
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Another 'Bit Box' card

Good Morning Ladies,

I was so pleased to read that you all like this weeks challenge, I have so many 'Bit Box's' that I could make one card every day for a couple of months I think. Like Brenda I also have a box of 'PHD's' (projects half done)' and a box of experiments too!

Today's card is from my Stampin'Up! 'Bit Box', these papers are from the 'Country Lane' Collection,

Country Lane DSP

I have always wanted to have a go at a 'Starburst' card but I have always been put off by the amount of measuring and cutting that I have seen in some tutorials.  So I thought I would have a go at a much simpler method using my trimmer.  So easy that I am dying to share it with you all, so I will be doing a quick tutorial to show you just how simple it is. (if you want one)?!
I took a couple of pieces of matching paper, cut them to the size of my card base and then cut them up, I added adhesive to a piece of white card cut to size and laid out my pattern, adhering it to the background.  
I used Blackberry Bliss and Crushed Curry card to match with the Dsp, I then cut a border and placed it across the centre of my card.  I used the 'Stitched All Round' stamp set for my 'Thank you' and various layering circles to die cut it with.
The 'For your Kindness' sentiment card from the Delightful Daisy Stamp set and it works perfectly for this design.

I will also be making a video sharing my lovely Pocket Letter that Danielle made for me, it was so lovely.  I really enjoyed making it to be honest and I am looking forward to making another.  My next priority is to finish my ATC's for my swap with Karen.  

I hope that you all have a lovely, productive day, sending huge hugs to all of you that need them,

Lots of love too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card. Bright & cheery which is just what I need on this wet & windy Tuesday morning.

    I’m hoping today isn’t too busy at work as I want to sort done paperwork out plus clear some emails. My crafty order arrived yesterday so I’d like to have a session in my craft room tonight-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A very cheerful card for us today.

    I had a good day yesterday getting a little further with my Seasonal cards and so today I want to hopefully finish this batch and make a start on my CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in. You might just find a tin of shortbread in the HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good. Take care and stay warm.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Another pretty card and in a style that I have been put off making a sunburst style for the same reason as you so I would love to see a tutorial please my lovely xx
    Its a late start for me today so off to have breakfast now. I hope you all have a good day whatever it brings for you. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Once again I am following you!!! Hope you are feeling better today. Take care love you. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card using bits box, yes please to video. Hope to have a go later
    Maria thank you for lovely ATC's received yesterday, they are
    I have to see chiropractor later, will be interested to hear what he thinks of my progress.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra. Have made some before but as you say can be a bit fiddly so if you have found an easier way then yes please for a tutorial.
    Have had a quiet day, think our day trip to London catches up. Hoping to feel more human tomorrow if poss.
    Home alone this evening so might do some cutting outs later for cc or whats not.
    Many hugs sent to one and all, love Maria Xoxx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    lovely card Sandra & yes please for video thanks. Having more trouble publishing this morning so hoping this post goes. We have just got back from a walk with the time it took he
    it's surprising how many people take theire dogs up the cemetery its quit a longish walk well it is for me anyway, I haven't managed to get in craft room yet today think someone has pinchefched my day as don't know whare time has gone.
    Well I'm going to see if this will publish.
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

  7. I really don’t know where today is going
    I managed to make a New Baby card with bitsSo will send that in
    Out dancing in a mo I’d love to see a tutorial on making a sunburst card as yours looks so pretty SANDRA Please don’t stress about ATC’s I still need to make one of yours
    Later I will e finishing an eclipse card for my boss It’s his birthday tomorrow and I didn’t know!

  8. Hello Sandra,
    Great starburst card, The starburst is a great way to use some designer papers that are to busy on there own, mixing them is a brilliant way to achieve a more subtle result - in my opinion anyway!
    I really don’t understand blogger, I have just noticed I’m going to be anonymous......again.
    Keeping my message short, had a long day and must get a move on and make dinner, if I sit here much longer I will nod off.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx
