
Tuesday 27 November 2018

Adding a little Vellum to Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Another one of my Christmas cards ticked off the list, I don't have too many more to make but as I have just got this new Suite I am enjoying playing with it, I have added a few cards to my list for some of our new Neighbours.

Today's card was made with the 'Snow is Glistening' stamp set that I shared with you on yesterday's post, I saw a similar card to this on Pinterest made with the one of Crafters companion stamps.  
I stamped my Christmas tree on to a piece of Vellum using Versamark ink, with vellum you must make sure that you use your anti static bag with vellum because it seems a lot more static than regular card or paper.  I then used some white embossing powder with a bit of glitter in, just to give a little sparkle to the tree, although it doesn't really show up on camera.  I then heat set the powder and then attached the vellum to a piece of leftover 'Galvanised' card with tiny silver brads.
I made my base card a little wider that usual so that I could add my very last piece of Dotted Tulle ribbon, ( I think I will HAVE to order more as I love it).  I attached the ribbon to the back of my mat with glue dots and then used another piece to tie a knot, I popped a tiny foam pad behind the knot to secure it, I topped that with one of the Snowfall Trinkets.  To finish the card I added a few clear, sparkly gemstones around the tree. I am going to have my sentiment on the inside of the card.

We ended up having a hectic day yesterday, I got up and the house was freezing, so, so, cold that I got dressed, got myself another cup of tea and went and got back under the duvet.  I called Paul to see if there was an issue with the boiler again this morning and he said that it had started and then after about 10 minutes cut out, he said he had reset it as he was leaving but there was no flame in the actual boiler.  So I went and had a play but there was still nothing, so I called Mr Sainsbury and he organised for someone to come out, he didn't think it was going to be the same day though as they had been called out to another one of his properties, so he very kindly said that Matt could go and fetch a load of logs so that we could at least have some heat, with that and the AGA we could manage, apart from having no hot water.   Anyway within about 40 minutes a van pulled into the driveway and it was the heating engineer, I got the impression they had been coming here for years as they knew where everything was.  He fiddled about and then disappeared and came back with a new Circuit Board, he showed me in great detail what had gone wrong, I just smiled and nodded and pretended that I understood!!  I then asked him to check out Lucy's radiator as it just won't come on, so he went up and it sounded like her was going to come through the ceiling, he then came down for a larger Hammer and disappeared upstairs, a few huge bangs later and he had fixed it !  
So we ended up stripping off some of our layers as the house was almost tropical!!  OOH it's lovely to be warm!

I have a another Special Deal for you today...……

10% off all tools and inks in the Main Catalogue, so if you were going to treat yourself to Trimmer or Score Tool or even an Envelope Punch board now it the time.  If you do fancy anything just let me know and I will add it to my order to save you postage!  

Off to play with some of my new goodies today from the Spring and Summer catalogue, I can't wait to share them with you.

Have a lovely day, I do hope a few more of you manage to get in today, the place was very quiet yesterday.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, it’s lovely & I really like the spotty Ribbon too.

    I didn’t get into my craft room yesterday evening as I was exhausted. I’d done 3 PDR’s yesterday at work (Appraisals) and by the time I’d written them up plus sorted out a few problems that was my day finished. Two lots of roadworks on the way home meant coming home a different route (so much longer)-finally got home quite late.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Fingers crossed this comment doesn’t vanish as the ones I left yesterday!!!
    I love today’s card (and yesterday’s too, another beauty) such a gorgeous stamp and using it on vellum gives a lovely effect. I’m not surprised you can’t stop using these two sets, you get so much to choose from don’t you 😊 Thank goodness you got the boiler sorted so quickly. What great service too. Enjoy playing with the pretty new papers etc. today my lovely xx
    KAREN. I don’t know if you saw my comment yesterday before it disappeared but I am sending you gentle hugs at this sad time. I hope all went well yesterday x
    BRENDA sending you gentle hugs. You must be exhausted x
    LYNDA I hope your eyes are improving a little every day. Hugs to you and CU xx
    LILIAN Ihope your hands are not as stiff today x
    I still have to finish Cheryl’s second ATC and another Christmas card that will go overseas so I can get them in the post so that’s my day sorted. Stay warm ladies, it really is a cold one out there today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Firstly I want to thank you lovely ladies for your kind comments on here and on FB
    Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I forget to use vellum and have certainly never stamped onto vellum before So thank you for the tip
    Yesterday was sad but then it always will be
    I am meeting an old school friend for lunch today So it’ll be nice to have a good catchup and I hope to craft later I have been asked to make a very personalised Christmas card and hope to use the challenge for it
    Take care all xxx

    1. Enjoy your lunch with school friend, good to have a catch up especially after yesterday, hugs on

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful cards today, that stamp set is lovely but I cannot warrant the cost I already have so many Christmas stamps & I do not use halve of them. So pleased you are warm
    Janet hope you are ok, I have opened café & hot drinks are ready & chicken soup cooking ready for all who pop in.
    Must get on & make some cakes is it really a month to Christmas? I am not at all ready, things seem to take twice as long to do at moment.
    Sending hugs particularly to Pat & Pete hope transfusion goes ok, Brenda rest when you can not easy I know, hugs on way to all love

  5. Morning Sandra and all who coming through the door today to the cafe' Yes glad you got the heating working because the chill is really here and our radiators are on all day.
    Had a better night but brain feel sluggish and I have so many cards to do still. Best get a wiggle on.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Stunning card today Sandra it's beautiful. I have also got a lot of vellum so must try using some.
    CU is out this morning so I have got some housework to finish just having five minutes then get cracking as I want to finish cards I have already made then see how many more I need as I want to get them all finished so I can start project I have in my head ( not much else in my head 🤣🤣 )
    KAREN have a nice day with your friend genital Hug's
    Must crack on Hug's for all Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda I did have a huge laugh at your post. I think spellcheck changed gentle for you xxx

    2. HA HA HA Spellchecker has a lot to answer for. That will teach me to read my comments back 🤓
      Glad you had a huge laugh Cheryl.xx

    3. Ooh LYNDA you did make me smile I haven’t had genital hugs in donkeys years
      But I love gentle hugs xxx

  7. Afternoon everyone,

    Rather late for me to pop in, but here I am. Busy day tidying up (I don't use the dreaded swear word anymore), my bedroom seems to have a floor-robe at the moment with Christmas presents arriving left, right and centre. Where to put them? I haven't a clue but they definitely cannot stay there I have guests arriving this weekend.

    I love this week's challenge Sandra, mine will be done this afternoon.

    This morning's post has come with good news. My doctor waved her magic wand and I have an appointment to the Rapid Access (Cardiology Unit) chest pain clinic next Tuesday 4th Dec. I was advised to keep the appointment set up for March as if I cancel it then I will to wait in line for the next available one. At least I will know what is going on before Christmas arrive. Great big smile now I am having.

    I must catch up with yesterday's post and I do believe I may have missed Sunday's too.

    Take care in this damp wet weather,.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl glad the postman brought you some good new's for a early appointment. Could your doctor give my RA doctor her magic wand & get me a appointment.soon.
      Very best wishes Cheryl bug's 🤗 Xx

    2. Spellcheck has done it again. Should be Hug's not bug's 😩. 😂😂

    3. You do make me smile Lynda Lol Hugs for CU and you.
      Very good Cheryl you got an appointment sooner , you take care now. hugs xx

  8. Loved the discount for Tools and Inks but very disappointed that the stamp cleaning pad is not classed as a tool but the conditioning water is. Shame as Tiegan is buying me this for Christmas and she is like me, she loves a bargain xxx
