
Wednesday 12 December 2018

My First Christmas card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the very first Christmas card that I received, it's from Our Lynda, it is gorgeous, I love that snowflake thats on the front, is it the Sara Davies one Lynda? I just love the detail in it.
Lynda's background was made using one of the Grand Octagon Die sets by Sue Wilson, I think that Lynda picked this one up from Ally Pally as they were such a good price from the ''A Crafty Place'' stand, in fact they were cheaper there than anywhere else.
I love the colours you have used too Lynda, I love the soft blue shades almost as much as green.
Thank you my lovely for a lovely card and the heart warming words inside. xxx

I spent pretty much the whole day sizing my cards and making envelopes for them, then stamping a sentiment on an insert sheet to go inside, which were all different sizes so I couldn't position the stamp in my Stamperatus and mass produce inserts, as some where landscape some portrait, some a lot bigger than others. Quite a few of the cards needed to have their envelopes cut from a sheet of 12X12 as A4 wasn't wide enough.
I was stamping and then embossing my inserts with Glitter Embossing Powder, as I was flicking off the excess all of the glitter was floating down and unbeknown to me was landing on my feet, I hadn't noticed until Paul came home and said 'Have you seen your feet' have you spilt something?''
I looked down and it looked like I was wearing sparkly slippers, I left a trail of glitter everywhere I went, you could see everywhere I had stood in the Kitchen, Harley ended up rolling on the floor so he looks very 'festive' now with his Sparkly coat.
All I need to do is write in the cards now and they can be sent off. .YAY!!

Last night I cooked Pork chops in the AGA and then made a Creamy Garlic Mushroom sauce to smother them with, I then made an Apple Crumble which was the nicest one I have ever made.  I can see us all gaining a few pounds at this rate.
Brenda sent me her recipe for Bread Pudding so I am going to try that soon, probably not until the weekend though, as Paul is treating me to a couple of nights in London, where we hope to see a show and do some sightseeing and maybe a bit of Christmas shopping too.  I can't wait, I am a firm believer in making time for yourselves as a couple, I think it's easy to neglect your own relationship when you have a family.
We never left them as children because Paul was often away with work and it felt wrong for us to go and leave them again when he was home, so I think we look forward to making up for it now they are older.  Mind you I still have to prepare meals to leave for them to cook etc, otherwise they will just be calling to ask what they can eat.  That is what I shall be doing today.

 I hope that you all have a lovely day and that those of you that are poorly start to feel better very soon. xxx

Michele, what did you think of the film, the reviews have been quite mixed, I think it raised a lot of questions personally! xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card from Lynda, love the colours. Sounds like you were busy yesterday. Are you setting off for London today-hope you have a great couple of days.

    The film was good-a but loud and some of the special effects were too realistic! It’s obvious there’s going to be at least one more film, possibly 2 to bring us up to date with everything Magical!


  2. Morning Everyone
    At the moment I'm not sure whether it's bedtime or morning as it's so dark

    A Beautiful Christmas Card LYNDA. I love that die set and the colour is just made for it.

    Once again I'll be wrapping the stocking fillers this morning and then hopefully I'll be having a quiet afternoon with my feet up.

    The CAFE is OPEN and a fresh batch of mince pies are on offer today. Have a good day everyone. Take care and stay safe. HUGS should be arriving with you all very soon.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Third attempt! Fingers are not doing what they are meant to today!
    A beautiful card Lynda, I love it, that shade of blue is one of my favourite colours McNeil’s
    Sandra, I did laugh at the thought of your house covered on a trail of glitter. I bet you even find some in the Aga 😂 x
    Lynda, hugs are on the way. I bet Harry looks sweet in his costume x
    Karen , I’m glad JL were able to help you but did giggle st the image of you in M&S changing room 😂 x
    I’m off for a hair cut in a while, can’t wait as I missed my last appointment so my hair is a mess. Then cards cards cards. Addressing them is the worst part for me so will be getting Chris to do most of them.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Some me time again, the last weekend was so busy visiting my parents then on Monday picking up Milly-May for a couple of days that did not work out as I had planned as yesterday we spent the day in A&E with youngest daughter Fiona. She had been kept awake all night with extreme pain in her right side. She rang 111 to be told ring your doctor for an appt. The only one they could give her at 8.32am was one at 4.10pm. Whatever happened to same day appts in her surgery is a mystery so she got through to 111 again and their advice 'go straight to hospital'. This was now 9.30am. And off we went, booked in at 10.45 (traffic was so bad) and there we stayed and stayed. I really think that A&E need to have a liaison person who could keep parents or family members who drive their people there in the know. Fiona was called to see the doctor and we were left alone not knowing which dept. she had been sent to. Finally found someone and asked where she was, who took us to a side ward where she was waiting for a CT scan. There was no room on the chairs or a waiting area so back to A&E we had to go. We lost track of Fiona after that. At 4.45 an A&E personnel came to collect a little girl from the children's play area where we were sitting and was amazed to see we were still there. When I explained we didn't know where Fiona was as she was no longer on the little ward, he went to find out. 5.45pm she finally came back to the waiting room and we could go home but come back next week when they had an appt. for her to have an ultra sound on her ovaries. The Ct scan had showed up a large lump on one of. Took a while to get out of the multi-storey car park then we landed right in the middle of the 'going home' traffic. Taunton is worse than Bridgwater to get through at that time of the evening. After dropping them both off to their respective homes, I finally arrived home at 7.00pm thoroughly exhausted. Milly-May, bless her, was so good but she did have a couple of 'I'm bored' moments so we toddled off to get something to eat and drink.
    If we had known she was going to be there that long for all the tests, Milly-May and I could have come home then went back later to pick Fiona up.
    A longish lie-in was much appreciated this morning.

    Now to finish writing the envelopes then posting my cards. Yay! job finally done.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. What a day Cheryl. hope Fiona is ok. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card from Lynda, in my favourite colours as well. You are really enjoying your Aga now aren't you, hope bread pudding turns out well. Enjoy your trip to
    Lynda beautiful card, hope you had some sleep. Hugs on
    Cheryl sounds as if you all had an exhausting day yesterday, hope Fiona is
    I think I am going food shopping with Alan this morning so must get on.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card from Lynda today Sandra.
    Not to sure when your off to London. I’m assuming that your no longer cooking separate meals for everyone as per conversations on your blog. But such a shame your having to leave meals for them. Not to sure how they’re going to manage when they go to Uni. Unless you let them learn before they go. Then they could cook for you instead to give you a rest. You could supervise at first.

  7. Hi All, sorry yesterday blogger wasn’t playing ball, hope today’s OK.

    Sandra lovely card from Lynda, still haven’t finished mine yet.

    Very surprised to hear you have to leave meals for your young ones, you do spoil them, both of mine loved cooking and would cook for all of us.

    Still coughing but much better than it was, Lynda hope you feel better soon, it’s a nasty bug.

    Made a couple of cakes yesterday, first time for ages, tried a new one, Dutch apple cake, nice but crumbly.

    Have a good day all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA thank you for sharing your Christmas card I sent you I'm pleased you liked it. Sandra the snowflake is a SW one.
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on the card.
    I'm not upto anything as still no energy with coughing I just managed to have a shower. Terry has beenmy home help.😬😩
    Sandra when are you off to London is it when Paul finishes early on Friday.
    Have a lovely time whenever you go.xx
    I'm going to try tomorrow & get in my craft room & finish off the last of my Christmas cards.
    I'm watching Leonie let loose at the moment I love watching her doing the mixed media projects.
    It's time now for my next antibiotic tablet. So I will wish you all enjoy the rest of your day. CHERYL hope your taking it easy after the long day you had yesterday up the hospital. I hope Fiona isn't in too much pain today.
    Hug's all round & extra for Pat & Pete Lilian & anyone who want extra hugs.
    Love Lynda xx

    PS MARGARET thank you very much for your beautiful Christmas card it just landed on the mat. 🤗🤗xx

  9. Hi all.
    Lovely card from our Lynda, love the blue.
    Have a fabulous time in London. You do spoil the kids as I do with my son Luckily he knows how to cook some, sure they learn when not living at home any more as I had to do.
    Did a five and half mile walk to Ikea and back today. A bit tough but managed it,hot chocolate and the cinnamon roll helped hihi
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

  10. Thank you Maria for lovely comment on card I sent Sandra.
    Wow well done on walking five & half miles that's a very long walk. Take care though don't over do it.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely Christmas card you have from Lynda. It is really beautiful, thank you for sharing.
    I hope you both have a lovely few days in London, and find a show you will both enjoy. There is always something going on. My sister found the 16 years she spent in the area your staying a real buzz. In fact she was very sad to leave.
    Today I went to the newly opened Range, i had a great time think I looked at almost every section, the art and craft section was really well stocked. I had quite a few items that just jumped into my basket, mostly stocking fillers and a few craft items for my sister.
    Hope you all have a good nights sleep, love and hugs Brenda xxx
