
Monday 31 December 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning My Lovelies,

Monday's mean one thing.....Challenge, this Monday is no different, well apart from the fact that it's New Years Eve!!

So this Challenge is both the last Challenge of 2018 and the First Challenge of 2019

I understand that some of you are still either with family or have family staying with you, so will be too busy to sit and make cards, so please don't feel under pressure to take part.  But some of you are at home and would enjoy the challenge of making something that isn't 'Festive' !!

I wanted this first challenge to have the categories to enable us to make 'Spring' cards, pretty pastel colours , flowers, butterflies, so this particular grid is perfect for that.  I hope that you like this TicTacToe grid as much as I do.

So how many of you have plans for tonight/tomorrow??
We are doing what we usually do......Not very much!!  I think that all of our Children have plans to go out and celebrate, I was so relieved that Lucy arranged something with her friends, with Sophie being in Florida I was worried that she would be miserable sat at home with Paul and I.
We might pop round to the Red Lion for a drink this evening, we went there for the first time with Paul's parents for dinner on Friday night, it was really nice, the food was good and the landlady was really friendly and welcoming.  So we may break tradition and pop out for an hour!  Other than that we will have a take away and celebrate quietly, like we always do.
New Years Day we are breaking from tradition, we usually have a Roast Beef Dinner, however there are only 4 of us home this year, so we are going to have Steak, Chips and all the trimmings instead.
I will save the beef for when Sophie comes home of Friday.

She is having a lovely time in Florida, she went to Universal Studios on the first day, then yesterday they were taking one of those Jet Boats (with the big fan on the back) on the Everglades, looking for Crocodiles, I think that she was both excited and apprehensive, in the end they only saw a couple as it was a little bit chilly for the crocodiles.  She has decided to give Disney World a miss as Universal Studios was so incredibly overcrowded it wasn't as enjoyable and they had to wait ages in queues for rides etc.  I hope that she doesn't regret that decision, I think it is a good one though.  I have always thought that they should limit the number of people they allow in on busy days, so that everyone can enjoy all of the attractions.  We had the same experience at Legoland Windsor in 2004, it was hot and the park was so overcrowded, we waited hours for every ride, so only got to enjoy two of the rides, I wrote and complained, they just used every excuse they could think of, we have never returned or recommended it to anyone else for that reason.  They just get greedy, I don't think they think about what would happen if there was so kind of emergency on those days.

Anyway I will leave you all to enjoy your New Years Eve my Dear, Sweet Friends, I would like to wish you 'All that you wish for yourselves and much more'!
I can't wait to share every day of the New Year with all of you.

Thank you so much for all of your Friendship, Love and Support through 2018,  I truly believe that we have the VERY BEST, FRIENDLIEST BLOG in the world.  I look forward to checking in to see what you have all been up to each day, I love Challenging you and sharing your amazing projects too.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, You are all the most amazing Friends.

Love and Huge Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for the Challenge SANDRA. I hope I can get my little grey cell to

    We shall be at home today and tomnorrow and hopefully relaxing as we seem to have been extra busy over the holidays.

    I wish all of my Dear Friends a very HAPPY NEW 2019 WITH HEALTH/HAPPINESS AND MOST OF ALL PEACE.

    Have a good day whatever you all have planned. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I forgot to say thank you for the details of your glue on a roll dispenser( not sure what to call it). The one Sandra uses is really good, I think it may be the same one as yours xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us this week. I’m sure quite s few of us are wanting to get crafting again after the Christmas break, I know I am.

    Change of plans for today-we’re going to walk into the village to leave some book on the swap table inCo-op, go to the Light shop as we want a ceiling light for the landing then we’ll call at the Chocolate shop for a drink. Hopefully I’ll get into my craft room this afternoon.
    Tonight we’ll order a Chinese takeaway and have a bottle of fizz with it then watch TV until midnight.

    Just to say Thank You to you Sandra for having the most amazing blog & bringing such wonderful people together-it’s all down to your hard work every day!

    Happy New Year everyone.


    Thank you SANDRA for this amazing blog You (and all of the ladies) are so kind and supportive
    Great challenge It will depend on whether I have enough time this week
    Tonight will be quiet as I am looking after MIL so that SIL can go out to a pre booked event
    Just an aside I have just seen “Be Creative” have defected back to C&C
    Take care all xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I want to say the biggest THANK YOU SANDRA for all of your hard work and time you put into this Blog which is the BEST and MOST FRIENDLIEST BLOG in the world and I mustn’t forget the great Cafe with its calorie free cakes and all of you lovely ladies, each and everyone a dear friend. Wishing you all the best, HAPPY and HEALTHY 2019.
    I WILL BE making a challenge card so thank you for a great TicTacToe today to inspire me.
    I had a go at matching up the cards with the right ladies on yesterday’s post but there were a couple that have got me stumped so look forward to seeing the answers.
    We had a wonderful day yesterday with all of the grandchildren. We had a lovely walk, yummy cakes, an old fashioned carousel ride and hooked plastic ducks to get some good prizes at our local garden centre all topped off by hot chocolate with all of the extras when we got home. BIL arrived late afternoon to spend the evening with us and we enjoyed a tasty takeaway dinner so all in all a really lovely day. We won’t be doing anything special tonight, a quite night in watching a movie. I hope you all have a good day and evening whatever you do. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Thanks Sandra for another lovely challenge and for all the time you've spent over the past year in challenging us and making yours such a friendly blog.x

