morning.xxxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you so much Janet For your lovely comment on my card.
      Hope the swear word doesn't take too long . Xx

  3. I just knew LYNDA would be doing a glorious card with butterflies this week lol! It is lovely LYNDA
    Feeling full of cold today So I’m staying at home in the warm
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Thank you Karen for your lovely comment on my card you know me so well with butterflies 😬Hope you feel better soon. Xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Lynda. So I’m not the only one Lynda that thinks your backgrounds are as good as the ones that are in the Clarity pads. I’ve now started to make my own for my Groovi cards.
    Very cold and frosty here today. So stay safe out there if it’s frosty where you are.

  5. Thank you Pat for your lovely comment on my card. I had a disastrous day with the c cards two went in the bin so I went for the easy option lol. Hope your backgrounds turn out ok I'm sure they will be lovely. Xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Such a shame when the colouring doesn’t work out. I made a green and red background for some Christmas. They looked awful but made them darker and they looked fine underneath the parchment. Not to sure who received that one. I only sent to blog friends this year and bought cards for the others.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Thank you Sandra for showing my card this morning & for your kind comments xx
    We have a bright sunny day but boy it's cold. I have to collect my tablets from Tesco this morning. After like Janet the swear word needs finishing. Then must start & finish tidying my craft room did make a start yesterday I bought a trolley from Amazon & it fits under my table so sorted my card out & put in colour order it's a lot better as can now just pull it out might get another one.
    Well better get ready so hope you all have a good day.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Michele Karen Pat Pete & Val.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Just love your card Lynda. The background is beautiful. You can tell it's your card.
      Thanks for the hugs.x

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I haven't commented for a few days, Wednesday was one of those days when everything went wrong from start to finish, then yesterday had embroidery in the afternoon, the morning was taken up with preparing evening meal, our Son Mark is staying again for a few days now I am waiting for Sue to arrive to take me for xrays. I fell over last week, the Dr. wants xrays of both hips, she thinks the other hip is going, I have had it 14 years, they told me at the time it would last 10 - 15 years.
    Anyway enough about me your cards for the last 2 days have been lovely. Hope you get your craft room back
    Lynda what a lovely card, I love using papers as a background, there are some lovely ones about. Good luck with your tidy
    Sending hugs to Val, Pat & Pete, & Karen & anybody else who needs them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope your hip X-ray doesn’t show to much damage.

    2. Thanks for the hugs Margaret.
      Sorry to read you had a fall. Hope you get good news re x-ray today. X

    3. Hi Margaret thank you very much for your lovely comment
      Hope X-ray goes well.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Lovely paper used on your card Lynda, a very pretty card with Butterflies hihi
    Doing any swearword have to wait a few days, I'm not taking anything down until the 13th sa then it will be a Spring clean sort of.
    Have joined a group on facebook who are making 'one Christmas card made once a week' not sure if I make it but hope it will push me a bit to have some made for December.
    I wish anyone with aches and pains a better day. Good luck Margaret with x-ray. Special hugs to you all.
    Have a nice day as possible. Going to make the CC now. Bye for now. Warm hugs, Maria xx

    1. The site is called- Make one Christmas card every week throughout 2019.xx

    2. Hi Maria thanks my friend for liking my card
      Have fun with your new FB group
      Hug's xx

  9. Hello it’s cold, but dry.

    Lynda loved your card, love the background, a really you card.

    Sandra loved your card yesterday, lovely stamps.

    I did have some new pencils which my son gave me for Christmas, have not tried them yet, they water soluble wax pencils.

    Well I’ve hade my appointment cancelled till the end of the month . Waiting to have an appraisal to see if they can make me a knee brace. Was hoping to have by the end of the month.

    Am tired waiting for the doctors to sort me out, so now I am trying acupuncture, had my first treatment today, worth giving it a try, as I have been waiting for two years plus, to get it sorted.

    Hope you all have a lovely rest of the day, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I’m so sorry to hear you’ve once again had your appointment cancelled. It’s a disgrace that you’ve had to wait for over 2 years to get it sorted. Fingers crossed the acupuncture helps.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

    2. Oh Lilian, they do seem to be messing you about. It's really disgusting the wait you've had.
      Hope the acupuncture helps.x

    3. Hi Lilian thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Sorry about your canceled appointment. So annoying
      Hug's xx

    4. So sorry Lilian that they cancelled your appointment. Hopefully the acupuncture will give you some help. Gentle hugs x

  10. Hi everyone,
    Lynda I've already said how lovely your card is. Yours backgrounds are always stunning

    At docs this morning for injection and change of dressing on leg. Have appointment for Monday for dressing change but have to go to clinic in local hospital tomorrow and Sunday for

    Needless to say not doing much. Sorry Sandra haven't done a card for Sunday again this week.

    Hugs to all. Have a good weekend.
    Love Valx

    1. Hope the injections not too painful and your skin soon heal up. Mother in law had a cut on her leg from the dishwasher door and it took a long time to heal too, her skin was so paper thin. take care x

  11. Thank you Val for you lovely comment on. my card.
    Hope the injections help.
    Hug's xx
