
Saturday 15 December 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Just a few lovely things to share with you today, mostly because I forgot to photograph the giftboxes I made before I left home on Thursday morning.

First up is the Stunning Christmas card we received from Lynda for the whole family, I cannot get across to you how stunning that background is, its the 'caught in crystal technique' but this one is just breath taking, Lynda has mixed Pixie Powders with Glitter and Mica or Brusho's I think, the colours are just so vibrant.  Its an unusual Christmas card but also a stunning one.  Thank you so much Lynda xxx 


Michele has shared some of her Christmas crafts with us, the first two items are Advent Calendars,
Michele had the Frames made by a friend and then made the boxes and decorated them, I know that Christine Emberson sells the boxes that her Dad makes on her Hope & Chances website (in case you want to have a go).  
Michele has decorated the two boxes differently, both are amazing and so much fun too, you can fill the boxes with whatever you choose. I love them both Michele, such an amazing idea, especially as the beauty calendars are so expensive these days, you could make your own version of a beauty calendar.  I watched a review online for one of those calendars and it cost £50, the contents were supposed to be worth £80 but actually were worth no more than £10 it was shocking waste of money.

Michele's third project is a boxed set of cards, such a fantastic gift for someone that can't get out or to sell and Craft fairs, I would never thought of using an acetate lid Michele, so thanks for the inspiration.  It's also a good way of using up packs of toppers.  Such a clever idea. 

Thank you so much Michele for sharing your ideas. xxx


 Margaret has shared these very special family photographs, the two photographs are of Sue & Margaret with all of the Grand/Great Grandchildren on 'Stir Up Sunday' making the Christmas Puddings and Christmas cakes, what an amazing family tradition, all of the children look like they are totally enjoying themselves including little Penny.  
Thank you so much for sharing such special memories with us all Margaret. xxx

We had another lovely day yesterday, we started off by having a walk around Borough Market, wow what an amazing experience, there was so much going on, so many people, I think that they must sell every different kind of food in the world there.  There was live cooking, lots to see, smell and sample, had we not have been restricted by what we could carry we would have had very full bags!!  How amazing must it be to have that as your local food market, I will add that not all smells were pleasant, we went past one particular area that had me gagging!  An amazing experience though.
We went from there to the Tate Modern, which is a fantastic experience, we did have a few 'scratch your head' moments where we just couldn't 'get the point' of the piece, there were also some mind blowing exhibits, we were in there for a good few hours too.

We then walked back the hotel for a cuppa and a break before getting ready for going out to dinner and to see the Lion King, the show was absolutely Bloomin Brilliant, we had front row seats next to a aisle so we got to see the characters very close up, the two + hours simply flew by, I am so pleased we popped in to see if they had tickets, we were concerned that we would have been to close  but we saw everything and could also see the orchestra. The singing was outstanding and the choreography was mind blowing.  That was truly money well spent. 
We will do a little shopping and head home today, I have loved every minute of our little break and can't wait for the next one. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a stunning card, it’s gorgeous.

    Margaret-lovely photos.

    Sandra-so glad you enjoyed the show. I saw the Lion King at the Liverpool Empire a few years ago & it was amazing. Sounds like you had s fun couple of days seeing the sights of London.

    We have gale force winds here so it’ sounds horrendous. I have to go out too as I have a parcel to collect from M & S then a last minute gift to buy. I’m meeting a friend at Dobbies for a coffee mid morning then we’re out for a meal tonight-let’s hope the weather improves!


    1. Thank you Michele for your kind comments on my card.
      Hope you enjoy your meal tonight. Your weather sounds horrible I hate gale force winds they can do so much damage. Xx

  2. Some fantastic makes today the photos of MARGARET and SUE are lovely
    Need need need to go shopping today and buy the gifts at least
    This evening is our Flappers and Frolics night I am looking forward to that - at least it means I don’t have to cook today
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen hope you manage to find all your gifts you need.
      Enjoy your evening please send some photos to Sandra.
      Hug's xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Not sure which days comments have vanished but hopefully this will stay on the page.
    The last weekend in November is always the start of Christmas for our family and this year was no different. The three older grand/great grand children love helping GG (Great Granny) make the Christmas puddings then giving it a lucky stir and making a wish. Penny and Chris jr just gave it a lucky stir
    ( Chris jr wouldn’t make a wish as “I don’t know how to do it“ even after we tried to explain what it meant ) It’s a lovely tradition that I hope will continue for many years to come 😊
    The tree and decs. are going up over the weekend and the last cards are in going in the post first thing Monday morning so another busy weekend here. Then I need a couple of birthday cards made for the end of the month.
    I hope you all get your jobs for the weekend done without any hitches.
    Lynda and Lilian, I hope your coughs are starting to ease up now.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I’m glad you enjoyed The Lion King Sandra.
    We also have torrential rain here and it’s bitter cold. Gill my spSIL in Australia has emailed to say they have torrential storms as well. They’ve also had giant hailstones which have broken the the glass roof in the back room, with water pouring all over the TV. Plus they’ve made a hole in the kitchen roof. Their son and grandsons came out to make it as waterproof as they could until it can be fixed. They have emergency people who deal with these things but they are inundated with calls.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA thank you for showing my other Christmas card yes it is quite dark for a Christmas card but I loved how the background turned out.
    MICHELE sorry I forgot to say I love both of your advent calendars & your box of cards.
    MARGARET Two beautiful photos of all your Grand/Great Grand children
    SUE you made me smile how you tried to explain to little Chris how to make a wish bless him. Thank you for the Hug's. I'm still coughing for England 🤧Xx
    SANDRA Sound like you have both enjoyed your break in London. Safe journey home.Sandra Hope you go into a tidy house 🏡 when you get home.
    Terry has gone to Tesco I was going to try & go with him but it's bitterly cold so I'm staying in the warm. I have given him a list but I'm sure he will put more in the 🛒Going to try & do my Challenge card.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Lilian xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      A lovely card for Sandra as was mine. Sorry to hear you still have your cough. Hope it clears up soon. I don’t blame you stopping at home with this awful weather we’re having.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if The Lion King was a great show, I am glad you enjoyed it.
    Thank you for showing the photos today, Lynda's card & Michele's advent calendar & cards.
    Hope you have a good journey
    Michele brilliant advent calendar's & box of cards. Thank you for comment on photos. Hope you enjoy your
    Lynda your card is beautiful, I am glad you sent Terry shopping you would have been silly to go out with your cough. Thank you for comment on photos. Hugs to you
    Cheryl thank you for your card that arrived this
    Thank you all for your lovely comments.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I knew you would love Lyon King. It’s a show you can enjoy time and time again. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t enjoyed it. Sorry it has been so cold, but at least the rain stayed off until today. Hopefully by the time the rain started you were on your way back home.
    LYNDA your card is gorgeous, you always manage to create fantastic backgrounds.
    MICHELE Your Advent calendars are are brilliant, I think we would all love one of these.
    MARGARET Beautiful photos of You Sue and great grandchildren. I’m sure you have given them all had a memorable moment in there lives.
    Sorry I haven’t managed to enter a CC this week, I still feel as though I’m chasing my tail, I’m trying to stay calm and take life a day at a time. I’m sure everything will work out in the end.
    Take care everyone, love and hugs Brenda xxx