    I'm not actually a fan of New Year's Eve so I think tonight Lyn's cooking a special meal and we'll be watching a film. I'm usually in bed before midnight but see what happens bah humbug!!!

    May I wish you all a very happy, very healthy and peaceful 2019 and see you next year.

    Love Valx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope to make a start on the new year with some cards for upcoming birthdays so this challenge I thank you.
    Also a huge Thank you for running your blog, I have met so many lovely ladies over the years.
    Sat here late into the morning and had a guess who's card was made by who, not an easy task Lol
    Son is working til 7pm so I wait with boiling some Silver side and Roasties with Horseradish sauce with bought Yorkshires,hihi sorry but we all like Aunt Bessies.
    Watching a film and waiting in the new year, seeing the fireworks from London.
    I wish you all a very happy, healthier crafting NEW YEAR !!

    Love Maria xxX

  7. Hello All, lovely to see all of the cards yesterday.

    SANDRA can I second what previous friends have said , in that how much I really appreciate the time you give to this blog. It’s always so friendly without any nasty remarks like some other blogs. I always read every day, but not always able to make my iPad publish.

    Challenge looks good, have a birthday card to make for my crafty friend, so it will give me a push to get it done.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, I don’t like new year as at our age we always seem to be missing relatives and friends. It’s my oldest brothers birthday today so we’re to go for lunch, used to be a big party, but only a few of us now. (Sorry didn’t mean to sound so miserable)
    Have a lovely day what ever you are doing, I’ll see you next year. Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra firstly I want to thank you for all your help & kindness you have shown me, thank you for the your amazing blog, I have met so many lovely ladies through it, thank you.
    I hope to have a go at CC later this week. Hope you enjoy your evening, we will be quiet as usual, I usually go to bed then get woken up by fireworks at midnight!!!xxx
    Janet thank you for all your hard work in the café.xxx
    Wishing you all A HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat & Pete & Val love Margaret.

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    First I would like to wish each & everyone of my dear friends on this the friendliest Blog A VERY HAPPY HEALTHY 2019
    SANDRA i would like to thank you for all your hard work in making your blog the best. Bringing all us ladies together & for me meeting so many of them & feel very close to the ladies I haven't met but feel I know you all so well.
    SANDRA I love this week's challenge & every challenge you have set us this year they have made me get a better crafter I think. Sending you Paul & your beautiful family the very best for 2019 🎉🍾🥂. Your the loveliest & the best friend I could have so thank you for being you.🤗🤗❤️❤️ 🤓Xxx
    We had a nice surprise yesterday Darren rang & asked if they could come down silly question of course I said yes & I get to see Harry.He had made me a lovely card very sparkly. Haven't got any plans for tonight probably stay in & watch a film might get a Chinese takeaway as from tomorrow we are both going on a stricked but healthy diet.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete xx
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I echo all the sentiments on here Sandra. Shame I can’t pop over for a crafting day. Just to far for me to come at the moment. Sophie has said she’ll pop in for a while on one of her days off to give me a break. So we’ll see what happens.
    Thank you ladies for the lovely messages asking how Pete was over Christmas. Pete had to go into the JR on Friday for an emergency blood transfusion and came home late Saturday.
    I hope Christians friend was transferred to Oxford Maria, and that they can find out what’s causing his seizures.
    Good luck with keeping to a strict diet Lynda. Although you and Terry might have more willpower that me.
    Thanks for the hugs as well.
    Probably an early night for us as well. We don’t do takeaways and Pete doesn’t eat much anyway, so I’ll see what I can make for tea.
    Love to you all.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I can only say ditto to all the above comments, YES this is the best blog in the world AND it’s all down to you Sandra, you put so much energy into posting each day, setting challenges and keeping us motivated, Thank you,Thank you. XX

    I lost a long post earlier today so am keeping this one short. Also It wasn’t until I got to the end I realised I was anonymous AGAIN!!!

    Sandra, Paul and family and all blog family wishing you a very Happy New Year.
    Love Brenda xxx
