
Saturday 10 November 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Hello from a wet and windy Birmingham, we arrived early evening yesterday, went out for something to eat and I got to meet Danni's team lady Dee, who is lovely.
Danielle and I then went back to our room to open our swaps and generally mess about, we chatted for hours which is nothing new. 

The photo above is of the swaps I made for the Stampin'Up! Onstage Event, I made them using the Stampin'Up! Petite Treats Framelits dies to make the actual gift box and a selection of other dies to decorate, the main one being Pretty Pines dies. I made 51 in total, with Sue's help, making the little boxes was easy but the embellishments took the time, because each of those elements were cut individually, I like how they turned out though, I was grateful for Sue's help I can tell you. 

This is my first ever Pocket letter, I made it for a swap with Danielle, she has made a few for swaps the other ladies, I had no idea what to do so I looked at a few on pinterest and made this up, I used some Vintage Christmas Pion papers that I have been hoarding. I was quite pleased with how it turned out and would gladly do another.

I made this lace dangle to hang on the side of the pocket letter, I used some of the same ribbon in the pocket letter itself.

Pocket letter complete with lace dangle on the side.


Michele had a £10 voucher for Craftstash and this is what she put it towards, such unusual embossing folders, perfect for man cards. I love that Merry Christmas die too, I like how simple the font is.
Looking forward to seeing what you make with your new stash Michele, thanks so much for sharing it with us. xxxx

Danielle made 15 of these notebooks to share with our Team members at Onstage tomorrow, she has done a YouTube tutorial on them too if you want to go over and see how they are made.
These are so lovely Danielle, everyone will love them. xxxx

Thats all for now, we are leaving our hotel at 7am to get to the venue for 7.45 (lord only knows why its so early)! In fact we had to pop out to a local shop to get some of those Porridge Pots that you just add water too and a tin of Golden Syrup for breakfast as hotel breakfast doesn't start until 7am.
The laugh is when I see those pots I always say 'why would anyone pay that much money for those when you get a huge bag of oats for a few pence'  But needs must!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you have made such beautiful gifts for everyone this weekend. Looking forward to hearing all about today’s adventures.

    Dannii-I love the notebook, it’s gorgeous.

    The Embossing Folders were a bargain at £1:60 each. As Sandra said, I won a £10 voucher )for completing an online survey) to spend at Craftstash. A friend had mentioned the latest issue of Creative Stamping had some lovely Christmas scene stamps with matching Dies free this month so I knew exactly what to spend my voucher on!

    Off into Southport first thing then meeting a friend in the village for coffee at the local Chocolate Shop-all handmade chocolates. I need to buy some as gifts so I may have to try a few...!! We’re off visiting my Father in Law this afternoon .


    1. Great magazine Michele. I have this one and the stamps are lovely. You certainly know how to find a bargain. The EF's are lovely.
      Enjoy your coffee and hope you find FIL well.x

    2. Hi Michele. I love you're goodies, both of the embossing folders are unusual, especially the top one. Please share your makes with us x

  2. Morning Everyone
    Have a lovely week-end SANDRA. All those gifts look lovely.

    We started having a recorded telephone call yesterday morning about having our internet cut off. The provider isn't ours so of course it's a scam. These calls were repeated throughout the afternoon and then stopped at tea time. But would you believe it we have had one this morning at 07.20!!!! Now if our phone rings before 08.30 and after 20.00hrs I immediately go into panick mode and thing something is wrong. The only thing I can say is that it's a good thing that it is a recorded message and not someone at the end of the phone. Sorry for the rant. box back in the corner.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all. There are cream scones and muffins for this afternoon so help yourselves.
    Take care everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, I hate those sort of calls. If there was a person at the other end of the line you could tell them what to do but what do you do with a recorded message? Hope the calls stop soon.x

    2. Oh Janet I feel for you I am the same if the phone rings at those times We had a spate of them too Horrible isn’t it

    3. Hi Janet
      We have these type of calls as well. After one our internet went a bit funny. But I knew it wasn’t anything to do with them. It righted itself after awhile.

    4. Hi Janet. I'm sorry to hear you have been plagued by those horrid recorded messages! I hope they leave you in peace after such an early call. I agree that we all worry if the phone rings between 10pm and 8am. I surprised that you don't get asked to make more of your beautiful cards, boxes etc. but the ones you do must give enormous pleasure. I will be in again later for a scone with jam and cream please x

  3. Morning everyone,

    Such a lovely card from yesterday Sandra, I loved the simplicity of using two borders to create a centrepiece. I will definitely be looking into purchasing this die today if I can find it.

