
Friday 28 December 2018

A pretty card for a loved one.....

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have managed to use up all of your Christmas leftovers, we had the last of the turkey last night, with mashed potatoes, spiced red cabbage, sprouts and carrots, very simple but very delicious, Paul's parents quite like simple food, so really enjoyed it.  I think that tomorrow will be something super simple like the twice baked jacket potatoes.

Well I managed to make a card, with very limited supplies and the tiniest craft space as my desk has been totally packed away to make room to have the dining table out, I was able to open the door slightly and reach my arm in to grab an ink pad and piece of card.  The stamp and dies were out as they are new and I haven't gotten around to putting them away yet.
I took some Petal Pink card and embossed a piece using the stunning new Lace Dynamic Embossing Folder, it has such a lovely lacey design.  I added a strip of the Spotted Tulle ribbon and topped that with a piece of Powder Pink Ruched edge ribbon.  I stamped the 'Love You' from the  'Beauty Abounds' stamp set into the middle of that beautiful Floral patterned heart stamp from the 'Meant to Be ' Stamp set, I die cut this with the matching die, mounted it on foam pads and added it to my card front, over the ribbon border.  I decided to embellish the heart with some very subtle peach roses and some delicate foliage.  The only other embellishments that I added where the tiny heart pearls along the ribbon.
I didn't want to add anything else because I wanted to show off that stunning Embossing Folder, it has lots of places that you could add embellishments including tiny flowers and pearls of all sizes in the centres of the flowers and star like shapes.  I think I will be using this folder quite a lot.

Lace Dynamic Embossing Folder

Our Sophie flew off to Florida with Lewis's family, I will be honest and admit I shed a tear as she hugged me good bye.  It's a long way for one of your babies to go without you, she did message me saying that she felt nervous and although she is a very much loved addition to Lewis's family she said she felt a little sad that and nervous that she wasn't with us.  
She arrived at about 11pm last night and looked and sounded very tired bless her.  They have only gone for a week so I think she will be that busy with all of the Parks and sight seeing that she won't have time for being Home Sick, her biggest obstacle is being without Lucy, the two of them are inseparable, Lucy is so lost without her and looking totally fed up, she has volunteered to work for the next few days keep herself busy, which will hopefully make things a little easier, it breaks my heart to see any of my children sad or upset.  I dare say that this week, like the other 51 this year will fly by in a flash.

I am sending warm, loving hugs to all of you, my Dear Friends,

Love too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a pretty Card. Brilliant when you think you had such limited access to your craft stash.

    Yesterday was reasonably busy at work, hopefully today will be problem free & I can then look forward to 4 whole days off work. I’m hoping to go to Hobbycraft & The Range to look for Christmas bargains-let’s hope they’ve not all been snapped up.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you manage to get some bargains while your off.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely card, the ef is beautiful isn’t it. I hope you have another good day with Paul and his parents. Sophie will soon be home with lots to tell you. Hopefully Lucy working every day will help pass the time for her, it must be so difficult for identical twins as they start to spend more and more time apart as they grow up.
    I hope you are all having a good time ladies. It sounds like you are all having a good time ladies, sorry you had to go back to work Michele but at least you have a long weekend to look forward to.
    Every day I try and comment with no luck but I see I am Mrs B at the moment so hope this will actually publish! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. It worked!!!! I went to the very bottom of the page and hit Sandra’s “View my complete profile” then hit “Cotswold crafter” under the My blog section. You could give it a try if you are having problems commenting. Fingers crossed it will work for you too xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I’ve tried Sues method for commenting so we’ll see what happens. Great card today. Liked Sues card as well yesterday.
    Enjoy your time with Paul’s parents. Hope Sophie enjoys her holiday and that Lucy’s work keeps her from feeling lonely.

  5. Well Sue it worked but I still had to prove I wasn’t a robot.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Pretty, girly card Sandra and yesterday's from Sue was such a lovely card too.
    Managed to get out for a coffee this morning and a small shop. Sat and bought some dies and stamps from Amazon late last night but had to come clean to OH because he can see anyway when I have spent some money so can't keep it secret for long. Still got a soar throat but getting some better. Son spent all of Boxing day with his friend at hospital and yesterday morning before work. They haven't said yet what could be wrong but that he might have to go to Oxford at some point. I have known the boy and his family since they started in nursery together.
    I hope Sophie have a wonderful time in Florida and Lucy be all right, 1 week goes quickly.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to all, some extra once for Pat and anyone else who need some. Love Maria xxx

  7. Lovely card SANDRA
    MIL has been discharged from hospital today under care of my SIL I am a little confused as to what the MHS care package is because BIL is talking about an association that already used to come in which they paid for to do meds and make a cup of tea We’ll See
    Must dash as I’m just about to visit

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a pretty card Sandra, so so feminine. I hope Sophie enjoys her time in Florida, Lucy will be fine just as long as she keeps busy and the time will pass before she realises. It can’t be easy for either of them, but this mini separation will help them both to realise what life will be like next year when Sophie goes to University.
    Hope you are all taking life easy, Brenda XX

  9. Very pretty card SANDRA
    As BRENDA has said the time will pass quickly and LUCY keeping busy will help and it’s the start of them being on their own when SOPHIE goes to uni
    MIL is home BUT I really don’t know how SIL wil cope She can barely stand let alone move onto commode/wheelchair
    We’ll just have to wait and see
    Take care all xxx

  10. Hello All, hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of 2018.

    Lovely card today Sandra, and very desirable E/F.

    Started a jigsaw today which I had for Christmas, I think it will take ages,

    Michele hope you enjoy your break from work. Hugs to all Lilian

  11. Hello Sandra& ladies
    Lovey card Sandra love the embossing folder. Yesterday's card was also gorgeous.
    We had a lovely Christmas at Lisa's she did really well dinner was almost ready then she had a phone call from one of her friend's saying her husband got called to the hospital as his aunt was taken bad. Could she come over Lisa asked if we minded of course we didn't we've known Paula since they both started school together. So she just had to put more veg on as her two boys were coming as well so Joseph was pleased as Jack was one of his best mates.
    Dinner was really good I must say Lisa is a very good cook it was all done to perfection. Boxing Day was also lovely Lisa put on another lovely spread for us all.
    Harry was still coughing & breathless the doctor gave him a white blue & brown pump & steroid just seems a lot of medication for a 4 year old.
    Lisa had a sprout game you just unwrapped one Coloured paper off at a time & there was a little prize under each colour he was so pleased anyway once all the paper was off I started picking it up & Lisa said to Harry shale we wrap grandad up in all this paper ( yes he was asleep 😑Zzzz ) so they did & he didn't even wake up
    Harry thought it was so funny he kept calling him till he woke He took pictures of him with his new camera one of his present's.
    They left about 10.30pm we stayed over & left next morning as poor Lisa had to go to work we got home yesterday 10ish so pleased to see Bailey & Rea.Charlie said they were good as gold playing with all the other dogs she has 4 of her own & looking after 4 plus our two. Think they were glad to get home. Sorry didn't get in yesterday Our friends turned up unexpected they had to come to Margate so thought they would call in. It was nice seeing them they live in London ( Sidcup ) they had two foster children with them one was only two months old the other was nearly 5 they have had the baby a week after she was born,the little boy for 9 months. They have fostered for 8 years now.had mainly teenager's. So loving the little ones.
    Sandra hope Lucy isn't missing Sophie too much. & Sophie is having a lovely holiday.
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx
