
Saturday 20 October 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Another weekend is upon us, they're whizzing by so fast, I can hardly believe we are almost at the end of October. 

Today I am sharing Danni's latest makes, all four items from 1  12x12 sheet of paper.  Danni puts numbers on hers and hides them around the house with goodies in for Advent for her girls.  Such a lovely idea, much more fun than a calendar.!! 
I will leave  a link to Danni's video explaining how she made all of them.  
Thamk you so much Danielle for allowing me to share your projects.


Karlie has made another beautiful card to share with us.  This one is made using a beautiful, delicate floral paper, which is just so pretty.  Karlie kept the card clean and simple, which allows that gorgeous papee to shine through. The lovely sentiment reads "life is much better with you in it". Which is lovely.  Thank you so much Karlie for making a card for us.

I have shared a couple more of my Birthday cards below..

Michele used the 'Swirly Scribbles' Thinlits die ti create the wavy background for this lovely card.  She has then die cut the sentimemt and added lots of individ flowers around the sentiment.  That sentiment just stands out beautifully  die cut in Mirror card.  Thank you so much Michele for a lovely birthday card. 


Maria made this gorgeous card for my birrhday, using Sue Wilson's  Weaving Dies  to create the beautiful  pattern featured on this card, placing it on that beautiful embossed background  was such a great idea.
Thank you so much Maria for such a lovely birthday card. 

Thank you all so much for taking part in todays post.
Have a lovely weekend Ladies,  fingers crossed for sunshine. XXX

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well we had a different day temp wise yesterday. We had fog for most of the morning and it was really cold compared to the last two weeks. So much so that the log burner was lit for the first time in the day.

    It's a 'swear' word this morning and perhaps I can get some play time in this afternoon. There are jobs to be done re closing the house for winter first.

    A lovely selection of cards and craftyness today. I like the idea of Danny's re Advent. Much better than the bought calendars.

    Have a good day everyone. I hope all dear Friends not feeling too well are on the road to recovery. HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Quick comment as I’ve spent the last 30 minutes doing battle with google to log in!

    Lovely crafty projects today. I’m off o the hairdressers then we’re going to visit my F in L this afternoon.


  3. Morning ladies,
    DANNI love your ideas for a different type of Advent Calendar.

    KARLI, MICHELE and MARIA such pretty cards.x

    MARIA so pleased you enjoyed your holidays I've done the Nile trip twice and although as you said it's a very tiring holiday, the whole wonderful experience was well worth it. Hope you can now have a relaxing few days.x

    Barrie is picking me up in an hour and I'm spending the weekend with them.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Hugs to all but extras for Pat, Pete, Lilian and everyone not feeling so good.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the hugs. Enjoy you time in the UK. Such a shame we’re not any closer to where you are. Enjoy your time with Barrie and your DIL. How is she now ?.

  4. Great makes DANNI A brilliant idea for advent too
    I love your birthday cards MICHELE and MARIA
    Your holiday sounded amazing MARIA but it’s ice to see you home
    Don’t laugh but I’m off to do a bit of sewing I’m saying that because I am going to be lengthening a pair of pjs I buy 2 pairs of Primark pjs and chop the legs off one pair and add to the other Still a hellava lot cheaper than buying M&S or Long Tall Sally I have a pair for winter and a pair with shorts for summer! I need to sort out my costume for a Salsa Halloween party on Friday too
    Take care all xxx

    1. I am sorry Karrie I diomean tonleave you out Your card is so pretty I wish I could stamp as well as you

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely birthday cards from Michele & Maria. Thank you for showing us Danni version of advent calendar, brilliant idea. Karli love your card, so simple but very effective. Have a good
    Thank you Danni & Karli for allowing Sandra to show
    Maria I am pleased you enjoyed your holiday, sounds as though you need a rest
    Karen great idea of yours, very
    Val enjoy your weekend with Barrie &
    café is open ready for customers, scones & fresh cream with strawberry jam will be available later, so pop in & join us.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi ladies great cards some lovely ideas. Thank you Sandra for sharing my makes. Have a great day all. xx

  7. Lovely project ladies and thank you for sharing mine Sandra. Xx

  8. Afternoon Sandra and ladies.
    Nice one sheet ideas Danielle and as Calendar for the girls too.
    Nice cards from Karlie and Michele.
    Need to get the weaving dies out and play again. Glad you liked the card.
    Val- have a lovely day. Yes, I hope this is a holiday I will remember for ever. Loads of photos and a cd will help Lol
    Karen- hope your sewing goes alright or you might end up with one leg longer then the other.
    Lynda- hope you and CU are ok , have you got yourself a new puppy ? It was sooo tiny the one you were holding. hugs
    Pat- hope everything at your end goes the right way.hugs
    Janet- I had to put the radiators on here too. A big change in temp. Autumn/Winter just suddenly here. Take your time closing up the house. Have a safe journey back.
    Margaret- hope you good and when you see Sue, give each other a hug from me.
    Sending many hugs to you all and extras for you who not feeling so good. Wish you better.
    Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    This is a test run as I cannot publish using Google. Brenda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I have been having real problems with Google for the last two days, when I press publish my message seems to fly off into cyberspace. Yesterday I tried signing out as anonymous and that also disappeared never to be seen again. It is really frustrating as this has only happened since I did an upgrade. Have tried signing onto my Google account but that didn’t charge anything!!!

    SANDRA I’m really looking forward to watching the video on how you created those beautiful cards yesterday AND I also would choose the one with the white mat, it just stands out more. xx

    DANIELLE Love your project, what a great idea instead of an Advent calendar. You certainly got your full value from that 12 x 12 sheet xx
    KARLIE your card is lovely, so fresh and clean. The paper you used is gorgeous xx
    MICHELE and MARIA, Love the birthday cards you made for Sandra. xx

    VAL Enjoy your weekend with Barrie, is your DIL at home or still in hospital? xx

    MARIA, Pleased you enjoyed your holiday, it sounds a lovely experience, I’m sure you will be glad to be back home and get some rest!!! xx

    I’m going to try and publish now - fingers crossed etc. etc.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late I didn't have a good nigh with my feet & legs they were very painful & couldn't get to sleep I came down & went in my chair with the raised cushion I went on Pinterest till 3ish then dosed off so didn't get up till 10. 30 when CU came down to let dogs out he moaned that dogs woke him up
    HAHA he's lucky that they let him have a lay in. So by the time we had br & cleared up it was time to go Tesco.
    DANNII your mmakes are lovely a clever idea much more fun for your girls.
    KARLIE I love your card really pretty x
    MICHELLE & MARIA love your birthday cards for Sandra.
    VAL glad your enjoying your time in UK Have a nice weekend with Barrie
    MARIA glad you enjoyed your holiday
    Hug's for all & Extra for Pat&Pete
    Sandra & Lillian & anyone who needs one.
    Love Lynda xxx

  12. Hi All, not a good day here, two friends diagnosed with terminal cancer, and another dear friend of many years has died today. I suppose it’s our age but seems to be happening often.
    Lovely makes today. I’ll wish you all hugs, Lilian

    1. oh Lilian, I am so sorry to read your news, these things always come at the same time don't they! Sending huge hugs to you my lovely xxxx