    Absolutely stunning is your pocket letter, at the moment mine is not looking anywhere near as pretty as yours. I still have time before last Christmas posting to get them all done for family members lol.

    Decorating some plain craft bags (the Range) today with Christmas stamps for the smaller Tombola items, the bags were left over from my stalls at this year's fetes. I am doing 'every ticket is a winner' as there are so many craft boxes packed with items not sold, I think there is about 50 ish and I need to declutter the boxes ready for next year's offerings. I have made more than enough to cover the costs of the stalls etc and all profits are sitting in a bank account waiting for the last 'do' which is Pete's Annual Darts Match in December. So any extras would be gratefully received by Cardiomyopathy UK. I had a wonderful conversation with Christie from the Fundraising dept. thanking me for all I have done so far for them. They gave the most marvellous assistance just after Pete went to dance with the angels.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I second Karen's Well done, and how nice to speak to the charity's fundraising lady. No doubt you will be handing over a good amount again at the end of this year. Don't forget to let us see your craft bags etc. when you have finished them please x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Well done you. As the others have said how lovely that you spoke to the fundraising lady from the charity. It’s great to know that your efforts are appreciated.

  4. Hi everyone,
    Love your boxes and pecket peters Sandra. Bet they're so well received. Have a lovely time today.x

    Meeting a friend later for lunch which will be a nice break from card making. Still working my way through the long list of cards still to do. Beautiful day today weathe4wise so think I'll have a sit out with my coffee before I do anything else.

    Hugs to all in need of one today especially Pat Pete Lynda and Lilian. Hope it's a good day for everyone.

    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad you have finished the shops Christmas cards, as soon as you finish catching up with the other cards I suppose you will be starting on the Valentine's cards won't you x

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely swaps & great pocket book, would not believe your first one. Hope you have a lovely
    Danielle lovely pocket book, will go & have a look in a
    Janet these calls are a real nuisance & do not know how you stop them, I understand how you feel if you do not answer it may be somebody needs you, hope they soon stop, hugs on
    Out this morning to see my 92 year old friend then back home to make more cards.
    Sending hugs to Lilian, Pat & Pete & to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you and Pam had a nice chat this morning. Enjoy making more cards this afternoon. I will be doing the same. Love you xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I hope your having a nice time with Danielle and your Stampin up do today. Sounds a very odd time to start so early in the morning. Sounds like it’s going to be a long day. Lovely pocket makes Sandra. I’m glad Sue was able to help.
    I didnt managed to make it in yesterday. Pete was taken into hospital for another blood transfusion. His hemoglobinds went down to 50 should be 130 something. So they couldn’t do it at our local hospital, so an ambulance came and took him to the John Radcliffe. They were had time to give him 1 unit yesterday. So we had to come back for 9.00 am. They are just starting his transfusion at 11.30 to run for 4hrs. Yesterday we got home at 8.50 from 10.00 when they picked Pete up.
    Phew what a day that was.

    1. Hi Pat. It sounds like it is going to be another long day for you and Pete but fingers crossed the transfusions help him feel a bit better. Hugs to you both x

