
Wednesday 5 December 2018

Sophie has started a Portrait Business

Good Morning Ladies,

I have a very 'Proud Mummy' Moment to share with all of you today, Our Sophie has started up her own Portrait Business, it's called Capturing Memories.  We have pushed her into including Pet Portraits as I think that there is a big market out there for those and she would be missing out if she didn't.  The first two photo's are her first ever attempt at a Pet Portrait, as you can see she 'aced' that challenge and has offered Pet Portraits to her list too.  Her Boyfriend got a new car and wanted Soph to draw that too, that is what you see above, the thing that amazed us what the level of detail she went into, the car was parked at the front of the house and the house, in the photo that she took you can really see the house reflection, so she added that in too.  He was blown away by the finished piece.
I have left the link to her Website under the last photo above, if you know anyone that is looking for any kind of portrait please share her Website link. 

The good thing about this business is that she can carry it on when she goes to University next year, she would be able to use any work that she gets to add to her portfolio too.  Paul and I have our fingers tightly crossed that it is a success for her, as they so easily get disheartened. 

I am trying to get today's post up early as Paul and I have been wanting to see the new JK Rowling film, the girls went last week and really enjoyed, more than the first one.  The challenge is to get my blog done, get dinner prepared so that we can be ready soon after Paul gets in, so fingers crossed.
I will pop on this morning and update you !!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, mine should be good but I'm not saying anything as it usually jinx's it !  But I think you know what I mean. !!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the portraits are all amazing-STUNNING. Sophie has a fantastic talent
    I hope you enjoyed the film last night. My crazy friend wants to see & has asked if I’ll go with her. Only problem is she thinks we can go before Christmas & I’m not sure I’ll have the time.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark/wet/and cold morning here.

    Wow Wow what fantastic portraits. SOPHIE's talent is amazing.

    K&N was a good one and so that's it for this year. I wonder what 2019 will bring in crafting.

    The CAFE is oPEN as usual so pop in. It's dry and warm with warm mince pies etc at the ready for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Wow! Her talent is amazing I have just visited her web site it is brilliant and left a comment I should have done it under “contact me” So sorry for my stupid human error
    I am hoping to do a bit more of a PHD later as there is no dancing tonight and I’m home alone BUT Christmas cards are still calling!
    It was so dark when we got up we both had to check our alarm clocks to make sure we hadn’t set them an hour too early! How was your review SUE and your hospital visit CHERYL?
    Take care all Special hugs to PAT PETE VAL(at this sad time) And LILIAN

    1. Hi SANDRA & ladies
      After a lovely day weather wise yesterday we have heavy rain so far this morning.
      WOW Sandra it's not surprising you & Paul are proud mum & dad Sophie's drawings are fantastic brilliant & stunning she has a amazing talent. Congratulation SOPHIE good luck with your new venture.
      Craft room this morning finishing the last few Christmas cards off. Then giving it a good tidy up. I can hear you all saying it won't last & soon be in a mess again. I know but I must do it. I have mislaid my plastic shim for the Gemini I've looked everywhare so I'm hopeing when I start tidying I will find it along with other lost items.
      Well better cracking & finish housework & have a shower.
      Hug's for all & extra for Pat & Pete Lilian Val & Maria & all who that need extra.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. FANTASTIC NEWS SOPHIE. I am so glad you have got your website up and running now and I wish you all the luck in the world, not that you will need any as you are a naturally talented artist, your work makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time I look at it, especially your biro pictures. Just how you manage to get so much life just using that still blows me away. GOOD LUCK love x
    Ladies, don’t hesitate to use/recommend Sophie, you won’t be believe her fabulous talent x
    Sandra, you have every right to be a very proud Mum. Sophie is so talented, fingers and everything else tightly crossed that she gets lots of commissions. I hope you enjoyed the movie. Chris and Gem are seeing it today. See you later my lovely xx
    Karen, I have spoken to my doc about the migraines but haven’t spoken about seeing anyone else so will ask her at my next visit. I actually remembered to take a sample and my last 7 days BP readings to my annual BP check so that was a good start 😊 it was just the usual bp and blood test and weight check so quite quick. What are you knitting/crocheting at the moment? I wouldn’t be without my daylight bulb for crafting in the evening. They really do work so give one a try and hopefully it will help you x
    I’m off to Sandra’s today so must get Chris to get something out of the loft that I need to take with me x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Oops, published too early!
    Mum, I had forgotten you started your expertise class yesterday. Hope your not feeling it today. Love you xxxx
    Cheryl, I hope that you got some answers at your heart check appointment x
    Lynda, thank you for your lovely card. I’m in panic mode getting mine finished! X

    1. Hi Sue glad you liked your card.
      Have a lovely time round Sandra's give her a big Hug from me please & one for you too. Xxx

  6. Morning everyone,
    wow Sandra , Sopies work is AMAZING and I wish her all the luck in the world. I'm in huge awe for people who can draw because I can't even get a stickman right.
    Your daughter will go far and fingers crossed her business be susessful .
    Margaret- hope you ok after the exercises and not too sore today, gentle hugs
    Pat- my daily hugs for you and Pete, take care.
    Lilian- hope you ok, some extra hugs for you too.
    Cheryl- hope your heart app. gave you some answers.
    Val- bless you. I hope the sciatica is easing, it is so painful and not much you can do for it then rest and painkillers. Take care.
    Going out later with a friend for her Birthday treat.
    My sister and her husband is going over to Australia tomorrow to visit my neice who is out there for a year so will give her a call later. Wondering who is looking after the dogs, think there are 6/7 at the moment. Can't see my parents doing it tho, it would be too much.
    Have a nice day . Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Maria.

  7. Hi everyone,
    Wow Sandra, no wonder you and Paul are so proud of Sophie. Her art work is exceptional. Those dogs are so life like - Im really in awe. I'm going to pop over to her site and leave a comment.x

    Still hobbling about but got ironing to do before crib this afternoon so better get on.

    PAT SO sorry to read about Petes latest consultation. Sending you lots of love and

    Hope Margaret and Cheryl got on ok yesterday.

    Love Valx

  8. Oh sugar, I have just press publish although I realised I was going to have to publish as anonymous. Those of you who had these problems will know what I’m talking about YES my comment is drifting somewhere around in cyberspace.

    Sandra I can understand why you’re the proud mummy of this very very talented young lady, her artwork is so beautiful, and she is able to cope with just about any subject - people, animals even vehicles what an amazing gifted young lady she is. I’ve had little peep at the website, it looks really professional, well done Sophie. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you got lots of commissions. xx

    I haven’t made it into the craft room today I’ve been busy catching up on housework, very boring but also satisfying when you see things starting to look in some shape of order.

    Pat sending gentle hugs for you and Pete xx

    Have a lovely evening ladies, love and hugs Brenda xx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Brenda. I only have google account as my reply as instead of Pat S Witney so I have to prove I’m not a robot. Which can take ages to go through.
