
Tuesday 20 November 2018

Another Simple Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Have you all noticed the drop in temperature yet, we were cold all day yesterday, I cranked the AGA up a bit which made the kitchen lovely and warm, I kept going and putting my scarf on the top and then putting it back on, it felt like a warm hug!  I will add that we had no rain and I did manage to get two lines of washing dry, which is such a bonus this time of year.

It was nice to read some of your Christmas traditions, we did start putting a Tangerine in our children's stockings but as some of you said yesterday because they are available all year round now it doesn't create the same excitement!  I also don't think they taste anywhere near as good, I remember the smell used to fill the room, which was a heck of a task in my parents house, cutting through the cigarette fog! hahaha.  Funny how when we used to live in it we didn't really notice it, but now whenever we go to Mum's the smell is so strong.  I dread to think what my clothes must have smelt like going to school etc.  It still makes me chuckle that my mum insists to her GP and nurses etc that she doesn't smoke, I think her yellow finger also gives the game away.  Sadly it's making her so much worse but she refuses to even try to stop.

Now onto today's card, carrying on the 'Simple' Theme, this card features I stamp set with it's matching dies, I die cut the larger piece out of Very Vanilla card and then matted onto a 5 x 5 inch Blackberry Bliss card base (raised up on foam pads). I then added one of the tiny detail stamps into the little curves of the die cut, I stamped that central flower shape in Blackberry Bliss too, using my Stamperatus to get a good depth of colour, I had to repeat about 4 times. I added the three little dots to each petal and then die cut that piece and added foam pads to the back.
I then put the card back in the stamperatus and added the ' A note for you' sentiment around one side of the circle.
I then took the little detail punch and added it to each of the corners, just to draw your eye in to the centre.

I am determined to sit and finish my ATC's today, I keep forgetting about them, so I have a sticky note on my desk to remind me to make them.
How are all of you getting on with yours?  I know that Lynda and Janet have completed their swap, how about the rest of you, I am looking forward to seeing them all.

Right I must go into my craft room,

I hope you all have a lovely day, stay warm and cosy,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a beautiful card Sandra, perfect example for this weeks challenge. I’m this weeks Cards will have all “challenged” us but sometimes that’s good.

    My meeting yesterday lasted ALL morning so I was glad to drive back to my usual place of work in the afternoon.

    My Father in Law is still
    In hospital so we’re thinking of visiting him tonight-it’s going to take us between 60 to 90 minutes to get to the hospital felon the traffic and as visiting time is 7-8pm I’ll have to get changed (I hate going anywhere in my uniform) and then we’ll set off , no idea when we’ll eat!


    1. I am sure that if you’re slightly late for visiting and explain how long a journey you’ve had they’ll let you stay for a short while

  2. Morning Everyone
    A perfect example of this week's Challenge SANDRA.

    Sorry about not getting in yesterday but when I opened up it was still on Sunday's CCs and was for quite a while.
    I then started doing things and time just flew by and I forgot that I hadn't commented.

    It's K&N this afternoon and my turn to 'take and make'. I've done a waterfall card so I'm not sure how it will be received but I think it's nice to throw something different in at times. I'll send a photo of it so perhaps SANDRA will show it.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. Brolly bucket is by the door as it's raining and very very damp but please remember to take your brolly when you

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and have a good day. xxxx

  3. I’ve just pressed publish again and lost my comment. This will be the third time of trying.
    Lovely challenge card today Sandra and I love the colours.
    Today’s the day we get the results of Pete’s brain and spine scan. He’s still has memory problems and balance problems. I wonder if we’ll get to see he before and after scans.
    Brenda are you still having to prove your not a robot ?. It’s frustrating as it’s only this blog my Pat S Witney isn’t in the comment description.

    1. Good luck PAT Fingers crossed that it can be something that can be dealt with xxx

  4. Gorgeous card Sandra very crisp and classy. I has finished and posted off my part of the ACT swap before we went to Onstage so I'm done!
    Hoping to get some crafting done today after I finish of my house work.
    The weather is awful here hasn't stopped raining since I took the girls to school this morning.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. xxx

  5. Morning Wuick visit as I’m working from home but having a coffee break Work straitfrom s small laptop is playing havoc with my eyes
    Today’s card is lovely SANDRA I have a few ideas in my head that I hope to do later
    My ATC’s are in the post Hopefully you may have recythem or you’ll get them tomorrow After you’ve got them I will then send you a photo
    Weather horrendous Dark and very dismyand bitingly cold
    I’ll pop back later xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card again today, I do love clean & simple. It is certainly very cold & biting wind, I was very pleased that I had a good reason to not go to petanque this morning, I must be getting
    I really must finish my 2nd ATC this afternoon, they are not easy are they.
    Thinking of you Pat & Pete hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    It's so dark & raining heavy this morning & we had hale stones the size of golf balls too. Poor 8 🐾 Just went out as it started but soon rushed back in.
    SANDRA gorgeous card today love the simplicity of it so crisp & clean.
    Will try & go in my craft room to make mine soon but it's freezing in there as no heating & my little fan heater has given up working. Grrrr.. so I'm going to put extra clothes on. We Had our hair cuts this morning so bit chilly round the ears.
    PAT & PETE sending Hug's & thinking of you both. Xx
    HUG'S all round Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello All, sunny but very cold, but at least the towels all dried, save using the tumble dryer.

    Lovely card today, I’ve been trying to do mine but I think it will end in the bin, looking through my Sheena stamps, as I expect you know there is a big trouble as it seems she has not been drawing them but using other sources, l love her stamps as I don’t sell think I’m ok to keep using them.

    Pat and Pete sending good wishes to you.

    It’s our 53rd anniversary today, we are having fish and chips,( a rare treat for us ) don’t know where all those years have gone.
    Have a good evening all, Lilian

    1. Very happy anniversary. Enjoy you fish and chips.x

    2. Happy anniversary Lilian, hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed the fish and chips xx

  9. Hi all.
    Lovely card Sandra. I hope to have a chance to play tomorrow
    for today the day went being to Stamford visiting step MIL and coming back I felt so drained so just cooked the dinner and started to tidy up. Have ordered some boxes I planning to store some stamps and perhaps some dies. Not sure yet but that is the idea anyway.
    Warm hugs to you all and hope you had a nice day. Maria xxx