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    A quick mention of yesterday's repeat showing of the beautiful Christmas cards, so pretty. I hope you are having a great time and end up with some lovely new goodies. Just having the time with Danni will be lovely anyway won't it. Your first ever pocket letter is gorgeous, I love the papers you used and all of the embellishments and bits and bobs. Danni will be delighted with it I'm sure 😊 Enjoy yourself my lovely xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry got ahead of myself then.
    I also forgot to say that Danni's note book and pencil are lovely. I will be having a look later on x
    Lilian, how thoughtless of your doctor to tell you off, especially as he then advised you to get anxiety therapy!! I hope the first appointment comes quickly for you but please don't be so hard on yourself. You have had a really tough time since your accident. The cafe soapbox is always there for you the same as for anyone else as sometimes just writing your thoughts and feelings down can be helpful but if not remember we are all thinking of you and big supportive hugs are flying their way to you as I type (as my typing is so slow they will have arrived way before I have finished this message 😊) take care x
    Brenda, I hope you had a lovely day on Thursday and are having a relaxing weekend x
    Lynda, what horrid treatment by the eye hospital! Good luck at the optician's. No doubt you and Terry will be having a lovely time with Lisa, Joseph and his friend, poor boy what an enormous worry for him and his family x
    Karen, sorry to hear that MAIL is unable to crochet on her own anymore but no doubt she will enjoy you talking her through each step when you visit. A simple colouring book, similar to the childrens ones with big easy to fill in pictures, and some thick stubby pencil crayons might be another activity she may enjoy if her daughter feels she needs something to do with her hands.
    Whatever you end up doing over the weekend enjoy it X
    Maria, I bet you haven't managed to get any gardening done have you? We have had a lot of rain with high winds last night and it seems you will have had similar weather. Never mind you will just have to craft instead...what a shame 😁 X
    I am just about to finish my cc and hopefully actually start the first of my ATCs, each attempt this week had to be abandoned for various annoying reasons so fingers crossed it will be third time lucky. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA your swaps are lovely I'm sure everyone loved them. Your first letter pocket is gorgeous Dannii will be over the moon with it.
    I hope your day at the SU venue went off ok & you enjoyed it. Did you get some lovely SU goodies given to you.
    JANET I agree those phone calls are so annoying mine have been on my Mobil
    So I just blocked the number.
    Well my family got down about11am & they all left about 6.30. We had a houseful Lisa Joseph his friend Darren Sam Harry & Janie ( Sam's eldest daughter ) & she bought her dog a puppy he wouldn't leave Bailey aloan he just wanted to play but a bit full on.Rea just hid under the table haha. Lisa bought the lunch in 3 French sticks ham cheese & salad cakes & crisps she is so helpful she told me to sit down she would do lunch. Bless her. Joseph bought a card game round & Harry sat next to Lisa & said Joseph can I play with as well so he played with Lisa. He loves Lisa & Joseph. They didn't want to have dinner as wanted to get home. Unusual for Darren as he loves spag bowl but Janie is going clubbing tonight.
    MICHELE congratulations on winning a voucher & good buys you bought with it.
    LILIAN hope your feeling a little brighter today sending Hug's your way take care.
    PAT hope Pete feels a little better after his transfusion what a long day you had
    Sending Hug's for you both.
    Going to dish dinner up now so Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Evening ladies.
    Lovely,lovely crafts Sandra and Danielle. I'm sure you had a great weekend ,just hope you not too much in pain Sandra after the long days.
    Magazine Michele ,I want it ! Fun new EF's and dies.
    Janet- I hate those kind of phone calls ,early morning and late evenings. You do get the heart in your throat and thinking the worst. Wish they could get blocked forever.
    Pat- so sorry to hear you had to take Pete to hospital. Everything crossed and my daily hugs for you.
    Lilian- take care and many hugs.
    Lynda- hope you had a good day.
    Cheryl- well done. You doing a fab job. Love to see the bags when finished.
    Nope Sue no luck to get any gardening in but got some cards together and sent My atc's to 'mamma' this morning. Haven't got a clue if they are ok but I'll learn as we go hopefully.
    Nice to see new faces in the cafe, welcome. Hope more of you reading Sandra's blog would pop in and say Hi. Love meeting you all.
    Going to London in the morning to meet my new little sister Lol How weird is that to say. Butterflies yes but exited too.
    Have a good evening everyone, many hugs xxx

  12. I did try and leave a comment earlier but cyber space has eaten it by the look of it
    Great makes SANDRA and DANNII
    I expect you both had a lovely day but very tiring
    Thanks for the idea of colouring book for MIL but even that’s a bit of a trial but I keep trying (I think she gets a little embarrassed at having to be shown everything)
    Going to try and publish now

  13. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    WOW Sandra your have been really busy, so much work went into the making of your pockets, I’m sure Dannii was absolutely thrilled. Also your swaps are amazing.
    Danielle you have turned plain note books into very special gifts.
    Michele those EFs are very different (I like different)
    Pat I hope Pete is OK. Sending love and prayers for both of you. x

    Hope your weekend is going well. Mine has been busy so far and I know tomorrow will be as well.

    Now am I going to be sitting her for the next hour trying to prove to blogger I’m not a robot!!!

    Here goes, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I wonder if blogger will publish without proving your a Robot. I know on Christine Embersons blog I forgot to do it one day and it published for me.
      Pete’s not to bad today but is still breathless when he stands up and starts walking.
