
Thursday 22 November 2018

Some Simple Stamping ideas from Danielle

Good Morning ladies,

Well we had a proper, dreary Winter day here yesterday, sleet/rain/snow, we needed the lights on from late morning onwards, I don't like those days as I always end up with a fuzzy head, probably from having artificial lighting all day.  It's harder to craft to as matching paper and colours is harder.
To be honest I didn't get much crafting done, Mr Brown (UPS) came with me new SU goodies in the morning so I spent a good while looking through that and then Sue came and we were in the craft room but were too busy chatting to get any crafting done. (not that I am complaining).

We spent a good while discussing the Sheena Douglass situation, I know she has done wrong, but I really like her and can't imagine how she must be feeling at the moment, for those of you that don't have Facebook etc Sheena sells her stamps with the Banner 'Hand Drawn Stamps' on giving you the impression that they are all her own designs etc, however some people have bought to Crafters Companions attention that some of her work is a blatant copy of other people's work or family photos.  I have quite a few Sheena stamps and love watching her demonstrate, so I was really shocked to read all about this.  Crafters Companion have created a team to 'deal' with this issue, they are contacted the original owners of some of the art work to see if they can work out a licence to continue to use their artwork, if not I guess they may have to refund people that buy the stamps to make cards for charity or to sell.  Sheena put out a statement saying that at times she felt under pressure to meet deadlines and so she turned to online images to work from.  It makes sad reading and some people have been quite nasty, what she has done is wrong, particularly if she has gone onto TV and taken full credit for the art work.  I hope it all gets resolved quickly, I guess she may struggle to continue to design stamps etc but she is very good at demonstrating techniques.  I think she has parted from Crafters Companion though which is understandable as this has left them in a really awkward position as the company that makes and markets her stamps.

Todays 'simple' cards have been designed by Danielle, I thought it might give some of you some inspiration, Danielle has done a whole week of Blogs with a similar theme, making her own gift tags, gift bags and wrapping paper, I will leave a link to her blog below her card descriptions if you want to go over and give her some support....

Danielle's 1st card:

I have gone with three colours, Early espresso, Blushing bride and powder pink.

The stamp set I used is Very vintage.
Card base measures 5.1/2" x 8" score at 4"
Whisper white layer 4.1/2" x 3"

So quick and easy to make you could batch make these in no time at all.
Just swap out the sentiment to suit the occasion.
I have stamped all over my whisper white layer creating my own beautiful background using blushing bride and powder pink.
Then used the flower image as my statement piece to make this stand out from the background I used early espresso ink.
This card is aimed at beginner crafters or crafters just starting out who have minimal supplies.

2nd Photo:
You can make two card bases from one sheet of A4 card.

Base measures  5.1/2" x  8"  scored at 4"  whisper  white layer measures  4.1/2" x  3"

I used colourful seasons stamp set to make these to very simple cards.
I stamped my base card all over to create a lovely background. Love tone on tone stamping.

Again these cards are great for batch making just by swapping out sentiment to one that suits the occasion your making the card for.

Thank you so much Danielle for giving us all a little bit of Inspiration, your cards are stunning. xxx

Here is the link to the first card on Danni's blog, the posts following this are all along the same lines, so fantastic Christmas wrapping ideas.

Dannii's Blog

Lilian please accept my belated congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary, I hope you enjoyed your Fish and Chips, finding good fish and chips is a rare thing these days xxx

Pat, I was so sorry to read about the news from the hospital, I hope that you get some more answers soon, I know how Pete worries, which will be making life hard for both of you. Sending you huge hugs my lovely. xxx

I hope that you all manage to stay warm, it was due to get down to -7 last night so I think there will be lots of car scraping this morning.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Dannii-Love your cards, they’re both so pretty.

    Yesterday was very cold here-icy wind made it feel worse and it was cold in the venue where I gave blood so I was very glad to get home. It’s freezing here already so I’ll be setting off a bit earlier for work.

    The Sheena Douglass situation saddens me-I’m sure she knew what she was doing using other people’s images and blatantly claiming them as hers. It’s the original artists that have been betrayed and the crafters that have bought her products . Let’s see if Craftets Companion do the honourable thing & offer refunds.


  2. Morning Everyone
    It's still quite dark here but no frost as it's been raining again in the night. Still very cold though so it's going to be a stay indoors for me today and try to keep warm.

    PAT- I was so sorry to read that it wasn't good news at the hospital for PETE. I have everything crossed that something can be done to help his blood counts rise. Keep strong Dear Friend. HUGE HUGS and gentle ones too for you both.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all to pop in when you can. There's porridge ready for anyone who wishes to partake. HUGS are on their way to all of you. Stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone,
    Love the cards Danni, simple yet so elegant.x

    I didn't know about the Sheena situation. I really surprised. I feel more sorry for Crafters companion as they're left to sort it out. I don't do Facebook Sandra so please let us know the outcome.

    Well I've finally finished all my card orders and today I'm not going anywhere near my craft room. Hairdresser first then, out for lunch and then I'm just going to sit and watch the Tele, heaven.

    Is anyone watching I'm a Celebrity? Really enjoying it. I think Hollie is doing a good job.

    Hugs to allx
    Special hugs to Pat and Pete.x
    Keep warm everyone. The weather is grey and miserable here to.x

  4. Great ideas DANNII - thank you
    I was shocked to see what you’d said about Sheena Douglass I enjoy watching her on tele It’s a huge shame she’s had to behaving the way she says she has Who’s to blame .... I think her and CC for applying the pressure to produce products I do hope it can be resolved amicably It sounds like whatever the outcome it’s going to be expensive for CC Throws out other companies who do Banksy style stamps Alice in Wonderland etc etc
    Big hugs to PAT and PETE I hope you can get some better news soon
    Off to work in a mo Take care all xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I can imagine you & Sue sat in your craft room putting the world to rights, it does you good I think. Thank you for showing us these cards of Danni's, they are lovely, well done
    Val pleased you can relax at last, you have been so busy, enjoy your trip to hairdresser & lunch
    Pat thinking of you
    Beautiful bright morning but very hard frost & thank goodness the wind has dropped, might venture out later.
    Hope you are all ok hugs on way to all who are suffering love

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    DANNII I love your cards thank you for sharing your ideas. Will look at your you tube today.XX
    SANDRA sorry I didn't get in yesterday I had trouble publishing again yesterday.
    I tried early yesterday before setting off at 7.30 for the hospital at William Harvey eye clinic. We made it at 10.0clock appointment was 10.30 am got called in first for two differant eye drops in each eye then had to Waite for them to work got to see the Doctor at 12.45 had three differant eye test on each eye. He said I had nothing to worry about & hopefully the black lines will start to fade in time. Apparently there is a gelly like bubble at the back of the eye & sometimes it spits & you get floaters I said I often get the white transparent ones but never black ones. He also said they should have put my mind at rest at our hospital especially as I'm a patient at the clinic. I'm pleased it's nothing to worry about & can breath again,I thought I was going blind.
    LILIAN bleated best wishes for your Anniversary hope you both enjoyed your fish n chips.
    VAL glad you have finished your cards. Enjoy watching the TV later.
    PAT sorry it wasn't good news for Pete sending Big Hug's for you both.xx
    Sorry SANDRA your card was gorgeous yesterday. I will take pictur of mine in a moment not sure if it's ok .
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx
    Hope this will publish fingers X

    1. Hi Lynda,Anything different in your eyes is really frightening but so glad you don't have anything to worry about.
      Take care.x

  7. Hello All, very very cold wind here today.

    Been for more blood tests again today, also she decided to check blood pressure and weight today, which is never good.

    I think the sorry part about Sheena is that she always was adamant that they were her hand drawn designs, I loved watching her as she is such a great communicator. I have loads , some bought when she was create and craft, which apparently are also copied from pictures. I’m assuming it’s ok to still use them. Can’t see how they will work out who gets a refund.

    Danni love your cards, might have a go later.

    Pap and Pete, thinking of you.

    Have a good rest of the day, keep warm, Lilian

    1. Sorry that should be Pat , fingers very stiff today.

    2. Hope your blood test results come back ok Lilian. My blood pressure always goes higher when a medical person takes it. I think it's called white coat syndrome.
      Keep warm.x
